Bullet Pointing?


Registered User
I have been pointing my smaller groups of sorted bullets and want to know how you know when to stop?

I have a small Bausch & Lomb microscope and don't see any visible bulges below the tip and the meplat is pretty much closed.

What does one see on the target if he over does it?
Lynn aka Waterboy

When I am setting up the die on the 6mm's I go till the meplats are under 0.035" Between 0.032-0.034"

my eyes started to hurt when i tried the visual inspection. i take a bearing surface length measurement before and then after, if that number changed, back the darn thing off. the end product is not all the way closed, it is similar to what jason posted.

the ones i have trimmed first i have closed up a bit more, still expiermenting with that. they do however hit about 5" lower, but may or may not have reduced vertical. i amm keeping notes, and have not been able to proove jack $hit yet.
I predict lower POI for meplats fully closed, over those at ~25thou.
I picture the wave migrating up the tip without a hollow cushion.

Try it & tell if I'm right.

Explain A little more what you mean, I'm not getting it. Must be the Italian in me. But pointing sure works for me.

Joe Salt
I pointed some of them a little bit too much and what I am seeing at 100 yards is 5 shot groups with only 2 of the 5 bullets in one hole.The other 3bullets are running mainly vertical but this barrel shoots the opposite of most of my barrels.That means when I clean it and lose velocity on the first shot the bullet hits higher on the target.
I tried the Lost River solids many years ago and with the needle thin meplats they didn't shoot very well either.Henry Childs told me back then too listen to Vaughn and keep them at 12-15% of caliber if I remember his e-mail off the top of my head correctly?
I sure wish he was still posting here as he kept me from wasting alot of time and money doing things wrong.
Lynn aka Waterboy
Bullet pointing

I am new to long range, I just started shooting midrange F-Class and the range I will do most of my shooting is about 540 yards. I have been kicking around the idea of getting a bullet pointing system but not sure if it will make a big difference at 540 yard. I shoot a 6BR with 108 bergers and 107 Sierra MKs. I know there is a good bit of BC gained and less drift at 1000, but not sure if the amount gained at 500 would be worth it or not.
our 6's out here gain 10 maybe 12 inches from pointing. from what i said earlier, i then believe i lose half that when i trim and point. yes the meplat can be closed further, but the end product is a touch shorter. i will eventually decide based stricly on what shoots the best, i could care less about gaining any number of inches. the way i figure it if a guy can get the vertical down to 2", then it is posible to shoot a 2 incher. since the wind that normally blows em out can blow em in too. if the vertical is 3", it can never be under a 3 inch group right.
4 1/2 weeks left:D
I am new to long range, I just started shooting midrange F-Class and the range I will do most of my shooting is about 540 yards. I have been kicking around the idea of getting a bullet pointing system but not sure if it will make a big difference at 540 yard. I shoot a 6BR with 108 bergers and 107 Sierra MKs. I know there is a good bit of BC gained and less drift at 1000, but not sure if the amount gained at 500 would be worth it or not.

IMO, no.

And what's being accomplished is less about increasing BC than about making it more even.....equalling out the bullets.

I pointed some of them a little bit too much and what I am seeing at 100 yards is 5 shot groups with only 2 of the 5 bullets in one hole.The other 3bullets are running mainly vertical but this barrel shoots the opposite of most of my barrels.That means when I clean it and lose velocity on the first shot the bullet hits higher on the target.
I tried the Lost River solids many years ago and with the needle thin meplats they didn't shoot very well either.Henry Childs told me back then too listen to Vaughn and keep them at 12-15% of caliber if I remember his e-mail off the top of my head correctly?
I sure wish he was still posting here as he kept me from wasting alot of time and money doing things wrong.
Lynn aka Waterboy

Henry sent me a bunch of his needle pointed 6MM 108 bullets. He agrees with Mike, (I THINK :eek: Henry talks 'wayyy over my head sometimes.) But anyway he sent me these bullets to try and they have a turned AL tip which will puncture flesh like a needle, we're talking SHARP here, and he says there was no gain.

So what I DID is...... I necked down an -06 case and seated one of these badboys looong and taped it into my ammo block of 6X47L's........ It looks like an ICBM. I named it the Fahrgenflungen Windenburner. Polished it all up and wrote "jam set" on the side....

and it's fake :D

But man it makes guys stop and look :D




I don't think you need anymore help the way you're shooting, Especially with your Range and no conditions like we have in P.A. Sure wish you good luck with the two incher, but I will be shooting the wifes H.G. this year [for some reason I think I'd better shoot well with it] You guys won't bust on me if I don't do well will you?:rolleyes: I've tried other thing to get rid of virtical.

Joe Salt
i would never bust on anyone, but you know there is pressure now because she prooved the gun is worthy, haha. we never even had a 3 incher last year, so i dont know where the thought of a 2 someday comes from. need goals i guess. looking at what ken and joel did last year, it's coming, somewhere, soon i am guessing.

p.s. her gun isn't pink is it? because i might bust on ya for that.

Even if it were pink I'd still shoot it! Yes Ken and Joel are going to be tough to beat and don't forget about Matt Kline and a dozen more. I've thought about meplats then pointing but I don't think it's necessary the way the gun shot last season. I'll let everyone in on another secret if I can prove it works.
Good Luck this season and keep trying for a 2" someone has got to be the first.

Joe Salt
there is a guy around here with a pink gun, but he won't admit it's pink. no matter he beats up on us bad most days, so we don't give him too much crap. what was the topic???
The Topic was bullet pointing, Try it you'll like it! Tom are you guys all shooting Dashers out there, any luck with the 300 wsm. Seems to work very well at P.A. I have a buddy of mines 7-300 that is about 30 years old I,m going to try some 180 burgers and point them to see what happens, it has 1-9 twist Hart should shoot well.

Joe Salt
Anyone know the desired angle of a bullet pointer for the 210 Bergers? Any other angle info for different bullets would be useful as well.
Just got a new pointer From Wittens for 220 Sierra's tried it on 210 bergers they looked even better, don't know the angle but it done a fine job.