Bruno's; As of 4/27.... CCI #400, 450 primers, and other primers in stock......

.....and only $59.95 per 1,000. Minimum order 3,000.

Great folks.

Well ordering them and getting them don't seem to go hand in hand. Bruno's has had primers listed in stock for months. A friend ordered 10,000 Federal's when they were ONLY $55/1000 in Feb, he waited six weeks and was sent 2,000. Of course there is no way to discover or correct the error as they don't answer phone or e mail's.

I'm at 2 months + and waiting for the in stock powder I ordered.

I've read and understand all the excuses that have been made on their behalf, but really they can't do any better? Not even a little blurb on the website stating what date the orders were placed that they are currently shipping, like Powder Valley. I'm still willing to wait, but at some point will likely cancel, but how would I even know they got the cancellation if they won't acknowledge it?

Great Folks?

If you go to the the web site there is a WARNING that pops up and tells you everthing you need to know. We all know things have gotten crazy and out of hand, but give them a break. I placed my order around four weeks before I recieved a phone call from Lester himself letting me know I was recieving my order. You have to understand that it may show that it is in stock, but how many orders are ahead of you. They also tell you they are well over 3000 orders behind.
I recievied my powder and bullets. I just waited. These are all hard times and we all need to know that all suppliers want our buisness but if they don't have what you want, what can they do. They are all in buisness to make money and when it cost them more we pay more. If you do not like the price, don't buy it!
PATIENCE is something we are all short on at this time.
............. They are all in buisness to make money and when it cost them more we pay more. If you do not like the price, don't buy it! ......

This has NOTHING to do with the typical long waiting. Nor does it have anything to do with the inept manner that Bruno's has left all of you indefinitely sitting in the dark without communication........ BUT IT HAS EVERYTHING to do with the unethical price gouging. I could care less about primers right now being I bought a thousand or two some years ago and only shoot a couple of hundreds rounds all year. But, I almost fell out of my seat when I saw these people charging their fellow fraternity shooters $60 per thousand. And then they have the nerve to demand that you buy at least 3 cartons at this rate?!! The only reason that they are demanding that YOU buy a 3,000 primer minimum is because they are limited to a certain number of UPS pick-ups per day. Therefore, they don't want your stinking $60 purchase taking up limited space on the UPS truck when they can put somebody elses $180 worth of overpriced primers in that same box!!!! This has nothing to do with hazmat fees or their paying more for primers.....but everythinmg to do with GREED.

This $60 pricing per thousand is nothing that I've seen at Midway, Natchez, Cabella's, Powder Valley, Graf's, Sinclair, etc. Bruno's behavior has been deplorable unlike any of the other suppliers I've observed. If you need the primers that bad, then I understand, but I don't give them a pass and validate what they have been doing.
.....and only $59.95 per 1,000. Minimum order 3,000.

Great folks.

Still can't figure you out. If you don't like Bruno's just don't buy from them. We can all figure out their prices and delivery. If we aren't happy, we just go someplace else. It appears from your post that you do not shoot enough that $100 a thousand should hurt your pocket book.
I'm at 2 months + and waiting for the in stock powder I ordered.

You have to understand that it may show that it is in stock, but how many orders are ahead of you. They also tell you they are well over 3000 orders behind.

I notice that PV has not accepted backorders since January; however, they are about a month behind in shipping orders. I can't comprehend how a comany can be that far behind in shipping in-stock items. I assume all that's involved is reading the order, walking across the floor to get the item, putting it in a box and giving it to the UPEx guy. If they need more "boots on the floor," why don't they hire 'em?

Actually, given the many items PV shows as out-of-stock (and have been out of stock most every time I've looked lately), I'm surprised they have enough orders to be a month behind.
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While I do not condone the actions of any retailer that does not communicate well with their customers, the concept of the free market and the laws of supply and demand determine what a vendor will charge for a given item.

I know where my line in the sand is, but to condemn someone for raising their prices (even to what appears to be absurd levels) because demand is high and supply is low flies in the face of what we know as a captialist economy. Nothing in the history of the world has ever proven to work better. While it may have its own inherent flaws, prices will eventually stabilize when one of two things occur: Either demand is reduced or inventory increases.

Calling someone 'greedy' for adapting to the ebb and flow of the market place is a bit childish. To think that certain customers form a 'brotherhood' because they have common interests -- which entitles them to 'fair' pricing, is a basic tenet of socialism -- which has not worked out very well for the nations that tried it.
Way back yonder...

A long time ago there was a primer shortage. Lester had primers for sale at some price when nobody (nobody) else had them. It could be, don't know for sure, that Lester is getting gouged and is simply passing the gouge on to have primers available. Again, I don't have a clue but offering a "could be".

As for not answering the phone, I can't imagine a reason short of something too personal to communicate. That "could be" too.
A long time ago there was a primer shortage. Lester had primers for sale at some price when nobody (nobody) else had them. It could be, don't know for sure, that Lester is getting gouged and is simply passing the gouge on to have primers available. Again, I don't have a clue but offering a "could be".

Good point! I guess a station can advertise gas for $1.00/gal if it doesn't have any gas to sell.
I respectfully disagree with you folks that think this is just a matter of supply and demand. These people have been dealing with an established fraternity of shooters through the years practically on a first name basis, with Lester Bruno himself having been on the shooting circuit for a long time. While I understand every Tom, Dick, and Harry selling AR rifles, receivers, or high capacity magazines that most folks don't need to be buying at 200% the going price, primers are an absolute staple that is essential to your participation in your sport if you are going to be able to show up to the next match. Bruno's knows this and looks to be of the ilk of those folks who could care less and would charge you $7.00 a gallon of gas during a hurricane, and $9.00 for a gallon of milk. (just "supply and demand" I suppose)

If this behavior was viewed as acceptable and perfectly ethical, then why aren't any of the other retailers doing this? Do you regard the other retailers as just plum stupid for leaving all that extra money sitting on the table? Perhaps Larry Potterfield and others know that this is not even remotely acceptable business practice.
Minimum order?

Why force someone to buy 3000 of a primer when you only need or want 1K.
That certainly affects the supply. Especially those who want more and cant get any.
Yea I know if I dont like it go somewhere else. I usually do.
VaniB, I'm going to tell you a little something that happened today:

- Today, 5-2-13 @ 1205 CST, I ordered a barrel online from Bruno's that they showed as 'in stock' as of 4-30.
- 5 minutes ago, 5-2-13, @1545 CST, Lester himself called me and said that they had sold the barrel earlier in the day.
-From time of order to his communucation with me was three hours and fourty minutes!

In any situation, let alone what retailers are going through now, I consider that pretty darn good communication. I asked Lester to backorder the barrel for me and ship it when it comes, whenever that is.

We're all big boys here and don't need a self appointed 'policeman' to oversee where and who we do business with.

-Al Nyhus
I agree with Al Nyhus. I was in danger of running out of H4198 later this year. On Monday I saw on Bruno's website that they were taking backorders. I decided to place an order for 8lbs., assuming I might get some by the end of summer. To my surprise, I got a call Wednesday from Lester himself. He said they just received some H4198 but, due to a backlog of filling orders, it would be a week and a half before they could ship my order. However, I was notified yesterday that the powder has already shipped and will arrive next week. I am a very satisfied customer.

Dennis Newcomer
Bruno's is so busy

I think it is interesting Lester has so much business right now he is intentionally not answering the phone. If you go to you get a pop up that among other things says.
"* We are not accepting calls at this time. Please direct all emails to We will respond within 72 hours."
And he will respond within 3 days. Good position to be in if you are a small business like Lester. Personally I have no problem with him, Lester is a long time friend he is in business to make money. Right now NOBODY has primers, Lester had some or found some and is charging top dollar but if you don't have any and you need some, pay the price. And learn a lesson , these component shortages tend to happen for various reasons from time to time. If you really want to shoot keep a good supply of components on hand. Someone will now accuse me of being a hoarder but this is the way it is. So far in 30 years of shooting I have seen several component shortages come and go but thanks mostly to a friend who keeps me posted on impending shortages I have not run out. Not sure if I can survive the current situation though. The current bunch in Washington is working really hard to stop us.
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Bruno Shooters Supply

Fellow Shooters,

There is a minimum order of 3,000 primers and/or 3 pounds of powder. The reason for this is because of the relative cost between the item cost and the shipping and Haz-Mat fees. Approximately $40-$50 estimated Haz-Mat and shipping fees on a $59.95 box of primers is excessive. Ordering 3,000 primers or 3 pounds of powder helps to offset this cost by the consumer. Ask yourself would you pay $45-$50 shipping and Haz-May fees for a 29.95 pound of powder or 1000 primers at 44.95-59.95. We feel we are doing this as a service for our customers. We would rather not have our customers complain about a minimal dollar purchase and excessive shipping and Haz-Mat fees. The time involved in shipping of Haz-Mat materials far exceeds the time involved of shipping a standard package, thus that single item purchase is not cost efficient for us. We are at the mercy of some of our suppliers and their exuberant prices and allotment of product. We are currently purchasing products from anyone in the industry that has inventory at whatever price we must pay. This is a matter of survival.

D.O.T. regulations state 100 pounds of smokeless per vehicle. We can only ship as many 100 pound shipments as UPS will allow us trucks per day. Some days we have one truck, some days five. Our dock is always loaded with Haz-Mat packages to be shipped.

We are a minimum of 4000 orders behind in shipping. Most customers have gotten impatient and want to know when their order will be processed. We do not have the physical man power to research and inquire into customer’s orders and answer all their questions, or train new personal. If we did, we would not be able to ship any products out and our time would be consumed. We feel that we are currently catching up to our orders, and have elected to call all customers whose orders are over 3 weeks old before shipping. We are asking for patience from everyone, and are trying to do everything in our power to purchase products, and keep everything as current as possible. We are sorry for the current market conditions. We are not the only ones in this business to have these problems.

Thank you for your patience
Bruno Shooters Supply

We do not have the time to answer posts on forums. So please do not ask us questions in the forums.
...................And learn a lesson , these component shortages tend to happen for various reasons from time to time. . . . . . . . . .

For various reasons???

The three times it's happened in my lifetime were all for the same reason (which is why I'm not short ;) )


Wow, I never knew the shortage was this bad, I bought quite a bit of primers some time ago, man, could I make some money on them now! I bought when the old PMC (russian) primers were going like hotcakes, now Wolf! Still have a bunch of them! Ron Tilley