Bruno's; As of 4/27.... CCI #400, 450 primers, and other primers in stock......

I've been patiently waiting since Feb 16th for powder that was in stock on Feb 12th. The wait is not so much a problem as is not knowing if the order is lost, canceled, overlooked or maybe not even in stock when I ordered it.

I expected a wait when I placed the order but at 2 months out and no answer to my email I wonder if I should expect that my order will ever be filled. I placed another order a week later that was a backorder. I expected it to take months, but not months for something that was in stock.
Good on Bruno's for answering some questions and clearing up this issue. Frankly I dont feel Lester owes an explaining for anything, and as it turns out the motive was to be helpful to potential customers. I deal with these issues with our buisness. People think its personal when in fact it survival. I compare it to being a piece of driftwood at sea and the economy the ocean. Pointless to fight it. If greed was Lesters only objective a lack of buyers would swallow him up.

Way back

Way back, HFV had 300,000 or had locked down that many from 3 sources. At that time the going price was $17 to $21, depending on where you bought them. I had taken 55,000 (11 sleeves of 5000) to shoot Rockingham Co Gun Club. Lester tried to buy all I had w/me. I sold all of them to shooters that were out of getting low. I sold James Messer 40m @ one whack. Needless to say , my friends didn't go lacking . I still have 10m of same primers (red box Federal Match) today (really 9,800) ( We don't know how much Lester may be getting gouged or charged for his stock)
A long time ago there was a primer shortage. Lester had primers for sale at some price when nobody (nobody) else had them. It could be, don't know for sure, that Lester is getting gouged and is simply passing the gouge on to have primers available. Again, I don't have a clue but offering a "could be".

As for not answering the phone, I can't imagine a reason short of something too personal to communicate. That "could be" too.
Way Back

I had no problem selling to Lester, it was just that all I had taken to the shoot were spoken for. Lester has a business (shooting supply) for his lively-hood. and do whatever he can to keep it going and turn a profit. He has always treated me fairly.
Way back, HFV had 300,000 or had locked down that many from 3 sources. At that time the going price was $17 to $21, depending on where you bought them. I had taken 55,000 (11 sleeves of 5000) to shoot Rockingham Co Gun Club. Lester tried to buy all I had w/me. I sold all of them to shooters that were out of getting low. I sold James Messer 40m @ one whack. Needless to say , my friends didn't go lacking . I still have 10m of same primers (red box Federal Match) today (really 9,800) ( We don't know how much Lester may be getting gouged or charged for his stock)
VaniB, I'm going to tell you a little something that happened today:

- Today, 5-2-13 @ 1205 CST, I ordered a barrel online from Bruno's that they showed as 'in stock' as of 4-30.
- 5 minutes ago, 5-2-13, @1545 CST, Lester himself called me and said that they had sold the barrel earlier in the day.
-From time of order to his communucation with me was three hours and fourty minutes!

We're all big boys here......

-Al Nyhus

On 4-26 Lester called me about some Krieger barrels I was wanting that he was curriently out of. He said he has about 80 to be dropped shipped to Kelblys for sale there.
If he ain't got them he sure can't ship them.