BAT MOD. I think?? PICS Pease Look!!!


Active member
I was messing around with my father yesterday on the lathe and i decided i would try to make the little weights some folks have on there BAT SV actions. Now, these are my own design and i have no idea if this is even close to what the actual mod looks like. I have zero idea about any of this as i havent ever seen one with the mod already done. I have talked with a couple fellas about what the mod does and should look like, but there again i havent ever seen it. Anyway if someone here has this mod done to your action please tell me if my pieces will work. Each donut weighs 30gr. They fit nice and i can see were it will give my spring a little more speed, but other than that i dont even know why i would need it. I made these simple because we were horsing around, and i thought what the heck!! I will shoot some groups with a donut on and then with it off to compare my findings. Let me know if i am close or at least on the right track. Thanks Lee

stainless Steel Sir. Like i said, i have no idea of what i am doing. I just took info from what i have been told and read, and came up with this all on my own. My pin on my ppc sounds really strong and it really slams home as it is. I truthfully dont understand why i would even need this done. I have been assured that i do need this mod done though. My father is a tool maker for GE and we were just messing around. If i knew more about all this i could make the weigh myself, but i just dont know enough about it. I was hoping this was close. I have another SV action on a 600 yard rifle and the pin on that rifle doesnt sound as strong as the one on my ppc, and i dont know why? I am not all that concerned about it at this point. If it doesnt shoot well then maybe i will look at this a little closer. I replaced the pin and the spring on my used Bat vs ( the 600 yard rifle) but it still doesnt sound as strong as the ppc. Dont know why? Maybe i will play around with these weights on that action, to see if there is any difference. These little weights may be to light though, there again, I just dont know? I just like playing with my rifles i guess. My wife says i need professional help!! LOL!! Thanks Lee

The weights we made look bigger than the weight made on the pin but actually i made them .005 smaller. Does that sound about right? Any info would be interesting to me.
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Why is it

that light weight pins and springs are sold for Rem 700's and now folks are trying to add weight to other make pins? Is the lighter pins theory bogus? I bought a new pin last year for one of my custom actions and it had been lightned considerably from the origional. I find this to be confusing at best :confused:
Pin weight

that light weight pins and springs are sold for Rem 700's and now folks are trying to add weight to other make pins? Is the lighter pins theory bogus? I bought a new pin last year for one of my custom actions and it had been lightned considerably from the origional. I find this to be confusing at best :confused:

Reduced lock time vs more consistent ignition, which do you prefer for your application?

Light weight firing pins are usefull in disciplines where lock time is a criticle factor. Palma comes to mind. It is not a criticle factor in 100-200 yard Benchrest.

What is criticle is consistant ignition, and the trend has been toward heavier pins, and heavier springs........jackie
Jackie is exactly right as normal.


The weights are normally made out of tungsten. A lost heavier than steel. To push the weight, your going to need a heavier spring. Somewhere aroung 20 lb.

Thanks fellas! I always appreciate the conversation. I need to ask one last thing. There are a few fellas here that i know i can trust and i am very grateful for this, so i need your honest opinion. My used BAT SV that i have set up in a 600 yard rifle chambered in a 6.5x47L has what sounds like a weak spring or firing pin assembly. I bought a new pin and a new spring but it still sounds the same. The sound i am talking about is the sound of the pin slamming while dry firing. I am also comparing this sound to an identical action but on my new 6ppc. The new rifle really slams when i dry fire it. the 6.5 just sounds less. Probably nothing wrong and most likely a non issue, but why the difference? I think it could be simply because one action is glued into a stock and the other was just a bare barreled action. Maybe its just the different vibrations i am hearing? The 6.5 is at tom's getting pillar beaded and should be on the way home in a few days. When it gets home i can compare them again. If my pin/spring still sounds weak to me, i am not going to worry about it until i can see how it shoots. I know i am terrible with words, so i hope all this makes since. Also do you fellas think i can use these little weights i made with the spring that BAT just sent me? The weight weighs 30gr and i dont think the spring will bind with what little bit of compression the weight will force the spring in having. (I know i didnt say this correctly fellas and i am sorry). Will my weight work or will it have little to know effect with the original spring or even with a modified spring? Again fellas i am not concerned about anything at this point. I just love this stuff and i like playing around with different ideas. Thanks guys!! Lee
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So then:

Light weight firing pins are usefull in disciplines where lock time is a criticle factor. Palma comes to mind. It is not a criticle factor in 100-200 yard Benchrest.

What is criticle is consistant ignition, and the trend has been toward heavier pins, and heavier springs........jackie

a faster lock time trumps consistent ignition for those who think they need it? if one gives up constant ignition, won't that damage scores as badly as the slower lock time?
Lee, chances are good that the difference you're hearing is due to the one not being installed in the stock. Also, notice the bushing in Kevin's picture and you'll see its quite a bit longer than your bushings. I just weighed one of mine that I shortened to .350" and it weighs 160 grains. I'm afraid that yours will be too light to do much...
a faster lock time trumps consistent ignition for those who think they need it? if one gives up constant ignition, won't that damage scores as badly as the slower lock time?

Pete, it depends on the game. We shoot BR, where a faster lock time isn't as important as consistent ignition. If you shot HP, where you hold the rifle for every shot, then lock time becomes critical. You still have to have consistent ignition to have an accurate rifle, but those guys ain't trying to shoot tiny little groups.
Thanks for the pic Kevin I appreciate that! Something else that comes to my mind about all this is the trigger hangers on the BAT actions. There are several. They come with different numbers on each end of the hangers. Mine read 20----30 the other reads 0-----30 Does this have anything to do with locktimes or ignition? I know Kevin told me it had to do something with sear engagement, but completely out of curiosity, does this have anything to do with the topic above? Are there any so called standard set of numbers one should run on his hanger? Thanks fellas!! Lee
Some of the newer Jewel triggers came with a shorter top lever, moving the surface that contacts the cocking piece forward on the trigger. This lets the cocking piece fall more than it should when the trigger is being engaged as you close the bolt. The different brackets reposition the trigger to compensate for this. If this is needed and not done, the total striker fall is reduced, and with it the striker's energy.
This may sound silly to some of you fellas, but how in the heck would i know what i need for this action? My hanger has a 20- and a 30. My trigger is an older jewell (older i think) trigger. The action is a 308 bolt BAT SV. Do i need the hanger with a zero? Maybe this is why i dont think my striker is hitting hard enough? Any ideas? thanks fellas!! Lee
I have an older Viper and a new drop port. The older one has a very smooth easily opening bolt. The drop port has always been harder to open. I called Jerry about it. He said the new ones had a stronger spring, and I could cut a bit off if i liked. So I did, about 1.5 coils. Easier to open now. They both go bang every time I pull the triggers. Thats good enough for me.

I am glad that is good enough for you sir, but for many of the folks here and myself included, like to make the most out of our equipment. The game of 100-200 yard benchrest is sometimes decided winner and looser by .001 of an inch. If there is any thing you can do to help mentally or mechanically it must be done. I love to tinker and play with my rifles, its just a passion i have. I also love talking about them and understanding how they work.
I am really looking forward to this coming year. The winter has been long, and i have the worst case of cabin fever i have ever experience in my 35 years of life! LOL!!! I need some sunny warmer weather so i can go shoot!!!!

"weights to improve ignition"
I guess if your rifle fires the round everytime without missfires you have consistent ignition...How else does one test for consistent ignition???
I am glad that is good enough for you sir, but for many of the folks here and myself included, like to make the most out of our equipment. The game of 100-200 yard benchrest is sometimes decided winner and looser by .001 of an inch. If there is any thing you can do to help mentally or mechanically it must be done. I love to tinker and play with my rifles, its just a passion i have. I also love talking about them and understanding how they work.
I am really looking forward to this coming year. The winter has been long, and i have the worst case of cabin fever i have ever experience in my 35 years of life! LOL!!! I need some sunny warmer weather so i can go shoot!!!!


I fully understand what you are talking about. But......on the other hand, maybe one needs to learn how to read the wind better. At least I know that is my case. I have two rifles that shoot very good, but alas, the shooter is not able to drive them to their potential. Probably has something to do with my experience, age, eyes, etc. One can easily get caught up in the equipment part and neglect the esoteric parts such as tune and wind. Get my about 35mph.;)
