BAT 3 vs 2 Lug

:confused:Want to order a Bat action for a switch barrel gun, but before I did thought I had better ask the experts for some opinions? :confused:

Any pro / cons of the 3 lug vs 2 lug actions?

Thanx 1,000,000


In Tony's book, he sez 3-lug.

Get the two lug, I am on my fourth. A good friend tried 2 of the 3 lugs along the way but now owns 6 of the 2 lugs. He states he feels the 3 lugs are just not as accurate.

Yepp, I know a couple of br gunsmiths who stay busy just reworking the 3 lug firing mechanisms.:p:p

Tony only uses a 3 lug on his rail.

Tony uses a three lug CM on his silver scoville. On his rail, he uses a custom ordered stiller diamondback.

I will just say this. A couple of top Benchrest Gunsmiths have a sort of 'cottage industry' going fixing some of the inherant problems that seem to permiate this particular action brand.
If you look at the winners list, most shooters who use these actions have had this, or similiar, modifications performed.

Heck, I thought everyone knew this. It sure isn't any kind of a big secret.......jackie
I was under the impresstion that only the little s and sv BAT actions needed the mods? Are you saying that all of the bat actions no matter the size or configuration could possably use these mods? Like i said, i though only the little bolts had issues?? Lee
Although this is anecdotal evidence, I have BAT Mod. B (#87) that has nothing done to the firing pin. It has the original firing pin spring and it has fired thousands of rounds as a 6PPC, .22PPC-.095, 6XC, and Dasher. This is not to say that some BAT actions need tweaking, but the three that I have owned have not. Good shooting...James
If anyone thinks that any of the other "custom" brands out there never need a little work to get them up to snuff, their kidding themselves. All of them need work!!! Not every action, but some of every manufacturer out there...
Oh, and Shinny, as to the 2 or 3 lug debate, I have three 3 lugs, and will have more. Have one 2 lug that needed firing mechanism work from the get go, but is all good now. I'm now so used to using the 3 lugs, that a 2 lug feels foreign when I'm trying to run a group. But I feel that its still just a matter of preference between the two.
I personally would like to see some side by side evedence that the bolt mods improve anything. I am usually very opened minded, but i just dont by any of this. This meaning, that bat actions need firing pin and bolt work to perform. When i first heard of all this i checked with lester my ppc smith and he said horse crap. I am also pretty sure Ron H doesnt do any of this to his actions either, and these two shooters do quite well. maybe time will prove me wrong as it sometimes does, or maybe its just that i dont want to beleive in any of this, im not real sure. One thing i do know is that i cant find any fault with my current BAT actions, but there again i am a big nobody so i might not even be able to tell a difference if in fact there was one?? Lee
I like my BAT - - -

BUT, I am not particularly pleased about where the bolt handle is positioned. Where it is positioned gives up quite a bit of extraction. It does work OK though. I had another BAT, same model, previously and it's bolt handle is where it should be. I would never have known anything about this if I hadn't watched a Utube Video on proper bolt handle positioning and bolt timing. It's a great video for those who haven't watched it.

I have had the idea that a good feature for a bolt to have would be an adjustable handle. I think it could be done.
If anyone thinks that any of the other "custom" brands out there never need a little work to get them up to snuff, their kidding themselves. All of them need work!!! Not every action, but some of every manufacturer out there...

Yep. ;) -Al
One of the best shooters in the world told me, "some actions are just born "good". If it is born "bad", you can do anything, and everything to it, and it simply remains "bad". The best thing to do with it is get rid of it........jackie
One of the best shooters in the world told me, "some actions are just born "good". If it is born "bad", you can do anything, and everything to it, and it simply remains "bad". The best thing to do with it is get rid of it........jackie

As we all know to well, barrels are the same way. One of the hardest things to do in this game is to give up on equipment we've spent our hard earned money on. But, unless you enjoy hanging around the middle of the pack, thats exactly what you must do.
and don't forget that ALL of these actions are CUSTOM!!! Don't care if tehy are Hall's or BAT's OR Kelbly's. There may well b e problems. Fix them and move on. NO ONE is perfect!!!!!!!!!
I have been trying to keep to myself lately unless I see some new guy getting sucked down the drain with the dishwater. Basically the primer is the problem. Primers are real old technology and as Remington figured out a long time ago,you gotta smack the hell out of them to make them consistent. The Rems and Pandas use 24 lb springs and massive firing pins,smasha,smasha,smasha ! Bat's and Farleys use lighter 18lb springs and dainter firing pins for the sake of smooth operation, but if these springs get weak( and they all do) ignition and accuracy are compromised. The general rule with any BR action is to change FP springs regularly.If your shooting a Bat or Farley and even a new spring dosn't fix suspicious ignition problems then a visit with an accuracy enhancing gunsmith( like Dave Bruno or Wayne Campbell) is in order.Ignition is everything in Benchrest and can't be ignored.A new expensive action does not come with a perfect ignition gaurantee.There are many bolt related reasons for poor ignition( it's not just the springs), so if you think you have a problem,get it to someone who can fix it.On the other hand, If your gun is shooting lights out,leave it alone and go win some wood.
"i might not even be able to tell a difference if in fact there was one??"

+1 :eek::eek::eek:

BTW Pandas Rock!!! :cool:
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