Barrel Caliber Engraving



Which is better...for my small. shop (occasional requirment)
a Hermes with "drag tip" or the Hermes with the motorized stylus...?

I am looking to buy a small unit with block letters...

Eddie in Texas
I have both options on my New Hermes. I like the scratch method best. If you use a small unit, you will need to find a way to stabilize it.
Can you "etch" something .003 deep?
I thought it had to be engraved.
My New Hermes has a diamond tip and it also has the motor. I have never used anything but the diamond tip and it works quite well and makes some nice looking barrel markings.

Thanks Gary

You can etch .003 deep and up to .010. Go to MARKING METHODS website they have really nice machines. I have used one for about 20 years. I can mark a barrel in about 3 seconds and deep etch one in 45 seconds. Boe
+1 for electo-etch. The stencils are pretty easy to make on the computer and can be in any size or style font you can print. They are also reusable.

Any "official" laws say what is required ? Is electro-etch considered permanent? We use it to mark measuring tools but I think it can be sanded off.
Hal, not sure on the diamond size. It came with the machine and I have never needed to do anything to it. I will check and see if it has a size on it.

I have a deluxe kit that I would like to sell. Comes with a whole lot of extra blank stenciles, chemicals for all types of metals, extra parts, ect. $100.00 deivered
If you are interested contact me off line.
Butch...I bought a used TX-A model is a floor model...I am going to need a set of block fonts for it...what is the best size for barrel marking..??
Gary...same question for you...when using the diamond stylus do you use the motor also?...what font size do you recommend for barrel marking...
I believe the only time "official law" is required is when marking the reciever i.e. action, not barrel marking, as long as your small shop is not producing actions...

Any "official" laws say what is required ? Is electro-etch considered permanent? We use it to mark measuring tools but I think it can be sanded off.
Mine is a New Hermes Engravograph. It is a table top model and it hold two lines of font. It can be set from 2 1/2 to 6 and I ussually keep it on 3 1/2. I have completely taken it apart and I see no markings on the diamond to indicate a size or anything else for that matter. I only use the diamond, I have never even plugged the motor in.

I have a couple of different fonts, but prefer plain block. I am attaching a picture of some two line on a barrel it is the only picture I could find where the text was pretty good.

Hope this helps! Gary


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I interpret that to be 1/16" minimum height and 0.003" deep for caliber marking since January 30, 2002. Is that not the case? nhk
I think that is 100% correct for a Licensed Importer and the information he must provide on IMPORTED firearms.
Caliber? I am confused!

I would hope the barrel would be marked as to the cartridge it was chambered for; such as .280 Imp. and not 7mm or .284 etc.