American Hunters, The Back Bone of America

Vic: got my first deer up in the North country of New York with a pump 35 rem. Know all about that, but a lot of those guys never even made it to any of the rallies in Albany because they said it wasn't about there guns, sorry but its about all or guns no matter how many rounds it holds. And I'm part of that political support, but things are moving to slow and that worries me. This all should have be nipped in the bud the first week. This whole Country is full of Political crooks, every last one of them. They all need to go, no more staying at there jobs for more than two years.
We all better start sticking together or it's all over but the crying.

Joe Salt
For people that dont think the gov`t would ever try such a thing. Is your memory that short? Do you not remember what happened after Hurricane Katrina in Louisiana? Or did you never know in the first place?
Well....Joe certainly fits my belief

And others it seems....

What are we gonna do! I'll do it if we need a guy to it...

I certainly believe that vicanb is one of us and just doesn't see it as the termination we do...or maybe he does and just doesn't want to say so. Never mind about that...he does have a gun and he cares about it. I don't have many bullets either but I care about buying some if we wanted to.

I may be wrong, but I ain't that wrong. We need to do something before it gets too far out of hand.
Thanks Wilbur, the other thing that I think about all the time is, this will go on and on till they figure everyone has forgotten like 9/11 then they will though something else in the mix! Like Hillary said at this point what difference does it make! And she will be our next President.{ARE YOU WORRIED YET}

Joe Salt
We need to do something before it gets too far out of hand.

Right back at 'cha--exactly what is the "something" that can be done that would be effective?

Seems to me that nationally, the "something" that occurred worked--nothing new passed Congress after Newtown.

Same for most states, with NY and CO being notable exceptions. Even in NY, no firearms were confiscated.

In time, the crazy and silly provisions of the SAFE Act in NY (like only loading 7 rounds in a 10 round magazine) will likely be amended.
It seems to me that for a long time now, we hunters / shooters / pro 2A folks have been fighting a rearguard action where we spend our time countering restrictive legislation from the other side. It has been going on many years and one step at a time, these 2A rights have been eroded. Maybe it is time that this multi-million person army gets on the same page and start pro-actively making moves to not only stop the erosion but to start regaining the rights lost.
I don't know how you energize all these folks on a single issue such as this but I do believe that if you could, you could overcome all the loses to-date fairly quickly. Look what a public outcry did in the Duck Dynasty flap.

For people that dont think the gov`t would ever try such a thing. Is your memory that short? Do you not remember what happened after Hurricane Katrina in Louisiana? Or did you never know in the first place?


Your response caught my attention because most have forgotton about the gun confiscation that took place and was stopped, thanks to the NRA. The only way we are going to beat what is taking place is for ALL firearms owners to stick together, to the point of...( well, you fill in the rest)...What is happening is no differant than a slow moving disease. One of our resources is to write to your congressmen/women. None of them want to lose their job...
Power has always been in numbers.
Joe M. You are correct about writing your representatives. There were three instances this year where I think public outcry made a difference.
1. It helped stop some misguided legislation after the Newton shooting. (not belittling the travesty of Newton.)
2. It helped make a difference when our leadership (?) was contemplating taking action in Syria.
3. It made a difference in the Duck Dynasty dust-up. Not government but appropriate to the public outcry.

There have been all kinds of congressional hearings, etc. concerning Benghasi, Fast and Furious, the IRS targeting of conservative groups, and a few other issues. Mostly, nothing has come of these hearings and investigations. I suspect that is because most of them are conducted by the same bunch of folks that are being investigated. Read that however you will.

So, If the above is correct, then there is strength in numbers and as you said, our representatives want to keep their job. If you feel strongly (or even moderately) about an issue, Write your representatives and express your opinion. Contact your friends and encourage them to write.
I have received several responses from my representatives that indicate they have indeed read what I had to say. Find their addresses and contact them. Some listen better than others. Replace those who do not listen.

Cut and paste from my Yahoo feed today.....

CONNECTICUT: Guns that are considered assault weapons and large-capacity ammunition magazines that haven't been registered with Connecticut authorities will be considered illegal contraband as of Jan. 1. The law was passed in April in response to the massacre that left 26 people dead at Newtown's Sandy Hook Elementary School.

NEW YORK: The state's new gun law, passed shortly after the Sandy Hook shooting, already banned high-capacity magazines and the purchase or sale of popular AR-15 semi-automatic rifles. By April 15, it will also require registration of weapons now classified as assault weapons by owners who previously bought them legally.

I thought vic said "no changes as result of Sandy Hook"


Evidently these don't qualify?

I thought vic said "no changes as result of Sandy Hook"

Guess it makes you feel good to distort what I said.

I said the US Congress passed nothing restricting gun ownership after Newtown. I said most states passed nothing also.

I said that NY passed the SAFE ACT and CO passed restrictive legislation. These are changes. I said so.
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Vic: When they restrict thing that means Confine within bounds, LIMIT! A Judge in Buffalo New York threw us a crum yesterday about 7 rounds in a 10 round mag. Now you can put ten rounds back in your ten round nag. BUT STILL SAYS NOTHING ABOUT MY CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT TO OWN WHAT I WANT! They are making the laws as they like or for whom they get the most money from.

Joe Salt
It's about TOTAL CONTROL and controlling guns is a large part of achieving that. So is Obamacare. They want the doctors working for the government.
Simply stated, the Democratic Party has been hi-jacked by Marxists!

I feel the need to elaborate. I learned in school a long time ago that Marxist need two primary accomplishments in order to fulfill their ultimate goal which is complete control of our lives. They are, to disarm the population and to impose their will upon us through socialized medicine which is considered to be the foundation for communism.
Happy New Year
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It is about guns.
It is about control.
It is not necessarily about the democratic party. Both the parties are guilty and there is very little difference between them. Basically it seems to me that the entire federal government is broken and out of control. Both parties want to castigate the few folks that are trying to rein in the run-away federal government. Go back and see what John McCain said about Ted Cruz. Go see what John Boehner said about the Tea party members of congress.
I do think that a massive public outcry could make a difference. Problem is the Massive outcry ain't going to happen. That takes understanding and effort that most folks don't have and aren't willing to make.
Our fairly narrow viewpoint here is gun control but that is just one symptom of the broken system.
It is about guns.
It is about control.
It is not necessarily about the democratic party. Both the parties are guilty and there is very little difference between them. Basically it seems to me that the entire federal government is broken and out of control. Both parties want to castigate the few folks that are trying to rein in the run-away federal government. Go back and see what John McCain said about Ted Cruz. Go see what John Boehner said about the Tea party members of congress.
I do think that a massive public outcry could make a difference. Problem is the Massive outcry ain't going to happen. That takes understanding and effort that most folks don't have and aren't willing to make.
Our fairly narrow viewpoint here is gun control but that is just one symptom of the broken

Opinions vary but I would agree with you that there are pro big government Republicans who need to be replaced. Not all Democrats are Marxist, just the ones in power ;)))

There are many on both sides who take an oath to follow our constitution but once in office it's a hole different story. Most politicians especially Democrats tell you what you want to hear in order to gain your vote, once in office they do otherwise. I think Democrats, especially practice this deceit and manipulation because if they told you what their true intentions are they know they would never be elected, ie: if you like your health care you can keep it!

I'm out!!
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There are some good folks in both houses and from both parties. However, they are badly outnumbered by the big government proponents from both sides.
The Democrats say they want to tax you and grow government. Then they go do it.
The Republicans say they want to reduce taxes and government.
Then they go and tax you and grow government. In the overall party strategies, there is not 2 cents worth of difference when you see what they do.
There are some good folks in both houses and from both parties. However, they are badly outnumbered by the big government proponents from both sides.
The Democrats say they want to tax you and grow government. Then they go do it.
The Republicans say they want to reduce taxes and government.
Then they go and tax you and grow government. In the overall party strategies, there is not 2 cents worth of difference when you see what they do.

Excellent Joe!!
Going back to watch football now
Copper at high vel before my arms are surrendered.

And that's the reason they're doing it like they're doing it. All you have to do is refuse to do it that way!

While we're many of you are going to give up your guns when they say to? Any guns...Just interested...


While I draw a breath.................... NO WAY IN HELL... PERIOD.
I'd rather be dead than RED... And giving up ANY of our Freedoms is an action of TREASON to our Country and Constitution...

Loud and CLEAR..... NSA.. berry and your "progressive" brethren..:mad:

Uhhh Huuuu..!

The 2nd Amendment is there FIRST and FOREMOST to protect the Constitution and Country from ALL, foreign and >domestic<..