Yes, I suppose that was the question - What do you intend to do when your government tells you to "turn in your guns". Never mind about when they come for them as there gonna do that the hard way. But humor me...What are you going to do if that it will at first?
I'll try to keep the statement of my belief's simple.
WE are the government, within the rule of law established by our Constitution. Yes we vote, often stupidly, but no matter how stupid our people or our elected leaders The Constitution is still the rule of law. THE REASON we're not "democratic" is quite simply because our founders realized that people ARE stupid. The 2nd Amendment clearly states the rule concerning gun ownership so we are WITHIN THE LAW if we refuse to hand over our firearms.
Period, end of story.
Until that time as we amend our Constitution or abolish it we Americans can politely say "no" to handing over. Within the law. BTW this is national, federal law.....Precedent has been set yet again recently by the Heller case. Not even in our Capitol can it be legally overridden (altho it was ILLEGALLY overridden for many years) by well meaning voters or hasty politicians acting on the latest "tragedy." (Tragedy is in quotes because I'm infuriated by this belief that somehow dying by the gun is "worse" than death by cancer or fire or falling over in the bathtub)
So, my short answer is to "plead the fifth." If someone asks for my guns I simply say "no, and no comment." None of my guns are "registered" in any way...... nor are any of yours, unless you've voluntarily signed them up somewhere. In America it's still completely legal to say "it's none of your business." It's also completely legal to sell, give or otherwise transfer ownership without ANY paperwork of any sort so that one can look anyone in the eye and say "I know longer own that gun" in total sincerity and without fear of perjury. Not only that, it's COMPLETELY legal and ethical to sell one's entire collection to one's fellow for a dollar and buy it back with the same dollar so one can state with complete honesty "I've sold that firearm."
The men who founded this nation knew exactly what they were doing, exactly where we were headed and EXACTLY what the people would do "if this experiment worked."
They were RIGHT.
And I'm ASHAMED of my fellow man.
There are pitiful revisionists, even here in our society of shooters who vilify "Teaparty" types as though that incident upon which it's based is an episode best forgotten! I've seen the term "teabagger" used here on this board. We've enabled smallness.....allowed it voice, and it votes. And our Founders expected it, prepared us for it and left us with tools with which to fight it. WILL we?
I will, and do.
We Stand On The Shoulders Of Giants