Adjustable stool

The stool Wilbur linked to, is the same one they use at a private range I sometimes shoot at. Don't waste your money, the hydraulic height adjustment moves and the casters break off.
Shower Stool - Good Idea

I got one of those when I got my hips replaced. It's been gathering dust in the garage attic for several years. When my shooting shack is complete later this year, I'll use it there. I still like my exam stool for the range. The one I put in my mud room I use when putting on my boots.
When my old drummer stool wears out. I will be buying the Sinclair shooting stool.
Good enough for Kelbly's Range....I have always wondered how old those stools are at Kelbly's Range....?
Zippy I believe the stool at Kelblys were put into service prior to the 2005 World competition.
I bought an inexpensive Drummer's Throne on Amazon, one with the clamped height adjustment and I hate it. If you only use one bench and height, then you can set a more positive stop and as long as you are not really heavy and don't bounce on it, it will hold you in position, but no where near as positive as one of the better ones with the threaded tube to make the adjustments with the locking multi-armed height adjustment nut and like the other poster said, they are thinner and less robust vinyl, which does not hold up.

I went to a Musical Instrument store, went into the drum section and tried a bunch before buying my new one. Waited for it to go on sale, as it was pretty pricey, but I love it.


I am also considering getting a good quality drum throne for the first time in my life, and I really want something comfortable that will last me a long time. I have gone through the reviews here . But don't know what exactly to get.
I will have to look for the link to the one I bought. It has a big wheel like on your high end rifle rest, for both fine and positive height adjustment and a truly comfortable seat.

The regular price was $285.95, but I got it on sale for $199.95.

I still have my old one, which is not permanently set for the benches at my home range, but it thrown in the truck as a back up only.

In my shooting shack, I use one of these shower stools and am quite happy with it:

You can buy them all day long for 20 bucks or so and it will also last forever if you don't use it to tame lions or something like that.

I bought mine when I got my new hips and never used it. My wife just got a new hip and she didn't use it either.

For the range or competition I like an adjustable exam stool:

They range in price from 50 to 200 dollars depending mostly on the quality of the seat cover. I like them because they have wheels. I added a round shelf over the legs. I can put my rest, bag and other equipment on it and roll it out of the way. I have one at work, one at home and one for shooting. There are all about 7 years old and are holding up fine except for a few cracks in the vinyl that don't affect much.
Living on my own range with 10 shooting positions I've tried out quite a few of these options, have opinions :)

-Folding wooden stool- Got two brands/types, NOT for me. Finger pinchers, don't carry well, don't swivel.
-Drummers throne- Tried three, NOT for me. Too heavy, don't carry well, SUUCKK to adjust! I hate spinning ye chair forever to height.
-Harbor Freight, 20 bucks- Got a half dozen of these. Too low for most....seats DO crack. Casters must be modified with new bolts, warshers and locknuts or they break. When working they just aren't set stable, I agree that wiring the wheels could help this.
-Lowe's/ Home Depot 50 bucks-perty good but seats are slippery, too tall for most.
-Shower stool- Yes, I actually do have two of these but I've never shot off them :)
-Sinclair- absolutely the best stool in the world, worth every penny, fixes ALL the above problems. Sets you like a gob of putty.

I've never tried Mike's stool..... have ta' get me one. Sometimes It's nice to lean back and fold the hands over thee gut and survey the landscape....stretch the back muscles....... tip the stool over..... LOL.

I just realized I've got three of the modified office chair setups too, with the super smooth casters..... and I just remembered....... I HATE WHEELS!!! My brain refused to remember them as "shooting stools"
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Living on my own range with 10 shooting positions I've tried out quite a few of these options, have opinions :)

-Folding wooden stool- Got two brands/types, NOT for me. Finger pinchers, don't carry well, don't swivel.
-Drummers throne- Tried three, NOT for me. Too heavy, don't carry well, SUUCKK to adjust! I hate spinning ye chair forever to height.
-Harbor Freight, 20 bucks- Got a half dozen of these. Too low for most....seats DO crack. Casters must be modified with new bolts, warshers and locknuts or they break. When working they just aren't set stable, I agree that wiring the wheels could help this.
-Lowe's/ Home Depot 50 bucks-perty good but seats are slippery, too tall for most.
-Shower stool- Yes, I actually do have two of these but I've never shot off them :)
-Sinclair- absolutely the best stool in the world, worth every penny, fixes ALL the above problems. Sets you like a gob of putty.

I've never tried Mike's stool..... have ta' get me one. Sometimes It's nice to lean back and fold the hands over thee gut and survey the landscape....stretch the back muscles....... tip the stool over..... LOL.

I just realized I've got three of the modified office chair setups too, with the super smooth casters..... and I just remembered....... I HATE WHEELS!!! My brain refused to remember them as "shooting stools"

Like you, I've tried several and all had their pro's and cons...mostly cons. The one in the pic on my previous post is a good option. I like them better than anything else I've found. Very sturdy, plenty of adjustment and it travels pretty well. Pretty comfy too but could stand a bit more padding, imho, but I do like it having a back. I weigh about 235lbs and have had this one for about 5-6 years, IIRC. Still like new in that regard. Bobby Cagle use to own a Cornwell tool truck. He had one and I liked it so gave it a try. Not sure if he still has the tool truck but he's a big boy..maybe 350lbs or so. He still shoots off of his too. Not too bad! I think they are made in Germany. I'm very happy with mine.--Mike
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Cornwall tools list 5 or 6 stools...
so go pick out the one you got and let is know.
Like you, I've tried several and all had their pro's and cons...mostly cons. The one in the pic on my previous post is a good option. I like them better than anything else I've found. Very sturdy, plenty of adjustment and it travels pretty well. Pretty comfy too but could stand a bit more padding, imho, but I do like it having a back. I weigh about 235lbs and have had this one for about 5-6 years, IIRC. Still like new in that regard. Bobby Cagle use to own a Cornwell tool truck. He had one and I liked it so gave it a try. Not sure if he still has the tool truck but he's a big boy..maybe 350lbs or so. He still shoots off of his too. Not too bad! I think they are made in Germany. I'm very happy with mine.--Mike
The last stool I had I flushed....and I felt pretty good about it ....It's all about your age.