275 scoring in 50/50

A thought! How about the sporter weight being raised to 8.0 pounds and under, same stock widths as we currently have, 2.25", no forarm stock profile limitations (so long as the current rule of being able to lift the gun straight up and out of the front sand bag without resistance still applies) which will have to be STRICTLY enforced so as not to allow people to have rail guns, keep the same buttstock profile. Same old 6.5 power scope which makes the sporter the sporter, NOT THE WEIGHT OR THE STOCK PROFILE. There are many many sporters of today that will out shoot a number of heavy guns. Raising the sporter weight to 8.0 pounds and under would enable gunsmiths to build sporters that can have a variable power scope on them. Put a 6-24 power scope on your sporter and shoot it in all classes. Pretty easy, one gun. How cool would that be?


As a simple point of information, how many guys currently have sporters with variables ? There are a fair number out there.
That said, how many have you ever seen shot in the other classes ? I cannot recall anybody other than Mel Eck ever doing that and I have never heard of anybody talking about it as a possability.
I do not mean to shoot holes here but last thing that should be done is less than impactful change.
The group of four we formed at the meeting at the Nationals.
If you have any ideas please present them.

Alowing this last question, I will defer anything further and hopefully allow this to develop, but might I inquire as to a little further indormation as to the ,who, why, what, details you might share as to this "group of four"?
The group of four we formed at the meeting at the Nationals.
If you have any ideas please present them.


I'm pretty sure I remember correctly that the group you volunteered to form was tasked with reviewing the existing IR5050 rulebook to see if it could be simplified.

Has the rules review group morphed into something else? Sure sounds like it.
Your suggestion Tim is what?

The "who, what and why" were made perfectly clear at the annual meeting this year, you must have been in the loo when we voted to form the committee.

Alowing this last question, I will defer anything further and hopefully allow this to develop, but might I inquire as to a little further indormation as to the ,who, why, what, details you might share as to this "group of four"?


During the Nationals meeting many ideas were presented, but none were put in an actionable format.

The group was formed to come up with ideas, put them in an actionable format, and submit them to Mr. Wills for consideration.

Many shooters seem to think change is necessary to move forward. Others don't. That is the dilemma.

Who knows what, if anything, will come of this effort, but it is worth a try.


I'm pretty sure I remember correctly that the group you volunteered to form was tasked with reviewing the existing IR5050 rulebook to see if it could be simplified.

Has the rules review group morphed into something else? Sure sounds like it.


You remember right. Until we know where we want go it is hard to know what rules we need to get there.

I like things just as they are...

...but like Tony would like to see more shooters at our matches. I'll admit that I haven't done all I can do in promoting my matches, other than within the club itself. I should be visiting other clubs at their monthly meetings introducing to others what we do. Might help, might not.
I can understand others not wanting to shoot 6x for a few reasons. But think the biggest deterrent for us is our weight restrictions (rules) in the classes. I don't believe weight has anything to do with accuracy myself.
I think its just the perception.
Right off the bat we're restricting 2 classes. Sporter & 10.5.
But as I said, I like it the way it is too.
See you at next years Nationals with whatever we're shooting.

Question. How did all of you that have been competing for years first find out about rba,ara,ir5050? Todd
As a simple point of information, how many guys currently have sporters with variables ? There are a fair number out there.
That said, how many have you ever seen shot in the other classes ? I cannot recall anybody other than Mel Eck ever doing that and I have never heard of anybody talking about it as a possability.
I do not mean to shoot holes here but last thing that should be done is less than impactful change.

This is a viable option. For example take a look at the 3 gun list. Travis Beste has shot his sporter only, in most of the matches. His heavy gun was not doing well so he
put a vari scope on. His results speak for themselves. It can be done.


p.s Oh to have young eyes again
As someone who is looking to build a Sporter so I can shoot in IR5050 once in a while I wouldn't mind seeing a bit of a weight increase to allow for a slightly heavier (better glass) variable scope and allowing single shot actions. I am not sure how much the repeater actions actually influence things, but it would be easier to bed and build the rifles with a single shot.

On that topic (sorry haven't read all of the rules), is it required to feed from the magazine or do people load single shot most of the time anyway.

I will wait for any final outcomes before ordering my new action to build upon. In the end it won't matter to me so long as everyone is playing by the same rules.

275 scoring

I would like to here opinions on the 275 scoring.
I am a realative new shooter, just finishing my 4th yr.
I have looked thru my matches this year and it would
for sure change the game somewhat.

In my opion it is a better overall method of measuring ones
performance. A little less dependant on ammo. I have not used
ammo that was capable of more xs but a high chance of a flyer.
In favor of ammo with more consitency but less flyers.

Anyone that has shot 50/50 knows the sinking feeling when one
misses their first target. The rest of the card seems like a waist
of effort and ammo.

I am thinking that the first tie breaker should be highest score,
not counting Xs, then first miss

I really would like to hear all sides of this.

I don't think Dan ever had a sporter of mine.
One can have a good time without anyone but competing against a hundred guys is much more challenging than competing against one or two. It's the challenge that drives some, me included. I realize it doesn't drive everyone. That's why I'm reaching out for ideas.
Is there anything that would get you to attend a sporter National? I don't recall you ever attending one but if you have what would bring you back?

Tony called me a week or so ago and we talked about several things having to do with IR50/50. At that time he mentioned several things he thought might be helpful including possibly a couple of new classes for IR. He asked if he might put together some ideas for my consideration and I told him that would be great.
He is reaching out to the shooters for some positive ideas and that is all he wants. Please give him a hand and let's see what turns up.
Thanks Tony,
No answer to my question could possibly be the answer to more shooters. 99 percent of the population has never heard of of rimfire benchrest. Of the 1 percent that have heard of it 99 percent don't know how to get started. I know this forsure because it was me a year ago. We happened across it on the Internet just by luck I guess. I try to get as many involved as I can. I'm not sure a person I've told about it yet even knew there was such a thing. I don't think the rules is as much of a reason of low shooter count as people just don't know about it. The local club we shoot at had 6 shooters when I started a year ago. It probably average three times that now. I try to tell everyone I know to come and try it. I'm probably wrong but if people don't know about it there is no way your going to get new shooters. Todd
I do believe with more shooters, the better the camaraderie. After every match we use to always hook up with at least a dozen other shooters and go out to eat, every night. It was great.

Back in the days I'm referring to there wasn't a separate Sporter division, or Unlimited, but rather we only shot 3-Gun Y&M. Good thing to as with over 100 competitors the range was full from dawn to dusk with people either setting up before things got started, competing, or practicing for the next days event. Basically, there wasn't any room for more divisions, that is unless they were to cram it onto Friday. But, Friday was the main day a lot of shooters planned to arrive, then check in, meaning all their equipment needed verifying, and then practice. Where the Range Masters always had their plates full beforehand, I use to always arrive no later than Thursday to get my practicing out of the way, then would call lines along with helping with the check-ins on Friday only to make sure everything kept moving. I loved it as I got to see and handle most of the guns coming in, plus got to meet all the shooter one-on-one.

It has all changed today and has become a totally different set-up. Oh, and by the way, back then I use to pay $750.00 for a case of either Lapua's best "Gold Box" or for Eley Tenex. Don't you just wish.....

I would like to here opinions on the 275 scoring.
I am a realative new shooter, just finishing my 4th yr.
I have looked thru my matches this year and it would
for sure change the game somewhat.

In my opion it is a better overall method of measuring ones
performance. A little less dependant on ammo. I have not used
ammo that was capable of more xs but a high chance of a flyer.
In favor of ammo with more consitency but less flyers.

Anyone that has shot 50/50 knows the sinking feeling when one
misses their first target. The rest of the card seems like a waist
of effort and ammo.

I am thinking that the first tie breaker should be highest score,
not counting Xs, then first miss

I really would like to hear all sides of this.


Your response is interesting and if you'll pardon me"representitive of a certain mindset" that is covered elsewhere on the site , on another thread by Landy.
Let me submit for you review: you mentioned the ammo issue and as an example the thrill of sighters and then the first bull miss. I've done it, will do it again. The point being, usually, that's a hard nine or something similar. That, unfortunately, is not likely a flier, now or ever. That's gun movement or some form of shooter error whether you can explain it or not.
An ammo related flier is far more likely a drop into the black, etc.
This is a viable option. For example take a look at the 3 gun list. Travis Beste has shot his sporter only, in most of the matches. His heavy gun was not doing well so he
put a vari scope on. His results speak for themselves. It can be done.


p.s Oh to have young eyes again


Yes, understood, there are and have been the occaisional shooter doing this.
The point was does this have such interest by enough, to rise to the level of a rule change ?
If not, rules get changed in a less than ideal methodology.
Remember, in the not too distant past, we had guys bitching from the rooftops about how sporters lost their way from their heritage, factory guns. They got too pricey, etc. so IR opened the door to a factory class to allow participation without the need for a full boat custom.
Problem was, for all the moaning and groaning, nobody ever showed up and it died so, let us all make sure any potential revisions be merit based.
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