2011 U.S. World Team Announced

Change in team members

There has been a change to the list of team members for WBC-11. The beginning post in this thread has been edited to reflect the changes. We regret that Joe Krupa has decided not to participate. It is a pleasure to welcome Larry Baggett as the new member. Larry moves up from the first alternate position.

Wayne Campbell
NBRSA International Representative
Butch, trying to use a more modern powder (n-201)

I hope Olstersdorf is happy now. I am on his team and will try to diplomatic on the european front

Here i am, poor innocent Iowa boy:D---surrounded by Texans:p.............and Baggett.:cool: Welcome aboard Larry.

I wish all you fellas a lot of luck. What an accomplishment. That has to make a fella stand tall, especially in a game that is as hard as the one we play and love. Go bring it home fellas!! Lee
Whoe's gonna send all the "beat Bagget" T-shirts over to France for the other competitiors to wear? Congrats Larry!

Thank goodness the streaking session at the St. Louis nats didn't go viral on you tube. Seeing it once was way more than I needed.

Dave, you'll have to be the steadying influence on a team like what you'll be on. Some of the guys on your team are a little free with their kissing.

I think you will need my special for your trip! Don’t forget to come by California on your way to France, I just bought a new Victoria Secret Teddy just so I would look special for you and a new pair of 9 inch heals so I could give you that thing that you like best and makes you shoot good groups ” Libby Super Special Good Luck Kiss.”

Remember to take a pad of paper and pencil with you, I don’t think the French will understand a word you say, you will have to write it down for them to know what you are trying to say, BUT make sure TIM is next to you to Translate for you.

Good luck and have a good time.

The Libster
Gives me great pleasure to be on your team Mr Coots. You have no worries, Just follow in the foot steps of me and Dr. Tim.

Between you and Neary, maybe one of you can tune my gun to vita-virticle.
Gammon, I sure hope you are going. Just what I need, a french-canadian translator. Eh!

Dennis, don't worry the shoulder surgery is coming along. Just 8 more weeks of physical therapy. Setting around with nothing to do is just about to drive me crazy.

I can't change everything with 1 hand and it being the left.
Everyone should try brushing your teeth, shaving, eating, wiping your a---, putting on socks etc left handed.
I may really be able to shoot fast with all this left hand practice.

Thanks to everyone, it gives me great pleasure to be on the world team. Should be a real blast.
I Forgot to comment to Mr Libby, He knows every texan knows that you have to go thru Dallas and California to get to France.

Just send the lipstick and silk undies, I should be OK.
Congratulations Larry

Proud of you man!

About that shoulder surgery; been there, done that. It takes a while to get thru the physical therapy and all that goes with recovery but it's worth it. I had some serious work done on my right shoulder in December '01 and I highly recommend it to anyone suffering from shoulder problems. Mine is 100 percent now. Thank God for the fine surgeons we have today. Best of luck to you in France.


Gene Beggs

Gives me great pleasure to be on your team Mr Coots. You have no worries, Just follow in the foot steps of me and Dr. Tim.

Between you and Neary, maybe one of you can tune my gun to vita-virticle.

:pFOLLOW IN THE FOOT STEPS OF ME AND DR. TIM.:p Larry, haven't you seen any movies of the jails over there?)chill(

Dave, can I depend on you to look after Larry and Tim. Uhhhh!!! Is that sorta like the fox watching the hen house? Congratulations to all those who made the team and Larry, I know that you will do well. James