2011 U.S. World Team Announced

2011 U.S. World Team Announced (Revised 12/29/10)

Listed below are the names of the team members who will be representing the United States at the 2011 World Benchrest Championship (WBC-11). The Championship will be held August 23rd thru 27th 2011 in Volmerange Les Mines France. Congratulations to all..

Team 1 - Tony Boyer, Larry Costa, Gene Bukys, Chris Harris

Team 2 - Mike Ratigan, Jack Neary, Andy Shifflett, Wayne Campbell

Team 3 - Tim Oltersdorf, Dave Coots, Rabon Stewart Jr., Larry Baggett

Alternates in order - Bob Hammack, Don Nielson, Lou Murdica, Greg Reed

Honorary Team Captain Walt Berger

U.S. Team information and progress can be found on the team website www.nbrsa.org/world-team

Wayne Campbell
NBRSA International Representative
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Congratulations gentlemen! I am sure you will do us proud.

Wayne-thanks for your hard work as team manager. You have both Dave Coots and Dr. Tim on your team? Oh lord. :)

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Good God Almighty does our Diplomatic Corps know that Dave Coots is on his way to France? The "frogs" will never recover!

Good God Almighty does our Diplomatic Corps know that Dave Coots is on his way to France? The "frogs" will never recover!


Not to worry...
I've got this covered. In an effort to prevent any embarrassing US social "faux pa" international incidents, I have been instructed by Wayne to retain the following personal emissaries and sponsorships for Dave Coots benefit. They are as follows:
- Negotiated a full six-figure sponsorship w/the Beano Corp. and Pez Dispenser Corp. ($$ pending) to control Dave's ever growing flatulence problems
- Retained the fashion design services of a Mr. Larry Scharnhorst to ensure Dave is properly attired in the latested Kentucky Fried Chicken drapery/shirts men's wear (circa 1961-63) and matching 24-pocket 100% wool camping shorts and non-matching black socks and... Larry's new line of TSA Spartacus sandals (TM pending)...
- Hired Dave Bruno to monitor and moderate Coot's intake of cold beer and Absolute/cranberry smart cocktail concoctions. (this will be like a fox watching over the chicken coop)

As you can see, Wayne and I have got this issue well in-hand. Respectfully, please direct your worries elsewere...
Your Pal,
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Congratulations to all, but a special "atta boy" to first-timers Andy Shifflett, Ralph Stewart, and Dave Coots. We are proud of all of you. James
I can't imagine the dedication and hard work it takes to compete at that level. Congratulations and best of luck to everyone.

P.S. Ship Dave's convertible over so he can tour France in style. ;)
Congratulations to all,
forget about the english to french---french to english pocket dictionarys. If anybody over there says anything to you, just smile and nod.
Best of luck,
Joel, I have been studying up on my French already: When i am approached i assume he will say "bienvenue" (welcome). At which point i will reply "C'est ton chien", (is that your dog), he will politely reply, "voici ma soeur Pauline" (is my sister Pauline). I will smile and say "L'eau est profonde comme ca dans la riviere" (the water is this deep in the river), at which point he will say "Mais qu'est-ce que tu fous la" (what the F--- are you doing here) and walk away. I will look at TB and Campbell and say see, i told you this French stuff was easy.

Now that's funny right there.

Congratulations to all and specially to Andy, Dave and Ralph. Hope to see you all in a few months.

Rabon Stewart? Is that our Ralphie that shoots at Denton. Dang, who'ed thunk it. Congratulations Ralph/Rabon, your worked your butt off this year. You deserve it.

Thanks Everyone

For all the kind words???:p I did not realize all the friends i had made in this sport. Lots of people went out of their way to congratulate me on making the team after the Nationals in KC also. There is nothing better than recognition from your peers. Most "normal" people(non Br Shooters) don't have a clue to what it takes to succeed in this game.

Another thing about the US World Team. This is the first time the top 12 individuals that qualified opted to make the trip, which says something in itself. This is a great honor to me.

I am looking foreward to compteting in France and also to meeting lots of people from all the different countries.

I was thinking of Andy being the team interpreter, but am not to sure how that would turn out--looks as though he may need more Rosetta Stone classes.

One more thing, Mr. Neary, you had better be careful giving me the business, or i'll start telling stories about you taking off your shirt:eek::eek: and taking a victory lap at the Nationals in St Louis last year.

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Ah come on Dave, let me do it! I promise i wont let you down! LOL In all seriousness, I too am honored to be going. And very much looking forward to the experience. Making a world team was a goal i set for myself and earning one of those 12 spots isnt as easy as some people may think. I know of several shooters who had some pretty tense moments at the nationals and it could have went either way for them, myself included.

Congratulations to all of the Great Shooters who will be representing the USA. I have watched my good friend Gene Bukys meticuously prepare for this effort several times, and I must say it takes a certain dedication and attention to all aspects of Benchrest that is worthy of our highest praise.

A special thanks to Wayne Campbell as the team captain for his efforts in making sure that the "little things" that can go wrong do not turn into 'big things'.

Good Luck to All.........jackie
The Americans have quite the power house of a team. I had the chance to sit across from Gene at the Nationals. Did talk to him a bit. Not as much as I would have liked as I new what the shoot meant to him. Okay a bit in AWWWWWWWWWW of sitting next to the World Champ. Sat in on Jacks tuning with 133 session and tell you I think he is a class act in regards to BR. Talked with Ratigan as well a bit and you could see the fire in him. Ed Adams sat behind me. A past US world team member. What a group of people to be around at my first big shoot.

Then there are some of the other characters who have no idea who I am but I found out who they were. Those will be a force to keep under control on team USA.

Anyways you folks have a GREAT TEAM. Be easy on the rest of us.

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