2000 Mules


The reason I stay in these conversations..... the reason I REFUSE to let them die is because they're bloody IMPORTANT!!!

The single biggest problem in America today is people who THINK they're conservative.

We have 50yr-old "men" who actually believe that stating a position MAKES the position.

50yr-old ambulatory penii who think like girls giggling at a sleepover.

A favorite phrase of these fellers is "all day, if I do my part" and

"you and I both know"

I knew a man who left his soul on the Bataan Death March {read about it and learn }
I knew a man who left his blood in undisclosed location in Italy and survived. { i called him dad }
I knew a man that was a Sea Bee who was handed rifle and told we need soldiers, then landed on an island of Okinawa. The kids called him grandpa.
I knew a man who could have sat in camp awaiting the trip home from Vietnam. But died his last chopper mission, he was a door gunner. His daughter never seen his face.

What evil is upon us is unprecedented in our history. Got it.
I think after all this, we know where "hunter" comes from and believes. He has a photo over his bed of Klaus Schwab. I think everyone else is on the other side. Lets treat him as such, and go on the way we need to.
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This thread was started by showing a video that shows how some people from one party have tainted our election system. Why is this serious thread being dragged to the gutter like this? Our democracy is in peril. Get serious!

Concho Bill

Exactly. Things are getting so bad that infants formula is so short that some men are stepping up to the plate and breast feeding....

My wife put a post on Facebook about giving our kids Karo syrup, water, and evaporated milk instead of the off the shelf formula. Facebook independent fact checkers said this information could mislead people...Nazi bastards.

Exactly. Things are getting so bad that infants formula is so short that some men are stepping up to the plate and breast feeding....

My wife put a post on Facebook about giving our kids Karo syrup, water, and evaporated milk instead of the off the shelf formula. Facebook independent fact checkers said this information could mislead people...Nazi bastards.


They do advise not to give cow's milk tho that's what I got when little. FWIW a smidgen of honey in warm cow's milk is reat for feeding baby rabbits. A long time ago we got a couple VERY young ones and ended up keeping them in the house for more than 4 years.


Exactly. Things are getting so bad that infants formula is so short that some men are stepping up to the plate and breast feeding....

My wife put a post on Facebook about giving our kids Karo syrup, water, and evaporated milk instead of the off the shelf formula. Facebook independent fact checkers said this information could mislead people...Nazi bastards.

That'll teach yer ol lady to worry about feeding the babbies!!! It's better to let the liddle buggers DIE than to improvise outside the CDC guidelines.

This thread was started by showing a video that shows how some people from one party have tainted our election system. Why is this serious thread being dragged to the gutter like this? Our democracy is in peril. Get serious!

Concho Bill
Bill, I was born and raised in the gutter. My only view is from the gutter but believe me, I am as serious as anyone you will ever meet
what do we do ?

After reading this entire thread my question is what can we do to save our beloved country ?
what do we do ?

After reading this entire thread my question is what can we do to save our beloved country ?

As I previously posted-

There are 10's of thousands in this country that need & deserve Columbian Neck Ties as the aforementioned is the ONLY option to STOP their MENDACIOUS espionage ,corruption ,lies & racist B.S.

F.J.Biden,his family & his appointed Administration.


Neck Ties...Neck Nooses...Firing Squads will level the playing field for several generations.

IF, these corrupt, racist,un-constitutional LIARS go unpunished, their next of kin when elected will take the agenda to the next level.

NO incarcerations....as they've cost" WE THE PEOPLE" far too much on numerous agenda's.
After reading this entire thread my question is what can we do to save our beloved country ?

#1-----Talk to friends and make new friends.....

If you meet two people and give them something to think about and

These two people go talk to 2 more people and

These folks talk to two more......

We cover the entire NATION of voters in only about 25 levels of conversations.....

#2----- Talk to our kids and grandkids but moreso SHOW them solid structure and brag about how good it useta' be.... a lot of us were working all the time, kinda' missed our kids growing up. It's time to rectify that and get them off talking to the two people....

#3------ Vote of course. probably half of the people I've worked with in my life don't vote. To these people I say "you've gotten exactly what you've voted for!"

#4------ Take a kid fishing.
Stop the illegal voting would be #1 and back to hand counting ballots would be #2.
And if this were still taking place allot of those folks we now have would not be there.
I believe the majority of those in this Country do believe the last Presidential election was manipulated towards one individuals means to unfairly win.
It was also not Constitutionally run by any means on either the State or Federal levels of Government.
All of those folks coming across the Southern Border we now become a part of the illegal Voters population and that is actually their intent for letting them to continue keep coming in.
The Highest Court in the Land needs to address this issue on who and what makes an individual a legal and qualified Voter per our Constitution.
supreme court

The hell of it is those commies are after our american way of life the supreme court is threatened. Our priest was in k.c. when it was leaked about repealing Roe. They saw him in the car with his collar on and started hitting his car with stuff. I havent talked to him about it but he got out ok. Ive lost patience with protesters. Doug
Amen and folks need to start fighting back and especially us Christians and who should be the ones who will absolutely not tolerate these ongoing Evil ones that have been destroying our Country. We are one nation under God and it is not his Job to stop it but that of our own.
All of those folks coming across the Southern Border we now become a part of the illegal Voters population and that is actually their intent for letting them to continue keep coming in.
The Highest Court in the Land needs to address this issue on who and what makes an individual a legal and qualified Voter per our Constitution.

SCOTUS isn't going to just up and decide this or any other issue unless a case gets appealed to them from a lower court.
All of those folks coming across the Southern Border we now become a part of the illegal Voters population...The Highest Court in the Land needs to address this issue on who and what makes an individual a legal and qualified Voter per our Constitution.

SCOTUS isn't going to just up and decide this or any other issue unless a case gets appealed to them from a lower court.

"Article III, Section II of the Constitution establishes the jurisdiction...of the Supreme Court. The Court has original jurisdiction (a case is tried before the Court) over certain cases, e.g., suits between two or more states and/or cases involving ambassadors and other public ministers."

If what Louis.J alleged can be supported by credible evidence from a "blue" state, if a "red" state sued said "blue" state would the SCOTUS hear that case? (I don't know whether that approach has been tried already.)
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If what Louis.J alleged can be supported by credible evidence from a "blue" state, if a "red" state sued said "blue" state ...........

This sort of logic is completely foreign to me.

Hunter, we aren't even inhabiting the same reality :)

That said, in your quest for answers do you ever ask yourself "am I advancing civilization?" "Am I a net GAIN to society?" and "how?"
This sort of logic is completely foreign to me.

Hunter, we aren't even inhabiting the same reality :)

That said, in your quest for answers do you ever ask yourself "am I advancing civilization?" "Am I a net GAIN to society?" and "how?"

As per usual....'ghosted' when the explanation part comes up.

You have never answered a question about thinking..... you want "proofs" and "data" and "expert opinions" and I propose that it's because you're incapable of informed reason. That you're not even a drone but a drain..... you're one of those who thinks "the government" builds stuff and provides for the hive "fairly".

Civilization, the rise from individual hunter-gatherers to tribalism to societies is based on some very basic tenets with which you seem to be completely unfamiliar.... introspection, self-examination, selflessness, and big-picture planning. Our forebears were far-seeing forward thinkers. Men who understood civilization, men who understood that for OUR form of civilization to work we must for the first time in the history of the planet build on something called "personal responsibility". Selfless men, men devoted to improving our standard of living by becoming effectual, and raising effectual progeny.

I used to fish, a lot.

Then I got a family.

I now only take others fishing,

I'm years away from doing things for myself again....

Because I'm a MAN.

"Government for the people, by the people" is being lost. It's being sucked away by the drones. Many if not most of these drones being college educated.

Two of our biggest culprits are low-grade engineers whose entire skillset involves applying other people's formulae without any understanding of "why" and low-grade lawyers who consistently apply "precedent" because they're incapable of ruling, incapable of actually dividing law..... in our incessant search for "data" we're losing our ability to USE the data for what it's good for. "Studies" are not answers, studies and data just get you into the room where decisions are made.

Couple this with "manhood" being phased out and we're left with sycophants and succubi instead of MEN who devote their entire lives to improving the world around them. MEN who build those bridges and roads you use.....MEN devote their lives to the good of the whole, to the tribe. People like you would rather virtue signal for the Ketanji Brown Jackson's of the world than EVER use the term "men", and NEVER "white men"......

Yes Hunter, I contribute MUCH more than I take..... My debt to society is paid and over-paid, willingly.

In simple fact, I revere the America that you dislike and if everyone thought like me we'd have our country back within weeks..... stronger and more vibrant than ever before. We still have the capacity to be "The Shining City On A Hill", just not the will.

Nor even the want.

FOR THIS I'm sad.
I guess what's more scary to me, is that people continue to use their phones, their computers, their credit cards online, their Google traffic and navigation, weather apps, real-time monitoring of their entire lives and monetary transactions...people don't even want to write checks or use cash anymore they want electronic transfer of everything and yet they are concerned with security?

People, the reason you can get a real-time traffic read out on your way to work is because of real-time monitoring. I know people who don't have social security numbers, I know lots of people who won't own a phone, these are people who are actually doing something about security