2000 Mules

A well written debunking of the 2000 Mules "fact checkers"

In a familiar pattern, left-wing fact-checkers furiously try to hide the damning proof of election fraud in the 2020 election presented in Dinesh D'Souza's documentary 2000 Mules. But those "fake checkers" clearly did not actually watch the film. See, e.g., Ali Swenson, Associated Press, reprinted at U.S. News and World Report or at the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

Initially, one should note that 2000 Mules is not a western. It refers to the term developed decades ago of "drug mules," who carry illegal drugs for criminal cartels such as smuggling drugs across the border.

With 2000 Mules, the leftists desperate to hide voter fraud clearly only watched the free trailer for the movie and did not spring for the $20 to $29 to actually see the entire film. The film can be purchased from the Salem radio network from Dinesh D'Souza on "Locals" at or at the main website.

After mainstream journalists became discredited as biased, left-wing propagandists, very suddenly, a new fad sprang up: fact-checkers. Now the same journalists whom we stopped believing in the normal news are suddenly believable because they call themselves "fact-checkers."

But if there is anything that presumably a fact-checker would do, you'd think it would be to actually carefully read and analyze a claim point by point to determine its truth. (Typically, fact-checkers specialize in being distracted by a minor detail. For example, a news story might report that Sen. Nogood smashed into a green-colored van full of nuns while driving drunk. The fact-checker would then spend pages discussing how there is "no evidence" that the van was colored green. The van might have been blue. So rating: False.)

True The Vote did what the government failed to do. The organization purchased through commercial brokers the cell phone "geotracking" or "geolocator" data from specific cities in particular states where the election was decided. They then analyzed the GPS data to show the paid "mules" who visited left-wing nonprofit organizations and then drove to many different ballot drop boxes on the same day — then did it all over again the following day, day after day, for weeks.

While ballot "harvesting" is illegal in the states sampled, one is allowed to deliver ballots from family members or a voter for whom one is the officially designated caregiver. Otherwise, it is a crime to drop off someone else's ballots in an election drop box.

But under no circumstances would one legally or legitimately do that again and again, day after day, for weeks or months. The fake checkers discuss the data as if these mules made only one trip, on one day, to only one drop box location. They didn't watch the film.

The film explains that the analysis filtered out people who were driving past drop boxes, or whose routines did not fit a voter fraud hypothesis. Only those driving straight up to a drop box carrying their cell phones were included.

The analysis considered the "pattern of life" routines of cell phone users. Those going to work or shop near a drop box would be excluded, as opposed to those who spent only a few minutes at the drop box and then immediately turned around and drove on to the next drop box location. A person parked for a long time for an appointment or shopping would be excluded.

(The fact-checkers also skip over the fact that — by my rough estimate — perhaps around 10% of those mules active during the election season were also located in the middle of violent ANTIFA riots throughout the year 2000.)

The documentary carefully explains how they filtered out the possibility of anyone dropping off ballots for his family. Only mules who visited ten or more ballot drop boxes were included in the analysis. For example, one "mule" visited drop boxes in six different counties.

Ballots are different for different counties, congressional districts, and state legislative districts. So no one dropping off legitimate ballots would go to drop boxes in six different counties. Someone dropping off Grandma's ballot would not visit ten to one hundred different drop boxes — and do this over again the next day and the next and the next.

The fact-checkers tell us that geotracking is not that accurate. Oddly, the FBI is prosecuting peaceful, nonviolent protesters from January 6, 2021 based on that same "imprecise" geotracking data allegedly showing people inside the U.S. Capitol. Oops. Never mind. So geotracking cell phone locations is precise, except when it isn't. Depends on the needs of the moment.

But it doesn't actually matter, because True the Vote set such a high bar that the data cannot be dismissed. Only those mules who visited left-wing, election-related nonprofit offices and then went from there straight to election drop boxes were included.

The film repeatedly explains how they obtained over four million minutes of official government surveillance video viewing the ballot drop boxes (promiscuously deployed due to COVID-19). The trailer shows only a few snippets out of four million minutes. Even the documentary barely scratches the surface of that ocean of data.

Yet the fact-checkers "analyze" the surveillance videos as if the few examples shown are the only surveillance videos. That is, they dismiss the examples shown only in the movie trailer. Had they actually watched the documentary, they would have known that the same mules are showing up again and again in various surveillance videos at different drop boxes all over the city. Not just once, as in the movie trailer.

The four million minutes of video show mules stuffing dozens of ballots into drop boxes, not two or three. Often, we see ballots falling all over the sidewalk. The governmental surveillance video shows sometimes twenty or thirty ballots at a time getting stuffed into boxes already full.

The surveillance videos repeatedly show mules taking photographs of themselves putting the ballots into the drop boxes or just photos of the drop box itself. The only reason to take photographs of the drop boxes is because the mules are being paid and are presenting proof that they delivered the illicit ballots.

Oh, and not to mention that this is often happening between 1 A.M. and 4 A.M.

The surveillance videos show mules wearing surgical gloves as they stuff illicit ballots into the drop boxes. Then they remove the surgical gloves and toss them into nearby trash cans — all caught on government surveillance videos. The film explains that this started the day after ballot-harvesters were arrested in one state based on fingerprints on the ballots. In one case, a woman never looks at the trash can until after taking off her gloves, indicating that she had done it before at that same location.

Finally, True the Vote concentrated only on specific cities or areas within the battleground states that decided the 2020 presidential election. The fact-checkers are again off base. D'Souza's excellent documentary is a call for honest law enforcement (if there are any left) to conduct a full analysis of the entire country. There is one indisputable conclusion: this must be investigated in full.

What is REALLY REALLY going on??

Read "Iron Curtain Over America"

Written in 1948 by Col John Beaty Phd.

Some copies available on Amazon.com

Available on Youtube,each cnapter by chapter.

A must read for Americans.

In a familiar pattern, left-wing fact-checkers furiously try to hide the damning proof of election fraud in the 2020 election presented in Dinesh D'Souza's documentary 2000 Mules. But those "fake checkers" clearly did not actually watch the film. See, e.g., Ali Swenson, Associated Press, reprinted at U.S. News and World Report or at the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

Initially, one should note that 2000 Mules is not a western. It refers to the term developed decades ago of "drug mules," who carry illegal drugs for criminal cartels such as smuggling drugs across the border.

With 2000 Mules, the leftists desperate to hide voter fraud clearly only watched the free trailer for the movie and did not spring for the $20 to $29 to actually see the entire film. The film can be purchased from the Salem radio network from Dinesh D'Souza on "Locals" at or at the main website.

After mainstream journalists became discredited as biased, left-wing propagandists, very suddenly, a new fad sprang up: fact-checkers. Now the same journalists whom we stopped believing in the normal news are suddenly believable because they call themselves "fact-checkers."

But if there is anything that presumably a fact-checker would do, you'd think it would be to actually carefully read and analyze a claim point by point to determine its truth. (Typically, fact-checkers specialize in being distracted by a minor detail. For example, a news story might report that Sen. Nogood smashed into a green-colored van full of nuns while driving drunk. The fact-checker would then spend pages discussing how there is "no evidence" that the van was colored green. The van might have been blue. So rating: False.)

True The Vote did what the government failed to do. The organization purchased through commercial brokers the cell phone "geotracking" or "geolocator" data from specific cities in particular states where the election was decided. They then analyzed the GPS data to show the paid "mules" who visited left-wing nonprofit organizations and then drove to many different ballot drop boxes on the same day — then did it all over again the following day, day after day, for weeks.

While ballot "harvesting" is illegal in the states sampled, one is allowed to deliver ballots from family members or a voter for whom one is the officially designated caregiver. Otherwise, it is a crime to drop off someone else's ballots in an election drop box.

But under no circumstances would one legally or legitimately do that again and again, day after day, for weeks or months. The fake checkers discuss the data as if these mules made only one trip, on one day, to only one drop box location. They didn't watch the film.

The film explains that the analysis filtered out people who were driving past drop boxes, or whose routines did not fit a voter fraud hypothesis. Only those driving straight up to a drop box carrying their cell phones were included.

The analysis considered the "pattern of life" routines of cell phone users. Those going to work or shop near a drop box would be excluded, as opposed to those who spent only a few minutes at the drop box and then immediately turned around and drove on to the next drop box location. A person parked for a long time for an appointment or shopping would be excluded.

(The fact-checkers also skip over the fact that — by my rough estimate — perhaps around 10% of those mules active during the election season were also located in the middle of violent ANTIFA riots throughout the year 2000.)

The documentary carefully explains how they filtered out the possibility of anyone dropping off ballots for his family. Only mules who visited ten or more ballot drop boxes were included in the analysis. For example, one "mule" visited drop boxes in six different counties.

Ballots are different for different counties, congressional districts, and state legislative districts. So no one dropping off legitimate ballots would go to drop boxes in six different counties. Someone dropping off Grandma's ballot would not visit ten to one hundred different drop boxes — and do this over again the next day and the next and the next.

The fact-checkers tell us that geotracking is not that accurate. Oddly, the FBI is prosecuting peaceful, nonviolent protesters from January 6, 2021 based on that same "imprecise" geotracking data allegedly showing people inside the U.S. Capitol. Oops. Never mind. So geotracking cell phone locations is precise, except when it isn't. Depends on the needs of the moment.

But it doesn't actually matter, because True the Vote set such a high bar that the data cannot be dismissed. Only those mules who visited left-wing, election-related nonprofit offices and then went from there straight to election drop boxes were included.

The film repeatedly explains how they obtained over four million minutes of official government surveillance video viewing the ballot drop boxes (promiscuously deployed due to COVID-19). The trailer shows only a few snippets out of four million minutes. Even the documentary barely scratches the surface of that ocean of data.

Yet the fact-checkers "analyze" the surveillance videos as if the few examples shown are the only surveillance videos. That is, they dismiss the examples shown only in the movie trailer. Had they actually watched the documentary, they would have known that the same mules are showing up again and again in various surveillance videos at different drop boxes all over the city. Not just once, as in the movie trailer.

The four million minutes of video show mules stuffing dozens of ballots into drop boxes, not two or three. Often, we see ballots falling all over the sidewalk. The governmental surveillance video shows sometimes twenty or thirty ballots at a time getting stuffed into boxes already full.

The surveillance videos repeatedly show mules taking photographs of themselves putting the ballots into the drop boxes or just photos of the drop box itself. The only reason to take photographs of the drop boxes is because the mules are being paid and are presenting proof that they delivered the illicit ballots.

Oh, and not to mention that this is often happening between 1 A.M. and 4 A.M.

The surveillance videos show mules wearing surgical gloves as they stuff illicit ballots into the drop boxes. Then they remove the surgical gloves and toss them into nearby trash cans — all caught on government surveillance videos. The film explains that this started the day after ballot-harvesters were arrested in one state based on fingerprints on the ballots. In one case, a woman never looks at the trash can until after taking off her gloves, indicating that she had done it before at that same location.

Finally, True the Vote concentrated only on specific cities or areas within the battleground states that decided the 2020 presidential election. The fact-checkers are again off base. D'Souza's excellent documentary is a call for honest law enforcement (if there are any left) to conduct a full analysis of the entire country. There is one indisputable conclusion: this must be investigated in full.

And let it be said that history will show these "fact checkers" for what they are...... the same folks who denied Hunter's laptop was a thing......"nothing to see here folks"....... the same "experts" who..........


I just typed my trigger word.......

perty soon I'll be opining on what I think of "experts".....

gotta' stop LOL!!
I for ONE would like more hardened data. Clearly there is fraud, but refining the evidence would be additionally helpful

For criticisms to hold up in court
Votes illegally trafficked yes
Did not show votes themselves were fraudulent , i.e. signature matching.
Need video of the same mules going to drop boxes not just cell phones in proximity
Need to compare cell data and NGO’s in red, blue to the swing states of the documentary. Are there simlar cell tracking data?
Need to find actual paper votes to see if they are from people out of districts moved from state or dead voters

Data could be interpreted as big money sends harvesters to homes of registered democrats who did not vote to simply get them to complete a ballot and harvest it

I believe its fraud ,but not yet able to withstand a cross examination in court
Data could be interpreted as big money sends harvesters to homes of registered democrats who did not vote to simply get them to complete a ballot and harvest it

What you just described is illegal in those 5 states. Are you suggesting that it is okay to break the law when it comes to elections?
Covid pandemic

The Covid pandemic opened the door for the biggest election fraud ever perpetrated on the American people.

That's not pro or con either side...just the reality. -Al

My observation only. If one looks at the rapid pace that this virus has progressed, i conclude that ,yes it was man made, it came from a lab in China and its purpose was to high jack the U S Presidential election . 2000 Mules along with the hacking of election computers and vote flipping has been proven and as this progresses will come more into the spotlight.

Have any of you old guys ever seen a virus mutate this fast ? We have a new version of flu every year. This virus seems to change every few months.

Check out the computer hacking that occurred in Mesa County , Colorado. Anyone here from Grand Junction ? Tell us what's going on there. Thanks.
I for ONE would like more hardened data. Clearly there is fraud, but refining the evidence would be additionally helpful

For criticisms to hold up in court
Votes illegally trafficked yes
Did not show votes themselves were fraudulent , i.e. signature matching.
Need video of the same mules going to drop boxes not just cell phones in proximity
Need to compare cell data and NGO’s in red, blue to the swing states of the documentary. Are there simlar cell tracking data?
Need to find actual paper votes to see if they are from people out of districts moved from state or dead voters

Data could be interpreted as big money sends harvesters to homes of registered democrats who did not vote to simply get them to complete a ballot and harvest it

I believe its fraud ,but not yet able to withstand a cross examination in court

seriously.... we're becoming a nation of geese who think the answers are more study......."more controls", "better data", "more monitoring", "more and better tracking".........


The entirety of current American and British crime, law and drama shows are built around "cctv data" and vaporware "ballistic forensics" because we, the audience, have become unthinking boobs. The bulk of us welcome Big Brother like our long lost saviour.

I watched a few minutes at the start and a few minutes near the end of the odysee.com video. I didn't see or hear convincing evidence that the election was stolen; I did see and hear a lot of hearsay. Did I miss some non-hearsay evidence? If so, where in the video should I look?

Why did a Federal Judge in Georgia seal a affidavit of a Michigan University computer science expert ?
My observation only. If one looks at the rapid pace that this virus has progressed, i conclude that ,yes it was man made, it came from a lab in China and its purpose was to high jack the U S Presidential election . 2000 Mules along with the hacking of election computers and vote flipping has been proven and as this progresses will come more into the spotlight.

Have any of you old guys ever seen a virus mutate this fast ? We have a new version of flu every year. This virus seems to change every few months.

Check out the computer hacking that occurred in Mesa County , Colorado. Anyone here from Grand Junction ? Tell us what's going on there. Thanks.

"The Virus"....

Good Lord man, you didn't just DRINK the koolaid, you're bathing in it!

I'm only 60 so maybe I'm not old enough for you but I've not only existed in this space, I've LIVED in it and spent my time understanding it.

It was not and has never been "The Virus" nor "The Pandemic"..... it's has been and always will be our reaction to it. (((And before you ask, I personally know over 20 people who are now dead and their deaths attributed officially to "Covid19")))
It absolutely amazing how some just don't have enough common sense to know what was / is going on currently.
Especially the Negative input coming from someone who did not even bother to watch the entire thing.
Maybe he actually does feel that he is now allot better off now than he was with the one prior to Biden.
I surely I am not and it doesn't take any common sense for anyone to figure that one out.
Unless thay have enough wealth to where they are not now suffering themselves.
Why did a Federal Judge in Georgia seal a affidavit of a Michigan University computer science expert ?

How am I supposed to know that?

It absolutely amazing how some just don't have enough common sense to know what was / is going on currently.
Especially the Negative input coming from someone who did not even bother to watch the entire thing.

Mr. Louis.J, I will not claim to have as much "common sense" as you may have; therefore, if you'll tell me where in the movie the cross-examination starts, I'll make a special effort to listen to it. In the meantime, I'll stand by post # 11.
Al ?????????

"The Virus"....

Good Lord man, you didn't just DRINK the koolaid, you're bathing in it!

I'm only 60 so maybe I'm not old enough for you but I've not only existed in this space, I've LIVED in it and spent my time understanding it.

It was not and has never been "The Virus" nor "The Pandemic"..... it's has been and always will be our reaction to it. (((And before you ask, I personally know over 20 people who are now dead and their deaths attributed officially to "Covid19")))

China is behind all this. they had inside help. China = Covid. Perhaps @ 60 your still a little naive ? Understanding what ? Had family in Seattle, liberal/Marxist for years. Free stuff is addictive for many.Can you not see the legal system vanishing before your eyes. Are economy is dependent on China. They want the entire country and will take it without firing a shot.
China is behind all this. they had inside help. China = Covid. Perhaps @ 60 your still a little naive ? Understanding what ? Had family in Seattle, liberal/Marxist for years. Free stuff is addictive for many.Can you not see the legal system vanishing before your eyes. Are economy is dependent on China. They want the entire country and will take it without firing a shot.

Me? "naive???" nope, I've been paying the bills since I hit puberty. I owe society NOTHING.

I'm all paid up

Yes, I see all this.... what I'm NOT doing is blaming China.

Nor anyone else.

Blaming others is for children....

I'm blaming US, We The Sheeple of The Dis-United State of America..

WE/US.....the American people..... are doing this to ourselves because we are too bloody stupid to face the music. And even when we dimly recognize that this fiddler needs paid very few of us are willing to PAY the fiddler...... It's easier to blame everyone and everything else because looking in the mirror is just too hard. Our reaction, the reaction of "normal Americans" is why we're here, where we are in this benighted landscape...... 99% of everyone here wore a mask daily, buckled down to "the man", got vaccinated and stopped working. The answer to this is and has always been simple....




And "HELL no!!!"

The answer is to REFUSE tyranny, not to buckle under it. Our obdurate refusal to reject tyranny is why we're here..... China is pissant, a wart on the butt of the world.

When I was growing up Japan was "taking us over" and "owning us" etc etc etc..... Doom-N-Gloom....and we just bulk out-dumbed them, swamped them in their own juices.

THIS is real.... This is from when men were MEN not whineyass bitches incapable of making proper decisions.

The deliberations of the Constitutional Convention of 1787 were held in strict secrecy. Consequently, anxious citizens gathered outside Independence Hall when the proceedings ended in order to learn what had been produced behind closed doors. The answer was provided immediately. A Mrs. Powel of Philadelphia asked Benjamin Franklin, “Well, Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?” With no hesitation whatsoever, Franklin responded, “A republic, if you can keep it.”

This exchange was recorded by Constitution signer James McHenry in a diary entry........