2000 Mules

What a shame!

"I'm blaming US, We The Sheeple of The Dis-United State of America." Al

You go Al. I watch some of our "elected" officials lie to us daily. They don't care what we voters think because they owe their positions to other interests. Shame on them for what they are doing to us and our country and shame on us for letting them do it. What happened in the last election worked so well that it will be refined and used again in this upcoming mid-term election.

Concho Bill
The Movie is just a Movie and we the people actually watched what was taking place while it was actually taking place in real time. Covid was just an excuse to allow illegal ballots to be unconstitutionaly being submitted.
That reminds me of the following statement I've heard occasionally: "He's a self-made man." . . .

A phrase you'll never understand..... because you're NOT one ;)

You CAN'T understand what you've not experienced.

Someday I hope you understand the phrase "until you've walked a mile in his moccasins"

A bit of introspection might be in order.

Back at you.....except that you're incapable of "introspection" in this regard because you're dealing out of your depth. You don't understand me nor my position. I KNOW you and hundreds like you, preachers all. When y'all start rarin up like mantis' squeeking "better check yerself before ye reck yerself" it makes me sad... I'm a father. I have 8 living children all of whom are embarrassingly bright and capable and EVERY ONE OF THEM has spent a few years where you are...... somewhere between "but Dad,you don't understand" and "times have changed" and "I've grown beyond you" .......

And believing it to be true. FEELING it's true.

And invariably, for decades my answer is a gentle "keep shaking those traces, keep on questioning your reality and most of all SHOW ME WITH LOGIC WHERE I'M WRONG"

As they grow, as they experience life they all come 'round because I raised them to THINK.They come to the realization that they're REALLY saying is "Dad, you' dumb, you' dim, you're misrepresentin'...."

And at some point it begins to be apparent that every road they travel.... Ol' Dad's ALREADY TRAVELLED..... cuz he's old....... he done been there/done that...... before you were BORN. So either he DUMB or perhaps I need to reconsider????

I've BEEN you..... preaching to others about how "they" should be.

I been wiped that aigg on my face and ultimately ate that crow for YEARS.....

I'm made happy when folks like you recognize truths, I'm saddened every time you wipe that egg on by preaching about things well beyond your ken.

An old guy is sitting on a bus when a millenial gets on. The punker's hair is red, green, yellow and orange. He has feather earrings and face tattoos......his clothes are ripped to shreds and multi-hued. Rainbow headscarf....

When he sees the old man peering at him, the says, "What you lookin at old man? Does my honesty bother you?"

"You thinkin' "what has the world come to?" old guy???" "

"You can't understand me!!"

Old guy says "nahhhhh. One time in 'Nam I screwed a parrot on stage in a place off Bui Ven Street. It was a hazy time......I thought maybe you
were my kid."

Some choose to live in a cave. That's not me. I've watched this country slide down in the sewer since Reagan. Believe me i'm a conservative.I stopped voting entirely after 1980 or 1984. A stranger showed up in 2008 ? supporting redistribution of wealth etc. I came back to vote against him.

We have faced off with China in the Korean War, the Vietnam conflict . Cold war with Russia . Every country they control had been infiltrated by electing them to office.and building upon this victories. It has happened here.

The one party system has failed us ? or sold us out.
Some choose to live in a cave. That's not me. I've watched this country slide down in the sewer since Reagan. Believe me i'm a conservative.I stopped voting entirely after 1980 or 1984. A stranger showed up in 2008 ? supporting redistribution of wealth etc. I came back to vote against him.

We have faced off with China in the Korean War, the Vietnam conflict . Cold war with Russia . Every country they control had been infiltrated by electing them to office.and building upon this victories. It has happened here.

The one party system has failed us ? or sold us out.

well, please continue to get off yer butt and VOTE cuz "watching" ain't never won a game
A phrase you'll never understand..... because you're NOT one ;)

I'm made happy when folks like you recognize truths

At least you're right about one thing, I'm not a self-made man. To some extent, I recognize the contributions and sacrifices others have made to pave a way for me to enjoy life. You should be happy that I recognize that truth.

BTW, I like you parrot tale.

I've watched this country slide down in the sewer since Reagan.

One of RR's gifts to the Dems: "The Immigration Reform and Control Act altered U.S. immigration law...[it] legalized most undocumented immigrants who had arrived in the country prior to January 1, 1982....Nearly 2.7 million people were ultimately approved for permanent residence." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Immigration_Reform_and_Control_Act_of_1986.
"The Virus"....

Good Lord man, you didn't just DRINK the koolaid, you're bathing in it!

I'm only 60 so maybe I'm not old enough for you but I've not only existed in this space, I've LIVED in it and spent my time understanding it.

It was not and has never been "The Virus" nor "The Pandemic"..... it's has been and always will be our reaction to it. (((And before you ask, I personally know over 20 people who are now dead and their deaths attributed officially to "Covid19")))

Died with it????
Or died from it?????
TiminMI. Prolly died with it. That is how MIHHS counts it in MI.....At the beginning. The Director of MIHHS. Did not even live in Michigan. Carpet bagger from VA. And was not a doctor. A Dem Political hack from DC....

By the way. I got the Wuhan flu from my Mom. After she got her 2nd shot. She was sick for 12 days. I was sick for 8 days.
My nephew and family have had it twice. He has not visited his GrandMother in over a year. Since his Grandfather's funeral.
Richard. Corpsman First Class (retired) made it to the day after 80th birthday. Death Certificate did not have Wuhan Flu on it. Heart failure.
He was with the Marines 3 times. Almost 6 yrs in Viet Nam. The Navy would keep him over. Send Marines home after year.
China is behind all this. they had inside help. China = Covid. Perhaps @ 60 your still a little naive ? Understanding what ? Had family in Seattle, liberal/Marxist for years. Free stuff is addictive for many.Can you not see the legal system vanishing before your eyes. Are economy is dependent on China. They want the entire country and will take it without firing a shot.

Oh! Shhit. That last sentence made so much sense......
Hunter.... I know..... I absolutely know where you stand on this LOL

"It takes a village to raise a child"

I know your teachers, I know those whom you get your ideas from.

I'm trying to make you understand that I understand you, I simply disagree with you. And that if you ever get the honor of meeting one of my children you will see why.

Children are always a reflection of their parentage. I see your village children in the news every night roasting their shmallows around burning buildings like ancient savages around a lightning strike
Hunter.... I know..... I absolutely know where you stand on this LOL

alinwa, you're clueless, thinking you owe society NOTHING and that you "know.....absolutely know where stand on this [i.e., so-called self-made men]." I'll try to make it simple for you, follow along closely.

This AM I ran across the river on a bridge that was funded primarily by society (i.e., other people, such as taxpayers, friends, and relatives), of which only a miniscule/minuscule part of the cost came out of my pocket. On that same trip, I stopped at some similarly-funded traffic lights. Later, I drove to the post office on some similarly-funded roads to put something in the mail that will be delivered by a similarly-funded outfit. Wake up, look around you -- and think outside the box in which you're stuck. You're reading this, in part, because society has/is fronting a lot of the expense of "Al Gore's" internet. Your business would be dead-in-water without the benefit of some things funded primarily by society. You've enjoyed air travel in the past, surely you don't think you paid the full cost of that yourself -- with no contribution from society.

So, do you and I owe anything to society? I think so, because society has given to both of us far more than you realize -- thus, no one is a self-made man.
This is a prime example of our Constitutional right to Free Speech.
We will never agree on everything and we never will or should we!
Mutual respect no matter how much one might not agree with another is but one of our most precious rights!
alinwa, you're clueless, thinking you owe society NOTHING and that you "know.....absolutely know where stand on this [i.e., so-called self-made men]." I'll try to make it simple for you, follow along closely.

This AM I ran across the river on a bridge that was funded primarily by society (i.e., other people, such as taxpayers, friends, and relatives), of which only a miniscule/minuscule part of the cost came out of my pocket. On that same trip, I stopped at some similarly-funded traffic lights. Later, I drove to the post office on some similarly-funded roads to put something in the mail that will be delivered by a similarly-funded outfit. Wake up, look around you -- and think outside the box in which you're stuck. You're reading this, in part, because society has/is fronting a lot of the expense of "Al Gore's" internet. Your business would be dead-in-water without the benefit of some things funded primarily by society. You've enjoyed air travel in the past, surely you don't think you paid the full cost of that yourself -- with no contribution from society.

So, do you and I owe anything to society? I think so, because society has given to both of us far more than you realize -- thus, no one is a self-made man.

I hear Elizabeth Warren and Barack Obama saying the exact same thing years ago.......tell me I'm wrong. "You didn't build that"...................full blown democrap.
alinwa, you're clueless, thinking you owe society NOTHING and that you "know.....absolutely know where stand on this [i.e., so-called self-made men]." I'll try to make it simple for you, follow along closely.

Hunter you are a darling, you make my points so much better than I can, you're like an organ grinder monkey.

Oops, again I misspoke, you have no idea of which I speak, you'll have to Google it and that won't really make my point. I should have said wind up toy.

You really CAN'T see the world from the place where I stand. Same planet, different world.

That said, yep me and my buddies all band together to buy all those things you mentioned and to pay for their upkeep as necessary. And you and your buddies get to reap the benefits.

You're welcome.

As I said before, I don't owe society anything.

I am paid up.

I am current.

Society as a whole has gained from my birth. I'm leaving the world a better place than I found it. I'm leaving my kids a wonderful place to raise my grandbabies but it pains me to watch you and your villagers vote to burn it all down

So what did everyone spend their $1400.00 $ stimulus check on ? Where did that money come from ? Do my grandkids have to pay it back ?
The reason I stay in these conversations..... the reason I REFUSE to let them die is because they're bloody IMPORTANT!!!

The single biggest problem in America today is people who THINK they're conservative.

We have 50yr-old "men" who actually believe that stating a position MAKES the position.

50yr-old ambulatory penii who think like girls giggling at a sleepover.

A favorite phrase of these fellers is "all day, if I do my part" and

"you and I both know"

This thread was started by showing a video that shows how some people from one party have tainted our election system. Why is this serious thread being dragged to the gutter like this? Our democracy is in peril. Get serious!

Concho Bill
So what did everyone spend their $1400.00 $ stimulus check on ? Where did that money come from ? Do my grandkids have to pay it back ?

In the grand scheme of things considering monthly expenses $1400 is/was a pittance if you're not working. It came from the same place the tax cut came from; BORROWED! They will likely pay the interest on it just like you are until the interest becomes unmanageable. Rising interest rates will have an effect too.