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  1. D

    we need a humor forum.....until then

    My local cop pulled me over for a random alcohol test. "Have you had anything to drink today, sir?" "My mum told me not to talk to strangers" "If you refuse an alcohol test then you will be required to accompany me to the station" "My mum also told me not to get into their car" So...
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    we need a humor forum.....until then

    What does a child's poo-tin and a Putin have in common? Well, they're both a little potty. And they're both full of crap.
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    What music are you listening to?

    I was overseas on a military assignment when I received a letter from my teenage son. 'Hi Dad, I listened to some of your tapes and Deep Purple is pretty good' This made my day. * doggie *
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    Turbo V-3 Upgrade --- Hot Off the Press

    Never a truer word was said Tony * doggie *
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    My local club is sooo anti benchrest rifle shooting compeitions

    Thanks for taking the time to answer people, it is much appreciated. I have approached quite a few level headed fellow benchrest shooters and asked them if they would stand for nomination to the committee at the next AGM. All have declined, reasons ranging from "I already wasted a few years...
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    My local club is sooo anti benchrest rifle shooting compeitions

    I am a member of a shooting club here in Victoria, Australia. There are over 1200 local members. XXXX is my club and unfortunately the committee are focused on shotgun and pistol shooting so benchrest shooting is not only frowned upon but the 2022 (sanctioned) .22 rimfire benchrest competition...
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    Now im ready to glass bed

    It's time to put this thread to bed
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    Threaded tuners?

    In my quest for a tuner here in Australia (after asking for advice on this excellent forum) I found a local manufacturer and after phone contact I was asked to accurately measure my barrel diameter (within 0.04 mm) at the muzzle and and then each 10mm after that for 40mm. In imperial terms this...
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    we need a humor forum.....until then

    A test of if I can upload a joke Well, 'Manage Attachments' still don't work for uploads of my terrible jokes from Australia. What's up? Regards * doggie *
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    Thank you elmer!

    Well done Elmer. Best wishes from Australia, coming in loud and clear. * doggie *
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    we need a humor forum.....until then

    Attachments? antelopedundee You manage to post many excellent images to this forum but many of us are locked out so please share the secret juice! Regards from down-under * doggie *
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    Resource Limit Is Reached The website is temporarily unable to service your request.

    Well, managed to log in fine just now. Online; 2 members and 14 guests. Last time that I managed to log in there were 1 members (myself) and 484 ;guests/bots/trolls logged in. * doggie *
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    Resource Limit Is Reached The website is temporarily unable to service your request.

    Well, I found the problem but can't fix it from my end. Pretty sad as this site has so much great info. Check out Error 508 usually points to antiquated hardware although bots could be attacking the system to overload the server ;-) Explains...
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    Resource Limit Is Reached The website is temporarily unable to service your request.

    After 6 attempts I managed to log in to this site. Noting the lack of users (whom presumably had the same problems) then it's time to call it a day. A sad goodbye as this was one of my favourite sites. Regards * doggie *
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    Resource Limit Is Reached The website is temporarily unable to service your request.

    I love this site and the great advice that I have been given over the years but counting the login problems and technical problems the signs are not encouraging for future participation * doggie *
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    Resource Limit Is Reached The website is temporarily unable to service your request.

    Well, I have been getting this message a lot lately. With only 12 people logged in, WTF is happening? Hackers? * Doggie *
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    Cleaning Rods?

    I have heard that 'soft' coated rods such as carbon fibre can pick up abrasive residue ready to spread back into the bore. Possibly one of the innernet rumours that abound on sites such as this. Who knows? Given all that I find that a polished stainless steel rod works fine. Using a decent...
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    carbon build up in 30 BR barrel

    Well, if anybody can invent a solvent to dissolve carbon then they would be extremely rich. Many of these over-hyped 'witches brews' claim such abilities, yet they are just a panacea (also a good earner) and a lubricant for a good old fashioned mechanical bore brush and a bit of elbow grease...
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    we need a humor forum.....until then

    A Little 10-year-old girl was walking home, alone, from school one day, when a big man on a black motorcycle pulls up beside her. After following along for a while, turns to her and asks, "Hey there little girl, do you want to go for a ride?" "NO!" says the little girl as she keeps on walking...
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    Rimfire Length Gauge I managed to locate a photo that I uploaded a few years ago. * doggie *