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  1. F

    To all us diehards in memory of Wilbur

    Happy Thanks Giving
  2. F

    What a day

    The lowest I remember was 17.9 cents/gal. It was full service (check oil, fluids, and wash windows plus pump gas and handle cash). I was a pump jockey getting $1 per hour. Oconomowoc Wisconsin 1960 ahh the good old days.
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    Mandrel v bushing dies on case necks?

    I've waited to see were the replies might go before my own reply. My simple answer is yes I have. I neck size using a bushing that produces a neck of slightly smaller ID than desired (0.001 under) then an expander die to open the neck to the desired ID size. Testing over the 4 cartridges I load...
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    Lapua 6PPC annealing?

    Salt bath pot I suggest the POT-21C Goot Soldering Pot from The capacity is more than adequate and temperature control is very good for neck annealing. I use an IR Gun (non contact) to set and...
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    Tmoa, smoa?

    Boyd, I hate to admit it but got my engineering degree using a slide rule. But I was not a Luddite, a couple of years later when HP came out with the first "scientific calculator" the HP35 I managed to buy serial number 13.
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    Case for web max

    if you want a Pelican, the model 1620-020-110 fits a Seb MAX see: for specs for price and available see: An alternate would be a...
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    Concrete bench height requirement

    Bill, While the 3 foot wide hall/doorway clearance would allow passage of the wheelchair either powered or pushed, when operated manually by the user, at least 4 foot clearance is needed to allow smooth travel without elbow damage. My preference for "U" shape is based on observing that most...
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    Concrete bench height requirement

    Jim & Bill, Some general guidelines for wheelchair accessibility at shooting bench: Bench Top Surface Height -- 34 inch maximum Bench Top Bottom Surface Clearance -- 32 inch minimum (to clear wheelchair arm rests) Foot Clearance -- 30 inch radius about shooters body center in shooting...
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    ADA compliant benchrest bench design

    Bill, You might try digging through: However, the old saying "it is clear as mud but covers the ground" is as applicable here as in all government documents. I have done exhaustive research but have not found any concise or specific "standard" for...
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    Concrete bench height requirement

    Jim, I'm not trying to be a wet blanket but, if your club and/or your matches are open to the public including out of state competitors, any new or changed facilities after 1990 are subject to the ADA (Americans with Disabilities) Act of 1990. That requires that any new or updated facilities...
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    March Scope Question

    Butch, The simple answer for high quality scopes is that the last step of assembly is to purge with "dry" or moisture free pure gas and seal the final port (typically a turret) in a dry gas environment to leave the scope filled with the dry pure gas. In very high quality lens subassemblies and...
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    March Scope Question

    I know that but it gave me an excuse to put in my pitch about 'Diffraction Effects on Target Images'. By the way, those Shadetree rest tops I bought last year are performing just great.
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    March Scope Question

    Boyd, On those "couple of things that might be of interest" and they are. Your aperture stop has two effects that are of interest: First, the smaller aperture will tend to increase the apparent depth of field (distance from the nearest place of acceptable focus thru the true best focus and...
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    March Scope Question

    Glenn, The type of testing that both Boyd and I have ben posting about is comparative rather than absolute. Each individual observer tries all of the scopes and reports on his opinion of their relative quality to him. Under that scheme, the differences between individuals eyesight (visual...
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    March Scope Question

    Diffraction Effects on Target Images In defense of Jackie's "fuzzy" brain, I believe that all of us that use scopes with magnifications greater than the match magnification see the diffraction effects and may interpret those effects as "fuzzy" images. To clarify: Diffraction Effects on Target...
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    March Scope Question

    Boyd, I would love to be able to use your concept for a comparison fixture and add provision for a digital imager in addition to human observers. It would be great to see such a test done with latest scopes, but it will have to b done by someone younger than me. I'm three months short of 71and...
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    March Scope Question

    Boyd Allen Starting in late 2006 a group of 5 of us target shooters all with experience with high power scopes began doing similar testing. The objective was to establish methods to do useful comparative testing. By the end the summer of 2009 we had looked through the 6 different scopes under...
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    March Scope Question

    Perceived Quality of High Power Telescopic Sights This thread is another example of problems with the perceived versus actual quality of high power scopes and the lack of well-defined terminology to explain the issue. The following is offered to aid the discussion. Key Definition 1 –...
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    March Scope Question

    March 36x55 EP-ZOOM In answer to the OP first question - yes the eyepiece has the usual focus (diopter) correction in addition to the zoom adjust. An old reference from the original Deon Optical site said that the 36x55 EP-ZOOM was based on the 50x fixed with the new eyepiece. Having both I...
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    6MM bullet holes

    Diffraction Limit Based Calculation Note: A 6mm diameter bullet hole at 1000 yard is a Bullet Hole Diameter of 0.0232MOA. To resolve - that is be able to see that two 50% overlapping 6 mm bullet holes are in fact two holes and not just one - you would need: Minimum Magnification...