What a day

But I bought off-road diesel today for a buck and a half a gallon!!! So I bought over 800 gallons........and I don't have a tank.....

'Course gas at 1.80 is also cheaper than it's ever been in my lifetime, cheapest in history my guess ( but I only go back to the '60's LOL)
I bought gas at he KAYO station in Jasper, Tennessee for 17 cents a gallon long, long ago. The other stations, full service stations of course, were 23 cents.
I bought gas at he KAYO station in Jasper, Tennessee for 17 cents a gallon long, long ago. The other stations, full service stations of course, were 23 cents.

In 1995 gas was 29,9. we had a gas war and it went to 19.9...5 gallons for $1.00

I bought gas at he KAYO station in Jasper, Tennessee for 17 cents a gallon long, long ago. The other stations, full service stations of course, were 23 cents.

The lowest I remember was 17.9 cents/gal. It was full service (check oil, fluids, and wash windows plus pump gas and handle cash). I was a pump jockey getting $1 per hour. Oconomowoc Wisconsin 1960 ahh the good old days.
Those were the days

I remember in 1970, for a short while,there was a gas war. I had a 1964 GTO tri-power, (Three two barrel carbs)
17 cents for regular and 23 cents for ethyl. A five dollar bill would just about fill the tank. A tank of gas and a six pack of Busch,made for a fun weekend.


I bow to ya if you could get by on a 6- pack of Busch for the weekend. I remember the gas wars. Pull in and say fill er up and check the oil after you get the windshield and give 20 cents a gallon. Doug
just for comparison, .31/gal gas in 1964 is the same price as 2.88/gal today....

REAL dollars, REAL market worth $.31 in 1964 = $2.88 in 2020
It was back then

the lowest i remember was 17.9 cents/gal. It was full service (check oil, fluids, and wash windows plus pump gas and handle cash). I was a pump jockey getting $1 per hour. Oconomowoc wisconsin 1960 ahh the good old days.
in 1942 1t was 9 cents a gallon neighbore had pump with a round glass on top had price below i walked by it every day to school a mile down the road

I remember the Gas Station pumps with the glass chamber on top with a gallon gauge stick inside. The attendant used the attached hand pump to fill the glass chamber.Perfect example of the evolution of gas pumps:D

The one in the picture is not exactly what I remember,but its close. Picture taken at an antique shop.

I remember...

having to turn a crank on the side of the pump to zero the counter to $00.00, and the price was 33.9 cents a gallon right on up till the first oil embargo in 1971
Check this out

having to turn a crank on the side of the pump to zero the counter to $00.00, and the price was 33.9 cents a gallon right on up till the first oil embargo in 1971
0il in 1950 was 50 cents a barrel pumped wells with an old flat belt pulley on farm tractor or staionary engene with flat pulley my first in 1967 was 3.75 a barrel