ADA compliant benchrest bench design

Bill Wynne

Active member
Does someone have the ADA requirements for a handicap accessible benchrest bench or the location where I can find the exact rules? I have looked for them in my sources without success.

There are ADA design requirements for everything from bathroom designs to carnival rides that must be followed but I cannot find their rules for benchrest shooting benches. I am sure that I could design and build a bench that would work well for a person in a wheel chair but I would like to see the ADA rules.


Is this a private, or public range? Only if it is publicly accessible, do you have to comply with the ADA. Other than access to bathrooms and other facilities, I have found nothing whatsoever that would lead one to believe access to, or the benches themselves on a public range, apply. Having at least one bench with ample access from either side would probably be sufficient, and appreciated.
From the response, this is not a big issue at our gun clubs. I believe that we will be ok if we just use our common sense.

Concho Bill

You might try digging through:

However, the old saying "it is clear as mud but covers the ground" is as applicable here as in all government documents.

I have done exhaustive research but have not found any concise or specific "standard" for compliant shooting bench.

What I did was use my old human factors design references and with assistance from a wheelchair bound shooter we worked out the clearances needed to accommodate his using a shooting bench from his chair.

Fred Bohl