Search results

  1. 750k2

    custom barrels

  2. 750k2

    Accuracy test ammo

    Cooper targets I've seen had Midas on the group
  3. 750k2

    ARA Van Dyne Wi

  4. 750k2

    Kimber 82 G questions?

    I'd go Kimber. But if you think your hooked on bench shootin. I would just take the plunge and get a nice used BR rig. I went, am going the slow upgrade route and it costs twice as much in the end. Spend once cry once. They hold value pretty well if you eveer want out of this madness:p
  5. 750k2

    100 yd. egg matches

    Are you running a tuner? If so try retunning - I've found 50 and 100yd tunes to be a lot different. Some say they are the same though.
  6. 750k2

    Aftermarket Trigger for Anschutz 54 model1413

    You will be pleased!! Don't forget to post results.
  7. 750k2

    Aftermarket Trigger for Anschutz 54 model1413

    You can make the 5018 fit - I'm sure someone will be along to explain. Or - go over to Rimfire central and look TT Shooter up in the sponser section. He reworks your factory unit to 2 oz. - They turn out very nice.
  8. 750k2

    Tips on converting to 1-piece

    I'll give the vertical run a try - sounds right in line. Didn't even think of switching the windage knob - excellent advice!! I'm using the wood top and so far so good. Was hoping for a bigger bump but I must have been better than I thought off my 2 piece set-up. Really hard to stop reaching...
  9. 750k2

    Tips on converting to 1-piece

    Picked up a Pappas and anyone have any tips on the changes to style of shooting vs. off a 2 piece set-up? Even little things?? Thank you.
  10. 750k2

    Bungee tension?

    For those who run bungee's through the trigger guard what kind of tension do you use? Gonna give it a try and just looking for any pitfalls. Thanks
  11. 750k2

    OUTLAW the Sporter barrels with Muzzle Devices?

    I still say an Auto class. Tap into all those 10/22's - way more of those than the CZ's and such. .920 bbl limit and maybe 16 or 24 on the scope?? You'd pluck at least a couple converts who watched the bolt guns go. The logic of they can bring them now don't hold water - they ain't gonna go...
  12. 750k2

    OUTLAW the Sporter barrels with Muzzle Devices?

    Auto division LOTS of 10/22's that think their bad??
  13. 750k2

    Ammo question

    Clean you bolt - maybe ignition
  14. 750k2

    Ammo question

    Bedding Just a guess
  15. 750k2

    Ammo cost

    if you look what metals did over the same period it ain't so bad
  16. 750k2


    I want to thank everyone who responded and PM'd about rests. After much reading and developing more confusion for myself I have decided the best approach is to use the set-up I have and dump my current slush fund on Ammo and some proper wind flags. I will hit others up at match time to try their...
  17. 750k2


    Let's try this? Pappas Hall RB custom Randolph machine What do you really like about it? Only the positives so as not to dis anybody's hard work. Won my first card last weekend - I'm hooked:D
  18. 750k2


    I notice some come without a top - Will my Fudd with post change fit up without to many issue's??
  19. 750k2


    YEP, cough, cough
  20. 750k2


    Bill you'll be the first in line if I can swing this and swing the Sinclair back into CF service.