Kimber 82 G questions?



Thinking about up grading from my Savage MK2 with out upsetting the wife too much.
Been reading some good things about the Kimber Rifles.
The Model 82G is affordable, was just wondering if its actually an up grade from my Savage or Im just wishing?
I owned one a few years back & used it at our 100 yd matches. I wasn't happy with its accuracy at all. I tried lots of different ammo in it & nothing really worked. I think the best groups I ever saw was maybe 1 1/2??
I had heard later that when they were manufactured that when some were crowned that they dialed in on the O.D. of the barrel instead of the bore. Don't know if that is true or not but may explain what was my problem. A friend has one & it seems to shoot well.
I had purchased a MK II for some off hand shooting & tried it at 100 with some Wolf Match. I sold the Kimber shortly after as the Savage was much better.
I've since bought a H&R M12 & have been impressed with it at 100 yds. They are around the same price as a Kimber & for my money a better choice.
None of the above are going to win against the pricey customs.
I'd go Kimber.
But if you think your hooked on bench shootin.
I would just take the plunge and get a nice used BR rig.
I went, am going the slow upgrade route and it costs twice as much in the end.
Spend once cry once.
They hold value pretty well if you eveer want out of this madness:p
Thinking about up grading from my Savage MK2 with out upsetting the wife too much.
Been reading some good things about the Kimber Rifles.
The Model 82G is affordable, was just wondering if its actually an up grade from my Savage or Im just wishing?

Like any rifle, some are real shooters, some not so much. But, yes, the Kimber is an upgrade.

I started with a Savage Mark I, and as a new shooter, I was never able to score better than a 198 on a SR-42C target at 200yds.

Another member of the club had an extra Kimber 82g that he hadn't shot and I was able to purchase it from him. First time in a match in which I used that rifle, I scored a 200-14X, with a 2.75" group of 20 shots. I also shoot 50' smallbore matches indoors. I'm not very good shooting offhand (to say the least), but with that Kimber 82g, my score jumped up 40+ points.

With my Kimber, I can compete with the other shooters at the club shooting Anschutz and other high-end target rifles.

edit: has a forum for the Kimber will lots of good information regarding care and feeding of the Kimber 82g
The 82 G was made to shoot a 7/8" group at 5o yds to meet gov't specs it was a training rifle. I have a 82 AAM that was made to shoot 3/8 " at 50 yds. but only about 454 was made . Richard
I've owned a couple of 82 G's and they took way more work and farting around with ammo than any of the Savage Mark II's I have to shoot a good group.
For the 82Gs seem to be hit or miss as to whether you get one that shoots well or not.
I actually just ordered 2 more Savage Mark IIs BVs as they are an inexpensive platform to mess with trying different things so If I screw up on the lathe or mill I am not trashing an expensive gun. Keep in mind there have been major advances in machining techniques and production machinery itself since the 82Gs were produced. So my advice is if your going to get a kimber 82g don't just blindly buy one not knowing how well it shoots.
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I would buy an older Anschutz 54 Match before I would buy a Kimber. Duffy's has had some decent deals on GB for the past year or so. You may also luck into a Remington 40X for a decent deal. As with anything, there is an element of luck when dealing with used guns.
Thank you to everyone that responded to this post. I liked the suggestions most everyone gave and believe me, it helps a lot.
Now, Ive got more stuff to look into.
Im starting to think member Blades is right?
Not convinced here totally yet. There are a few more 10 rings, maybe a few more X's to be found in my Savage before I say ?: This is all its going to do.
Im starting to think member Blades is right?
Not convinced here totally yet. There are a few more 10 rings, maybe a few more X's to be found in my Savage before I say ?: This is all its going to do.

I don't know what you have had done to your savage but a couple hundred bucks and the right smith and I am sure the accuracy could be tightened up as long as your barrel hasn't been shot out. I recrown all of mine right out of the box but then again I do piles of other stuff to them as well. But to me the tinkering is part of the fun. I think i would get bored if I purchased a perfect gun out of the box. Then again with a perfect gun I would also only have my shooting to blame for a bad score :)
Hey Saint, Ive done nothing to this Savage. I wouldnt have a clue what to do anyways.
I sent you a PM a few days ago concerning this subject but haven't heard back from you.
Guess I need to do a search to see what I can learn.
Thanks for your reply.
Ahh sorry still need to get my pm notification setup. I'll go read now........
The Savage is not a match grade rifle. I have owned two. I have also owned a Kimber 82G and H&R 12. The 82 and 12 are mid level match rifles at best. Neither will shoot with an Anschutz 54. The Anschutz 54 two stage trigger is just superb. If you find a decent 54 make certain it has the two stage trigger. Another good rifle is the Walther KKM-UIT. I have one of those. It is on par with a 54. A true match grade rifle, Turbo/Shilen Ratchet, will cost $1,800+.
Lager, Best to define where you want to go/accomplish. Not having owned that style Savage I am at a bit of loss, but a proper bedding job for the receiver section, Is the fore-end slightly Rounded on the bottom? flattening that out would promote better bag characteristics. There may be a trigger upgrade from 2nd party available. These can be accomplished by yourself. Bedding does take some expertise but is still doable at home with care. ( all got start somewhere). Biggest advantage that a 54 or kk or pick your poison from "match rifle" would be the triggers. A round receiver 54 available generally for $600-1200, KKUit about the same, -mileage being a factor though so rebarreling might be in order $ 4-600. A good smith doing a bedding Job up to apx $300. ( by the way a lot of those match rifles need bedding jobs as well. Oem they are not. Now as long as we are sliding down the slippery slope a nice BR specific stock wouldn't hurt $250-500.
The old statements: A home is a hole in the ground in which one pours money, Car is a portable hole, boat pouring in the water, gun - stuff the cash in one end spit it out the other, hey we all have our vises though, as long as we have fun doing it and sometimes learn a few things along the way. Been riding the slippery slope for some 40+ years
Really good responses here. Really appreciate the honesty concerning my Savage.
Guess it is, what it is.
Member Blades asked " Where do you want to go" I Understand the question. I just want to shoot better at my local club.
Yeah , I know there are lot better rifles out there but this is what I have.
My Daughter got murdered a few months ago, so Ive got the Grand kids to support now.
Im trying to the best I can with what I have, and there is really no upgrade into the high dollar rifles in the future.
But, I gotta tell ya. Thru some intense practice, Im working my way up the ranks in the sporter class.
Lets talk about bedding the action. From what I understand the action can shift in the stock during fire, thus sending your shot off target.
Is this really possible in a 22 lr?
I have a hard time believing this one.
Would like a new stock, something that will allow me a better trigger pull angle.
The Boyds stock at Midway will probably give me what I want for not a whole lot of money.
Guess I need to start improving what I have slowly, since I have no choice.
Appreciate your responses, honestly I do.
The Tacticool stock actually shoots pretty well off the bench. Midway has the unfinished one for $80 while you can buy a finished one from Boyds for $92. I have gone both routes and found it better to just get the finished one. I have gotten the Savage trigger down to a little under 1 lb. Savage does make pretty good barrels. I am sure you have found out all .22s are ammo picky. My thoughts and prayers go out to you over your loss. Never forget His grace is sufficient.
Forgot to mention. The Kimber will need a track plate as the bore axis is pretty high compared to other rifles. It tends to "flop" from one side to the other when fired. I have gotten the 82G trigger down to 7oz.
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Funny how this thread has changed from asking about the Kinber, to me keeping my Savage.
Member CJD, appreciate your condolences. I only brought that up to give everyone here an Idea about my budget limits. Its really easy to suggest another/better rifle. I know what I have isnt the best,I know I will never set the 22 BR world on fire. LOL
Appreciate your advise also. The new stock might be in the budget next month.
Member Mkane, Ive been toying with all sorts of 22lr ammo. If found what works best for the is gun is the Wolf/SK/ Lapua. The Eley just does not work.Im pretty happy if I can clear a card of 25 targets with all in the 10 ring and I have to do 4 in a match.Im still getting a number of zingers that fly into the 9 and I think its the ammo. I was able to find some Wolf Match Extra and ordered that today. Im hopeing that will help.
I quit using Wolf a couple of years ago. I got way too many flyers. Wolf ME is really not any better than WMT. Wolf is like any other .22 ammo. There are good lots and bad lots. Problem with Wolf is not being able to specify lot numbers. A friend of mine has a Savage that likes, of all things, Eley Club. You just have to find something your rifle likes. I have a couple of bricks of Lapua Center -X
that shoots really well out of my Kidd 10/22 and 64MPR. OTOH I had two sample boxes of Center-X out of two different lots that shot poorly.