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  1. P

    The Un-Calfee Rifle

    Good Morning Cameron PRX stands for the Purdy Prescription. It is a process I came up with to determine the tune for 22 RFBR rifles. It is used primarily for the Harrels tuner, and both the long a short slide. It is based primarily on finding the right length for the correct tune. Since a...
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    The Un-Calfee Rifle

    You're right Sam, he did say he had no tuner. But he did say he had a UG tube, which I believe is custom tunable bloop tube developed by Eric Uptagraf. I am also doing a little bloop tube work on my own and am always looking for information and insight. Have a great day Tony
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    The Un-Calfee Rifle

    Good Morning Cameron I am very interested in seeing how and if PRX can be applied to the bloop tubes that are commonly used on 3P. I would be interested in knowing what your barrel length and tuner length are. Drop me a line at I appreciate any help you might give Tony...
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    Merry Christmas

    Merry Christmas Bob and all my friends here at BC. Tony Purdy
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    Any new info on the PRX?

    Hi All Do to a medicalproblem I will not be able to participate as much as I would like. I am having difficultiy concentrating and watching the screen is difficult. As things permit, I will try to watch whats going on. Tony
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    Any new info on the PRX?

    Hi All This is a discussion I would like to see progress. I am overwhelmed at how many shooters have had success with PRX, but true learning for me comes from the ones who have not had success. I have not talked to much about the other harmonics, but the 9th is not the only one you can use...
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    barrel length

    Good Evening Kevin My experience with 3P started and ended in 68-69 when I was a freshman in high school. I managed to finish the school competition in second, but not good enough for rifle team. My older brothers were part of the 1959 National Championship Team. They were very good...
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    barrel length

    Hi Kevin I have followed your posts in the past with great interest. Have you tried installing an overly long bloop tube, and tried cutting it back to see the rifle comes in to tune that way? I have been working with some 3P shooters and I understand the concept of the longer site radius the...
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    The Purdy Prescription

    Hi Mike I was pretty sure I already knew, but I had to ask anyway. Sometimes its easier to just ask the question than it is to assume I know the answer. I appreciate your patience with me Tony
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    barrel length

    Hi Kevin I have a dumb question. I hear you say you set back the muzzle, is this a counter bore you are doing? Thanks Tony
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    The Purdy Prescription

    Hi Mike This may be a dumb question, but is the barrel on your sporter counter bored? I am way too tired right now, so bear with me. Thanks Tony
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    Factory barrel & PRX

    Great explanation on figuring for the counter bore tune. I have shyed away from posting about this, since it does require the barrel to be altered. All the other PRX tunes, if they don't work, you just go back to your original tune. No harm no foul If I figure wrong on a counter bore tune...
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    Factory barrel & PRX

    Hi Keith If I'm not too tired after bowling tonite, I'll post how to figure for a counter bore. It is slightly different than normal, but really just as easy Have a great nite Tony
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    Calif. State, Congrats Dana Wyse

    Congratulations Dana, on a great win and a perfect card. Tony
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    The Purdy Prescription

    Hi Mike Great job running the numbers for the different harmonics. I have another shooter that came to the same conclusion. There may be some barrels that respond better to different harmonics than others. The more different combinations that are tried, the better the results get, and I am...
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    The Purdy Prescription

    Hi Mike I appreciate you running that test. I am puzzled at why it would work at first, and then start to throw flyers. Brian K said the same thing with his air rifle. Very Curious. Patterns are great for showing direction of thot. My tuner is a one piece tube, but it is not a true class A...
  17. P

    The Purdy Prescription

    Hi Peter Interesting that the vertical appears after 5 shots. Have you seen this issue before in other tuning. Was there a solution? Need to learn this stuff. I do not have an air rifle to work with. This is very interesting Tony
  18. P

    The Purdy Prescription

    Hi Peter I am thinking that we need to go the other direction of 3, 5 or 11th(this will be an odd tuner but works very well for the RF) Calculations are the same for the 3 and 5. 11th you need to divide by 8 then multiply by 11. The lower harmonics are "slower" moving and may be more...
  19. P

    The Purdy Prescription

    Hi Fred Several shooters have gone the extra mile and started putting the formula into a spread sheet where all they have to do is put in the barrel length and they get the answer. I am more of a stubby pencil kind of guy, . I have been given a spread sheet that I am currently going over for...
  20. P

    The Purdy Prescription

    Hi Peter Big thumbs up!!!! I love it when a plan comes together. Glad it is working out for you Tony