Search results

  1. E

    IR50/50 Hall of Fame

    Hall of Fame Points are up on the IR50/50 Website. Congratulations to the 6 New Gold HOF Winners. Ed Hosier Mac See Mike Poole William Colbert Barry Harris Joe Robinson If you have not contacted me already with your Jacket size and how you want your name on the Jacket, Please do so as soon as...
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    New informal league for RF

    You can always go to and create your own. I do this for our Thur. night open classes. Print them on card stock and hey make a decent target for fun matches. Wayne
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    HOF points are awarded and posted at the start of the New Year. They will finalize Feb 1st. So far only 1 shooter has contacted me with his jacket size. Happy New Year Steve!! Hope to see you and Thumper at the TC. Wayne
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    The Ir50/50 website has been updated with a list of shooters' accomplishments for the past year. Congrats to all the winners, New World Record Holders and SOTY Champions. Thanks to Bruce for helping keep up with all the Stats. We are looking forward to another great year. Merry Christmas to...
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    IR50/50 Gold HOF

    Anyone who has recently achieved IR50/50 Gold Hall of Fame. Please contact me and give me your Jacket Size and how you want your name on your HOF Jacket. I will present HOF Jackets, Caps and Pins at the Sporter and 3 Gun Nats at Piney Hill. Wayne
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    IR 50/50 End of Year Results

    We will soon be finalizing all of the 2017 Matches. I would like to encourage all Match Directors and Shooters to check the IR50/50 website and let us know if something is not correct. Thank you all for a great year, Wayne, Kay and Anna
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    IR50 10 Shot

    Chuck Morrell won the IR50 10 Shot with a score 0f 128 Rules below: Same Rules as Unlimited except : 1. Matches will be contested at 50 yds. Only 2. Scoring as follows: A shot touching the X will result in a score of 4 for that bull, a shot totally removing the X will result in a Score of...
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    IR50 10 Shot

    Lot's of guesses , but no one has even come close. 2 Bricks of Lapua Midas + will be there for prizes. No charge to shoot. Going to be fun. Show up and shoot. I will be scoring the match so Bruce can compete with everyone else. Wayne
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    IR50 10 Shot

    IR50/50 is pleased to announce a brand new game. IR50 10 Shot is different than anything you have shot before. We will be shooting a free exhibition target at Piney Hill Fri. Nov 10 at 5:00PM. IR50/50 will furnish the targets so there will be no cost to the Range or Shooters. IR50 10 Shot will...
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    IR5050 Indoor UL Nationals at Piney Hill Nov. 11-12

    The Indoor Range at Kettlefoot is a minimum of 2 years away. I hope to break ground this coming Spring, but we will have to see how it goes. I will not build anything less than the best indoor facility anywhere so the cost keeps going up therefore ; The Indoor Nationals will be at Piney Hill...
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    275 scoring in 50/50

    Tony called me a week or so ago and we talked about several things having to do with IR50/50. At that time he mentioned several things he thought might be helpful including possibly a couple of new classes for IR. He asked if he might put together some ideas for my consideration and I told him...
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    IR50/50 Nationals Week

    Good Crowd, Cool Weather Sporter Champion Bob Hill and 3-Gun Champion Tony Harper. Full results will go up on the website shortly.
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    IR50/50 Nationals Week

    The Gate will be open from Thur. Noon til the end of the match. Have a safe trip. Wayne
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    IR50/50 Nationals Week

    My Mistake, I have changed the post to the correct shooting order. Wayne
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    IR50/50 Nationals Week

    This week's schedule for IR50/50 at Kettlefoot: Tues. 6:00PM Unlimited SOTY/List Money Match Fri. 6:00PM 3-Gun SOTY/ List Money Match Sat. 9:00AM Sporter Nationals Yards followed by 3-Gun Nationals Yards Sun. 8:00AM Sporter Nationals Meters followed by 3-Gun Nationals Meters The yearly...
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    Big IR50/50 Week at Kettlefoot

    Fri. Sep8 6:00PM 3-Gun SOTY/List Money Match Sat.Sep. 9 9:00AM Sporter Nationals Yards followed by 3-Gun Nationals Yards Sun. Sep10 8:00AM Sporter Nationals Meters followed by 3-Gun Meters We will start drawing for Sat. on Fri. Fri. Evening . One relay on Sat. and rotate 10 Benches on...
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    Big IR50/50 Week at Kettlefoot

    We have several IR50/50 Matches this week at Kettlefoot: Tues. 6:00PM IR50/50 Unlimited Money Match Fri. 6:00PM IR50/50 3-Gun SOTY/List Money Match Sat. 9:00AM IR50/50 Mid-Atlantic Unlimited and 3-Gun yards. (Lunch Provided) Sun. 9:00AM IR50/50 Mid-Atlantic Unlimited and 3-Gun Meters...
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    Change in schedule for Kettlefoot this weekend

    We will start the Sporter Mid-Atlantic Regional match at 8:00AM Sat. instead of 9:00 AM. We will not rotate benches. This will allow us plenty of time to finish the match and attend Services for Bill Pippin at East Bristol Baptist Church at 2:00PM. Wayne
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    Bill Pippin

    Bill was a great friend and mentor to all of us at Kettlefoot. Many know him for his stock work and his world records, but do not know of all he did behind the scenes to promote Kettlefoot and Rimfire and Shotgun sports. Bill spent many hours and dollars to help build the Rimfire Range, before...
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    Rimfire at Kettlefoot this week

    We have a big busy Week ahead at Kettlefoot : Tues. 6:00PM Unlimited List money match Thur. 6:00PM Indoor Rimfire League Money Shoot Fri. 6:00 PM 3-Gun SOTY/List Match Sat. 9:00AM Mid-Atlantic Regional Sporter Match Yards followed by Meters. Lunch Provided Everyone Welcome, Wayne