IR50 10 Shot


IR50/50 is pleased to announce a brand new game. IR50 10 Shot is different than anything you have shot before. We will be shooting a free exhibition target at Piney Hill Fri. Nov 10 at 5:00PM. IR50/50 will furnish the targets so there will be no cost to the Range or Shooters.

IR50 10 Shot will use the current IR50/50 Target and Unlimited equipment. There is no need to buy anything new. We will hand out the rules and reveal all the details on Friday prior to the Match. All you need to do is show up and shoot.

We think you will really enjoy this new addition to the IR50/50 menu.

Now the speculation can begin, but you have to show up at the Nats to get the details.

Default This new game must be good...

It has it's own logo!


I don't know the details of this new game but all will be explained Friday the 10th at 4:00 pm at Piney Hill.

Those that want to shoot this new game will be able to sign up for free! Starts at 5:00 pm.

Bruce H
Oh, let me guess what the new game is about. Based on all the whining I've been reading, to make everybody happy, it's gotta be the same 25 bull target as always but only your ten best shots count. Each target will have 15 mulligans! This way those nasty ammo flyers won't keep anyone from shooting a perfect 100-10X. This will bring shooters to the IR50/50 Nationals by the hundreds, maybe thousands.
Lot's of guesses , but no one has even come close. 2 Bricks of Lapua Midas + will be there for prizes. No charge to shoot. Going to be fun. Show up and shoot. I will be scoring the match so Bruce can compete with everyone else.
Chuck Morrell won the IR50 10 Shot with a score 0f 128
Rules below:

Same Rules as Unlimited except :

1. Matches will be contested at 50 yds. Only
2. Scoring as follows: A shot touching the X will result in a score of 4 for that bull, a shot totally removing the X will result in a Score of 6 for that bull and a shot leaving no white inside the center or 10 ring will result in a score of 10 points for that bull. Total points for a perfect target is 250 points.
3. Ties will be resolved by the total number of X's, if a tie still exists, the total number of 6's, if still not resolved then the total number of 10's. If the tied scores are not resolved after this, then the ties will be resolved at the discretion of the Match Director. (for example: a sudden death shoot-off)
4. A normal Match will consist of 3 targets. National Matches will consist of 5 Targets. The match winner will be the sum total of all targets shot at the Match
5. Individual Targets may be added to any scheduled IR50/50 Match and the results submitted with the scheduled match results. All Matches (3 Targets or more) must be scheduled as per IR50/50 Rules.
10 Shot scoring parameters

I'm thinking a new plug whereas "white" all around the plug is what constitutes a 10 might ease scoring. As it stands there will be a lot of plugging.
Plugged my 10 this morning. Ugh. Scoring nightmare at events?


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I'm thinking a new plug whereas "white" all around the plug is what constitutes a 10 might ease scoring. As it stands there will be a lot of plugging.
Plugged my 10 this morning. Ugh. Scoring nightmare at events?

This is worst edge scoring and we know that does not work - UGH.
If you shoot over 3 targets then it will require a different scoring program.
Not real sure where this is going because no one never asked me what I thought. :(
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This is worst edge scoring and we know that does not work - UGH.
If you shoot over 3 targets then it will require a different scoring program.
Not real sure where this is going because no one never asked me what I thought. :(

Last time I checked Doug "worst-edge" scoring used the worst edge of the plug to score. 10 shot uses the best-edge. Tough to grasp, I know.

Nothing is required from you except changing the "future" tab in the scoring program to say "10-shot" instead- like we did when Wayne started the Sporter match category. The work required by Chris in the results will be minimal.

No new plug is required. The existing plug is used. It's really quite simple:

- Touch the X and still see the dot it's a 4.
- Cover the dot and can't see any of the dot it's a 6.
- Center shot where you can't see ANY white between the plug and the inside of the 10-ring it's a 10.
- All of this scored using the BEST-EDGE.
All I can say is: good luck with that gentlemen.
Glad I retired from rimfire 7 years ago after being a Match Director for 15 years.
But I'm old, so what do I know?
Did the 10 shot seem to be favorable? Does it look like it will go foward? Will the scores be posted? Thanks Todd
10 shot

I shot it in Va, did terrible due to being new at the sport.
I think it will piss people off, to much left to speculation.
I shot it in Va, did terrible due to being new at the sport.
I think it will piss people off, to much left to speculation.

What seems to be left to speculation.
Myself, I am trying to soak it all in but so far, it struck me as pretty straight forward .
I was able to try it this weekend. I liked it as a new game. Its very challenging. And very humbling at the same time.
I think the others there liked shooting it as a new format. Most said they didn't feel it would be met with a great deal of favor due to the difficulty of the scoring values. It is tough!!!
The high target was somewhere in the mid 120's. I doubt a 200 will ever be shot.
Scoring the target won't be a problem. Simply score each row & add each row= your score.
Wayne said that clubs could shoot a normal match & if people wanted to shoot a card or two after for yucks it would be allowed. If 3 cards were shot then a separate match would need to be created.
Final details as to figure out SOTY stuff hasn't been worked out. Scoreline stuff. That will be figured out before the start of the new season.
I as a MD will offer it up as an after the match thing. I wouldn't schedule a match for it.

Thanks for the replies. We would of loved to been there. I'm assuming it was a 25 bull card like the ones it shows for scoring or was it normal card just scored for 10 shot?
10-Shot Difficulties?

I'm mystified by the grousing about the scoring for this game.

As for the tallies we'll see next year it will be wide open. At club matches where single targets might be shot at the end of the match (or as a warm-up for the match...) we're going to see scores that might range from the low teens to low 100's. It will be wide open like the Wild West. If folks are worried how a "84" looks compared to a 250-15X their target might have scored in the current games they either get over that thinking or they won't.

How many current shooters have World Records? I know my WRs are among if not my most satisfying achievements in this sport. Many WRs will be shot next year. Seems pretty good to me.

On the scoring side I am again mystified. We already have targets with many, many line-lickers and X's that have to be plugged. This game allows the scorer to only look at shots which involve the X and ignore the others. Shots that obviously cover the X but aren't centered will be quickly marked a "6". As we learned on Friday night almost all "pinwheels" aren't "pinwheels". Scorers will adjust quickly to which shots even need plugging for a 10. And they will adjust quickly to what a 10 looks like. NO WHITE ON THE INSIDE OF THE 10 RING. It's not hard. I think folks couldn't believe their perfect shots weren't after all perfect.

We currently use a scoring system that involves seeing a plug touch black or seeing white between the plug and the ring. No difference here. It's all about the "seeing". This new game uses the best target for scoring out there. The lines are black and crisp.

The only speed-bump I see is the simple math used to tally targets. We're going to see some math errors on the side of scorers who get rushed or just make simple mistakes. These will be easily corrected when they discovered. Adding rows quickly with numbers like 4-6-4 or 4-4-4 will start to go easier.

Keith's attitude seems to be the most mature I've seen. He sees the challenge. He'll shoot some targets at his matches. He'll see how it goes. If shooters like it he'll continue to offer it. What else can you ask for?

Bruce H.
Hi Bruce,

No grousing here, but I am curious concerning the details of how a plug is used.

According to the scoring rules you outlined, if you don't see any white on the inside of the 10 ring with a plug the shot is scored a 10 and is perfectly centered.
But, it appears from my measurements, you also won't see any white even if the shot is offset from center in the 0.014" to 0.016" range.

I made a high-resolution scanned image of an IR50 regulation bull and then magnified it by 35X to illustrate.

Am I missing something or have I made a mistake?

IR50 224Notes
Hi Bruce,

No grousing here, but I am curious concerning the details of how a plug is used.

According to the scoring rules you outlined, if you don't see any white on the inside of the 10 ring with a plug the shot is scored a 10 and is perfectly centered.
But, it appears from my measurements, you also won't see any white even if the shot is offset from center in the 0.014" to 0.016" range.

I made a high-resolution scanned image of an IR50 regulation bull and then magnified it by 35X to illustrate.

Am I missing something or have I made a mistake?

IR50 224Notes

Trust Landy to get to the heart of the matter with science!! You are absolutely correct.

There is room (the offset you mentioned) for the shot to be not absolutely 100% center. A shot can be off-center ever so slightly and still be a 10 shot. But not much! If it's offset more than that you start to see the crescent of white.

I don't know if you shoot IR5050 targets in your tunnel at all. If you do I'll bet you're gathering them up to see what a 10 shot actually looks like.
I don't know if you shoot IR5050 targets in your tunnel at all. If you do I'll bet you're gathering them up to see what a 10 shot actually looks like.

LOL....I'm not positive, but I may have never shot a regulation target from any RF BR organization in my tunnel. I either shoot a scaled version of the ARA target that prints on standard letter sized 110 # card stock or a target I designed that allows me to shoot 120 bulls on the same paper.

After I've gathered the point data from one of my targets, I import into my custom spreadsheets and let the algorithms I've written generate the scores for any target I choose. At the current time I've written algorithms for USBR, ARA, IR50, IBS, ISSF, and a few others.

I've always found it fascinating to see how the same 25-shot distribution scores on all the different targets.

Fact is, I shot my very first IR50 match this summer up in Wisconsin and really enjoyed shooting something new to me.

Anyway, I ain't gunna be gathering up any targets to see what a 10 looks like and I doubt I'd find very many because they're really going to be rather rare.
Maybe I'll just use a hole punch to see what they look like. LOL

Anyway, I ain't gunna be gathering up any targets to see what a 10 looks like and I doubt I'd find very many because they're really going to be rather rare.
Maybe I'll just use a hole punch to see what they look like. LOL


I believe there were two shot on Friday night. That's out of 37 targets. Rare but we'll see plenty of them.