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  1. C

    Thomas's shoot three 750's at Holbrook's indoor benchrest match today!!

    Awesome shooting! Those are some dialed in air guns. I truely think Mike has the best ability to tune,tweek and set up an air gun there is. And it sure shows. Congrats to some great shooters who set new levels one after another.
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    SoCal Western Regional Results

    I had a great time, thanks to Joe for putting on such a great event. And congrats to all the winners who really shined from the hard work they put in. What a great bunch of shooters and new friends.
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    New regulator design

    I know, magnification like that shows alot. If that seat sealing surface is .001 wide you really have some killer zoom there. Most feed rates that we cut at are .002-.006 per revolution or chip load for an endmill. Your parts look better than most guys that do it full time for a living.
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    New regulator design

    Very nice work Dan. And your pictures are so much better than my polaroid, I just dont get it.
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    Smith Sumo II and your thoughts on BR design......

    Thank you, Lets hope it shoots as good as it looks. I think if you take everything to a high quality level of fit and finish and try to keep pushing with new idea's and test them that the end result will be better. I was born to machine things.
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    Smith Sumo II and your thoughts on BR design......

    No matter how many Revisions I make it seems like I always have things in my mind about how to do things different the next revision. Here is two changes that I wanted to implement. The barrel now protrudes 1/8" out to ease pellet insertion. I had to recess the bolt face the equal amount...
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    Smith Sumo II and your thoughts on BR design......

    Very smooth and quality fit. Trigger is outstanding. Next I need to fit a barrel
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    Smith Sumo II and your thoughts on BR design......

    Trying to get as much time on this as I can. I work 12 hrs a day on real work and then change over to hobby work after dinner. Tonight I got the bolt finished, Re-profiled the side lever and made the 6 barrel clamps. Trigger is done and is sweet. Once I have it all done an proven with good...
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    Phoenix Airgun acquires electron microscope from the University of Arizona

    With all the hoopla over scoring, how, with what, paper type, pellet velocity and so on I did have a fun moment. While telling a shooting buddy who is a Marine corp Sniper about our scoring dispute, with a straight face he looks at me and says "Well if you guys shot better you would not have...
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    Electronic Scoring

    No the tool makers scopes and optical CMM's are useing the surface view and not any kind of shadow or pass thru light. Simple huge magnification combined with linear measurement to the .0001". I have used microscopes on my mills for inspection and it works great useing the machines digital...
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    Electronic Scoring

    take a look at this. They used for fine measurement on circut boards in the early days. Much like a tool makers microscope but large enough to handle a target. It is with in driving distance for me and I'm just itching to have it...
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    Electronic Scoring

    Gert, If an Optical CMM was used it would not be useing the hole, it would be useing the lead witness ring left by the pellet as it passed thru. I have never shot LV before but with every power level I have shot with a good backer board there is a lead ring left behind. Please let me know if...
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    Electronic Scoring

    I'd like to see someone dispute an Optical CMM or cheap but large...
  14. C

    Smith Sumo II and your thoughts on BR design......

    Got some work done on the Hammer. This is a Dan Brown recomendation that I try teflon o-rings for low friction. Works pretty slick all right.
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    Smith Sumo II and your thoughts on BR design......

    I have 8-10 Sumo II in the works right now. Two of them being 6AL-4V Titanium. They will be built like the prototype in the picture. This Dual lever thought just comes from wanting to make the cocking so easy and smooth it will not upset the gun in the bags. It would be basically no effort...
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    Smith Sumo II and your thoughts on BR design......

    I have been working on a new Sumo II design and nearly have the first one done for testing. I have made some design changes that I thought it needed. I have redid the entire Hammer so it it very light and short stroke for quick lock time. The action is now lower with the barrel clamps going...
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    Electrics, Electronics and ... what if?

    I may have a simple mind and way of thinking but to me electronic means it has wiring, a supply source for volts and amps, diodes, resistors, capacitors and the like. I do like the idea of being connected to a world organisation but if or when an air gun that has none of the above mentioned...
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    Results Montrose Air Rifle Club Saturday June 21st-Scoreline

    Awesome shooting guys. If I get out to see family in Grande Junction I will be sure to stop in.
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    Usarbr restructure announcment

    I like the board of directors plan. It is good they span the corners of the country and I think from the names on the list that I dont expect that everything will be unaminous on everything but there are 5 good guys and they will work it out. And that is the way it should be. I hope for the...
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    Congratulations Vipha Miller

    She was awesome! Such great skill. She shot on the bench next to me so I know just how hard the wind was blowing and she really pulled it off. Congrats again Vipha!