Usarbr restructure announcment



USARBR restructure announcment

It is with pleasure that we announce the restructure of the ASARBR

The new structure will include a board of directors consisting of five volunteers. All experienced shooters and match directors from across the country.

They include;

Bob Zimmerman......Texas

Joe Fredrich..........California

Ron Silvera...........Oregon

Craig Young..........N. Carolina

Tod Banks............New York

They will be your new directors from this point forward
Please allow them time to formulate and post the associations new direction.

Comments and questions may be directed to our websight or the BR Central forum. Please be kind and respectful as these men have a lot to address.

Both Steve and myself wish to thank each and every one of you for supporting us in the past.
We wish you the best of luck and success with your association. Go forward and make us proud.

Frank Tirrell
Steve George
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Take extreme care Gentlemen

Be clearly advised that any change you make affects many. Act slowly and with determination. I find it good that the "directors" come from across the country...perhaps now would be a good time to determine some ground rules that control the organization, the directors, and what each can do. I've never been able to determine the better way, directors or a general vote, so I suppose either would be fine...or maybe OK. You have to have members to conduct a general vote and at this time there may not be enough members in each "area" to do that properly.

Here's what I'm trying to say. There's a difference in California and Michigan competitors. If there are more members in California, then that's the way the vote goes. Michigan shooters will figure that out quickly and there's not enough room right now for two. Look around at other long term organizations and perhaps gather key points concerning how they do it.

Lot more to say here but that's a start on how I see it. Keep in mind that my comments are largely on the side as I likely will never attend an air gun match. Just trying to help. If you don't particularly want such just say so and I'll try to keep my nose out. Try being the key word as I've said that before....:)
I like the board of directors plan. It is good they span the corners of the country and I think from the names on the list that I dont expect that everything will be unaminous on everything but there are 5 good guys and they will work it out. And that is the way it should be. I hope for the best and am glad we will still have only one organisation to follow. Looking forward to it.
As a historical aside, what Wilbur mentions is the reason that the Constitutional Convention ended up with a bicameral legislature in The Great Compromise.

Not a good idea here, but just noting that it's an age-old problem and it often requires much compromise to create a lasting solution.
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A positive movement

I think a regional approach with the vote vested in the 5 board members is the right way to proceed for reasons previously stated. Some of the shooting orgs have worked under the "Leadership" of one person, the owner, but I don't think that is generally a successful endeavor. It helps to have experienced people making the decisions and in particular, active shooters with a few years of experience. In order for an Org to succeed Nationally, the power can not be concentrated in one area of the country, from my experience.
