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    Mike Ratigan

    I was miss informed. I was miss-informed. I thought he was doing a PhD in astrophysics. Can anyone tell me what Mike does to make a living these days ?
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    The 3 dimensionality of wind shows how young we are in the progress of measuring it

    I am pretyty sure I am pretty sure someone made what they called upie downie flags. Read about them on this site somewhere. I guess the idea never took off. No pun intended. May be now they will.
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    I put it back What one man can do another can undo. I add the nitrobenzene back to the hoppes at the same concentration. But before you ask I can't tell you where I got it from. Andy.
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    Barrel Cleaners

    For carbon For carbon I have always used carbon tetrachloride. Not sure if you can still buy it. It's very efficient but you need to be careful of the fumes and skin contact.
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    salt bath annealing..does not work ?

    A chemist once told me A chemist once told me - for the life of me can't remember his name - that immersing brass in chemical salt baths if hot enough could deposit those salts in the brass. The results could raise the surface tension causing it to harden. Are there any inorganic chemists out...
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    Testing Hi Brickeyee Just wondering who did your testing in your neck of the woods to confirm you were hitting the mark with your method. Andy.
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    You might want to read these posts You might want to read these posts before you try annealing anything. Regards Andy.
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    Tuners Phase II

    No I don't believe you have.
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    Tuners Phase II

    Oh brother Oh brother. I am sure there have been plenty of papers written on the subjects you query. So perhaps hit the web. Read them and get back to me in say in a few months. Otherwise this could turn into a Cecil B DeMille epic.
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    Tuners Phase II

    A few facts from a physicist's point of view It all starts with the sear letting go. First sine wave. Then the firing pin fall. then primer impact followed by ignition. Then the frequency of the burn. The powders burning rate and loading density playing a major roll. All these sine waves travel...
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    New to Benchrest - Optics Question

    Why would anyone think ED glass which stands for extra low dispersion glass is a scam. These types of glass revolutionised optical designs.
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    New to Benchrest - Optics Question

    Gotta be worth while If you got the money glass manufacturers will formulate just about anything to any specifications. But if you only want a couple of tons of the stuff the cost goes up exponentially. The most commonly produced types are relatively cheap by comparison. I am thinking your...
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    New to Benchrest - Optics Question

    I think you mean This is with good glass. I chit you not on the glass. Glass can beat power. I think you mean optical design. Most optical quality glass comes from a very small number of suppliers but is essentially the same no matter who buys from them. But what the manufacturers do with...
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    New to Benchrest - Optics Question

    Good air The more power you dial up the better the air has to be in order to make use of it. It's the same when shooting a camera with a telephoto on it. The best lens can produce lousy images when the air is crap. I shoot srbr and use a 36x - 55x march. Most of the time it rarely gets above...
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    Annealing made perfect aztec sort

    Been using mine for 2 years Been using mine for 2 years for short range BR as well as my hunting calibres. I anneal each time I fire the brass except for the cases I load at the range. Has performance improved ? I haven't and that's the main issue. But I have had to toss less brass. If the...
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    Lyman Bore Scope - Any Good ?

    Endoscopes Endoscopes are what surgeons use in key hole surgery. When I bought my zeiss unit there were no cheaper alternatives like Hawks. All the aircraft engineers an alike were using them. With all the bells and whistles on it you can alter many aspects. Magnification, angle of view, color...
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    Fast cars!!

    I remember I remember when I was at the controls of a TFC and about all the HP we could reliably make was 4500. Now their getting 2500hp from glorified sports cars. That's what a TDS was making back then. Unreal.
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    Lyman Bore Scope - Any Good ?

    Something similar For many years I used a zeiss endoscope system. I had to because things called borescopes like the hawk didn't exist. This device was and still is over the top for what I ask it to do. In the late '70's it was expensive because it was up gradeable. Because I simply couldn't...
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    Global Warming

    Long term prognosis Lets assume the hard core greenies are correct and the worst case scenario occurs. So what. It's still only short term. One day that little star that feeds us called the sun will begin to reach the end of its life and become a red giant. Its atmosphere will expand out to...
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    Global Warming

    If the solar wind became strong enough it could strip our atmosphere completely which would make global warming seem insignificant by comparison. Yeah I know you can compress a liquid but I don't have a star in my shed to achieve this.