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  1. J

    Youtube is gone

    Jerry; I been thinking about you and the latest weather there. Unusual for TN. Woke up today to minus 5 degrees. Good time to be in the shop messing around. Got a bunch of 40 rounders goin..
  2. J

    Clayton Martin passes

    This is especially a shock to me, as I was fortunate enough to be included in the Canadian group while at the matches. Dining, drinking, and always at the same motels. How sad. It will not be the same without him. A bigger shock will be not seeing him there, arriving with Billy, Alex, and Bob...
  3. J

    Farley rest "walking"

    If you do that on the new bench tops at Holton, MI. you are sure to hear about it on the line, unless you were one of the people that spent your week ends making the forms and pouring the concrete for them , ( 40 ) But then ...if you were, you wouldn't be doing that. I think it's called...
  4. J

    My custom 3006 at the Range

    I must say that the 721 I had in early 70's fit me as well as my 88 Win. when it comes to jump shooting at whitetail. With either, I could close my eyes and throw it up and be looking right down through the peeps, but it didn't fit my son that way, so I sold it.
  5. J

    COW method of fire forming

    Classic response for sure. I'm guessing your dues are paid...too. Feels good don't it ? ;)
  6. J

    Foam bore cleaners?

  7. J

    Lookin for a good press for core seating

    For sure , and some Heinekins for Carlos P ;)
  8. J

    Lookin for a good press for core seating

    Alberto; I was going to post the pics you sent me.....but you beat me to it .
  9. J

    political, guns/pot/perception

    I won't argue the fact Walleye is king. And we have king salmon, huge browns They planted, ( like the 31# that won a new Dodge truck here at a contest a few years back. ( but pure ugly.) Pretty when they are 3-4 lbs, and Rainbow trout up to 16 lbs. Talk about fighters. They come out of the water...
  10. J

    political, guns/pot/perception

    The walleye are runnin on the mighty Mississippi. Good time and place to go and concentrate on that instead of something a few of us can't/arent going to change...:)
  11. J

    aspirin shoot

    If you boys think 50 is tough, try 100. We've been doing that for years. bunch of us retireres shoot for nickles and dimes. You only get one poke at it, then it's the guy next to you, and so on. Our "leader" would paste 100 of them 3" apart each week. If you didn't get the whole pill, you would...
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  13. J


    + a bunch..
  14. J

    Burke said "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil

    Al... You wouldn't even NEED a texan with Howie in the room ! Come to the SS. See for your self. ( Actually, he's a riot. )
  15. J

    Illinois Concealed Carry

    Jerry; We have had open carry in WI. for decades. Problem is, if anyone sees you wearing one, they call the cops and when they arrive, they give you the third degree, ask you to remove your weapon, examine it and then it makes the newspaper here the next day. Last year there was a fella on his...
  16. J

    PPC Brass Life

    Jim; + a bunch. If I haven't learned anything else ; Buy your own reamer. If you are qualified, chamber it, or send it to someone that stands out in this game. Then, send several cases fired in that chamber to anyone of several people that make dies to those specs. Niel Jones, Harrels, some...
  17. J

    First Timer to Super Shoot- advice

    I didn't see where anyone told you about money. Bring lots .;)
  18. J

    First Timer to Super Shoot- advice

    +1 on the rain Joe. And BOOTS of some sort.
  19. J

    First Timer to Super Shoot- advice

    That is correct, in view of the fact they were made for boaters to get stuff down the many "docks" at a marina. Lots of them here on the shores of lake michigan.