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  1. L

    which one gives tighter groups? 30BR or 6.5x47L?

    6.5 For Br I agree with everything Jackie said in his reply. I have been playing with the 6.5 BR for a number of years now and have run up against a dead end because of the lack of good jackets in the proper langth. I will say it again and as often as I can: MR. BERGER, WE NEED J-4 JACKETS...
  2. L

    6.5 Br

    6.5 BR - My experience. I first started experimenting with the 6.5 BR in 2001 when I got some bullets from Roy Oines. They were 95 grain on jackets that were pinch trimmed to .960. They shot well in my Krieger 12.5 twist at about 3150 using H4895. I even won a couple aggs. I now own the...
  3. L

    Ray Wild passes...

    I am very sorry to hear of Ray's passing. He was a good friend. I was just at his house last fall looking at some equipment he wanted to sell. He looked great and was full of life. I got my old Stolle rifle from him back in 93, the only one I ever won a hall of fame point with. I will miss...
  4. L

    World Qualifiers?

    Jerry, you had a good idea, I just said it a little different to see if people were listening. At least you and I are paying attention, which is about all I can afford to pay. Larry
  5. L

    World Qualifiers?

    Here's an idea, pick 5 matchs where the attendance is expected to be somewhat similar, 2 in the east, 2 in the west, and 1 in the middle, give only the amount of points for each match that is equal to the number of points for the least well attended match of the 5, then allow shooters to...
  6. L

    World Qualifiers?

    Andy, I agree with you completely. Why should all those people from east of the Mississippi have to travel 1500 to 2500 miles twice in the same year. Once is bad enough. Please don't take this as baseless griping. It is intended as constructive observation so that improvements can develop...