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    284 Shehane Rob: I had 6.5x284 Shehane dies from my BR days and thought I could just switch the bushings, but that will not work. My dies are by Jim Carstensen and are his typical high quality. On, on the 7mm info page, there is a reamer print for Mark King. John Whidden does most...
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    7mmWSM I left 1000 yd BR to shoot long range prone. I wanted a chambering that would be accurate with a high BC. I picked the 284 Shehane based on the 6.5x284 Lapua case. The shoulder stays at 35 degrees but the fire formed brass is .485 at the body/shoulder compared to about .474 of the...
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    Al's 6x47L

    Learning curve JR: The more you learn it seems the steeper the curve. Welcome to the outer limits. Jim
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    Al's 6x47L

    The Question . . . and the Answer. Al: I find JR's question profoundly simple and to the point . . . the ultimate question. I also find your answer profoundly simple and to the point . . . the ultimate answer. Like anything worth doing, you have to find the limits to find the leading edge of...
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    Thunder Valley 2009 ?

    Throwing Roses Danny: You are one of the reasons I miss 1000 yd BR -- I love my long range prone game but I miss the people and personalities. What I remember best about you is your two Championships while I was still shooting BR and the fact that I cannot ever remember you having a bad...
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    Al's 6x47L

    .266 neck Al: I also like a thicker neck brass than you have to turn with a .266 neck, but there is an upside: You can get CARBIDE bushings from Butch Lambert that will burnish the necks beautifully. Jim
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    Al's 6x47L

    Neck tension Al: In the long range prone game, MANY if not MOST of the shooters are soft seating, although the International Palma Rules discourage this. The soft seat is a reaction to so many rounds being fired with the hopes of not having to chase the lands. However, I have seen many a...
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    Al's 6x47L

    The process Al: I am "feeling" your process. I see the light . . . most of it. Questions: 1. Which fire form process are "into" with the 6x47L -- shotgun powder and no bullet or light bullet and H4350? 2. On the shotgun fire forming, are you just finding the correct charge to give you...
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    20 Foot berms on you range??

    Berms I am a member of River Bend Gun Club in Dawson County, Georgia. We had our annual meeting last Sunday evening regarding all issues from financial reports to the status of new and old projects. We have several new ranges going in and the moving of dirt took priority in the plans over the...
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    bullet pointing

    Bullet pointing/Closing meplats The best procedure is to work up the load that shoots best in your gun. After you have established that, close the meplats and it will give you benefits on your 1000 yd target -- and even at 600. If the A-Max shoots more accurately than your 142 SMK (no...
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    Al's 6x47L

    Why not . . . ? Al: As I understand it, you trim your brass significantly prior to fire forming. Since the 6x47L does not have a very long neck (compared to the 6mm Swiss Match for example) why would you not wait until AFTER you have fire formed in the dedicated FF barrel? It seems that...
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    Al's 6x47L

    Sucked flat cases All: Like Joel, I have never seen a case sucked flat. I have seen at least two (maybe three) 300 Ackley cases at Hawks Ridge that had flutes around the case (a shooter who wins very often had the first two on the same day). I have seen another case with the same type...
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    Al's 6x47L

    Hawks Ridge Lynn: Wow, you are really into the ignition issue -- with some backup history. Very impressive. On the new project, I like the location of the tree.:) As to Hawks Ridge, I have seen everything. I am sure you know of one famous shooter who pulled the bullets on his 300 Ackley...
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    Al's 6x47L

    Al, what yo been drink'n Al: Now wait just a second, please. Are you saying that a small rifle primer will consistantly light a wildcat based on RWS 375 H&H brass (often used to make the 300 Ackley with about 95 grains of H20 capacity)? In cool weather, CCI Large Rifle BR primers often have...
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    Al's 6x47L

    Noooooooo! Lynn: I though you were just kidding us. PLEASE DON'T DO IT! For one thing, if David Tubb found that the small primer would not light the 6XC then it will cause big problems in your brass. Second, this can be very dangerous. Third, there is no up side on a risk-benefit basis...
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    Al's 6x47L

    Chambers and Pockets Al: This goes back a long way. At Hawks Ridge, the shooters often spec'ed out a reamer to cut a tighter fit on the rear if they were using Norma brass, as many did at the time with the 6.5x284 and 300 ackley chamberings (based on the 300 Wea). It did not really seem to...
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    Al's 6x47L

    6x47L Al: I "think" I know the answer, but it is best to ask. How do you keep your primer pockets tight with the "fat" area cut by your reamer? Jim
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    Al's 6x47L

    6x47L AL: Yep, with my eyes a larger print would be nice. However, I can "see" it and make it better with a magnifier. Jim
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    Al's 6x47L

    Ok Al, I have created a new thread for this topic, and I can't wait to be schooled. Jim
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    Trimmers... trimmers conundrum

    How do you do it alinwa . . . A to Z please Al: Since I consider you the "man" on fire forming, and because I KNOW that a case CANNOT be square until it is fire formed (at best), what is your procedure on chamfering pre fire form and/or post fire form? On my long range prone loads, I...