Search results

  1. Al Hadfield

    IR 50/50 - MA 3-Gun State Championship - Easthampton Fish & Game - Sat. 7/30

    Well, this is getting interesting. Ken and Cherie might be coming. I hope so, it's been too long since we have seen Cherie. Mel, a 749/53x, wow, great shooting. I'll make the same offer to you I made to Gordon. I'll be glad to clean your sporter before the match. Pete, I liked Gunfight at the...
  2. Al Hadfield

    IR 50/50 - MA 3-Gun State Championship - Easthampton Fish & Game - Sat. 7/30

    Ha! "...old shooter..."? "...old shooter..."? Now Gordon, who could you be talking about. :confused: Pete, do you really think Gordon is calling my out? I don't worry about Gordon so much as I worry about Mel and you of course in Sporter. That Sporter of yours sure can shoot. You really...
  3. Al Hadfield

    Gary Hamilton Wins Capital City, Maine 7-23-11

    Congratulations Gary, and to Paul and John too! Mike that first 250 is special, congratulations! Al
  4. Al Hadfield

    Thumbs up to Gordon Eck !

    Hi Johnny, What a nice post. CONGRATULATIONS to you son for his first win, may there be many more. :) Gordon is the best, no doubt about it. I, like Bill, had my 10.5 loose it's competitiveness. As Bill said, "Gordon worked his magic on it". I see this is your first post. Welcome! Please keep...
  5. Al Hadfield

    AL Hadfield Wins both Holbrooks Unlimited matches.

    Thanks guys. As always, thank you Paul for running these matches. Dave, I think I have Penny's rest problem solved, too much accumulated dirt and crap. Keven, good to hear from you. Long time no see. As they say, thanks for the kind words. By-the-way folks, notice how close to taking the...
  6. Al Hadfield

    Bob Barnhart 750-60X at Salem

    Great Shooting Bob! :D Al & Penny
  7. Al Hadfield

    6/25 - Easthampton 3-Gun and UL Results

    As always a great job Michael! Thanks for lunch and a big thanks Maryellen for the BIG brownies! Congratulations to all the "Winners & Grinners" It is great to see some of the newer shooters do so well. They are raising the bar another notch or two. :D Al & Penny
  8. Al Hadfield

    AL and Penny Hadfield Take 1st and 2nd Ray Hill takes 3rd at Massachusetts State.

    Aw gee Bob, you'r making me blush. :o Al :D
  9. Al Hadfield

    Help Turbo front scope mount

    I agree with Pete 100%. Al
  10. Al Hadfield

    AL and Penny Hadfield Take 1st and 2nd Ray Hill takes 3rd at Massachusetts State.

    Hi Bob, I see the above is your first post, Welcome to the board! I appreciate your appreciation, thanks for the kind words. We will look forward to seeing you and Dad this weekend at Easthampton. Let's try to get together for another back yard shoot before too long. I moved the boat so we...
  11. Al Hadfield

    AL and Penny Hadfield Take 1st and 2nd Ray Hill takes 3rd at Massachusetts State.

    Hi all, Thanks Pete, Dave, Mike & Pepper. Us Senior Citizens can rise to the occasion once in a while. ;) Jim, It sure would be nice to see you, and shoot with you again, but my traveling ability is limited these days. Maybe one day the IR Nationals will get closer to New England. By-the-way...
  12. Al Hadfield

    AL and Penny Hadfield Take 1st and 2nd Ray Hill takes 3rd at Massachusetts State.

    Thanks Paul, great job! It was good to meet Gary from Maine. It was great to see Bob Hill who is very new to our game take home some wood, good going Bob...and good shooting to Bob's dad Ray. Ray you will break out if that 247 rut soon. We are looking forward to seeing most of you at...
  13. Al Hadfield

    NY State and North East Reg. IR50/50 3-Gun Yards and Meters results

    Hi Todd, What a great weekend...rain and all! A big thanks to you for being a great host and to Pete and everyone who else who helped. Saturday's BBQ and campfire was fun. I don't think anyone went home hungry. Job well done! Al & Penny :D
  14. Al Hadfield

    May 28 Match Results - Easthampton Fish & Game, Southampton, MA

    Hi Michael, Yes, we think a good time was enjoyed by all. A very relaxing start to the season. Our thanks to you for running these matches. And a big thanks to Walt and Don for their hard work in setting up and breaking down. A special thanks to MaryElllen for providing the delicious snacks...
  15. Al Hadfield

    NY State & NE Regional IR50/50 3-Gun Yards & Meters Championships, 6/11-12 at Salem

    Hi Todd, I look forward to your BBQs as much or more than the shooting. What can we bring...other than a fire extinguisher? :eek: Al
  16. Al Hadfield

    IR 50/50 - 3 Gun and UL Match - Easthampton, MA - Sat. May 28th

    WHOOPIE! The first match of the season, we can't wait. see you Saturday. A & P
  17. Al Hadfield

    NY State & NE Regional IR50/50 3-Gun Yards & Meters Championships, 6/11-12 at Salem

    Penny and I are looking forward to our annual visit to Salem.
  18. Al Hadfield

    Shooting that switching wind

    Hi BloodHound, Shooting in a very strong switchy wind is a challenge, that's for sure. You have already got some good responses but if you want to do a little more reading here is a link to a post I made about three years ago that might help...
  19. Al Hadfield

    The "Crawfish" Shoot

    Hi Guys, I've been getting a HOOT out of this thread! :D Penny and I want to wish all our friends the best of luck! Have fun. Enjoy. Al