AL Hadfield Wins both Holbrooks Unlimited matches.


Paul Bendix

Tough shooting conditions all day. NO 250's today but 5 249's, with AL's 249 18X as Top score.
Match 1 top 3 total agg.
Al Hadfield 744 39X first
Paul Bendix 740 32X second
Penny Hadfield 736 36X third

Match 2 top 3 total agg

Al Hadfield 743 31X first
Ray Hill 742 34X second
Penny Hadfield 738 40X third

Thanks for all the help in setting up and taking down the range.
Thanks David, Penny and Michael for all the scoring.

Results will be posted on the webb site.

Good luck to everyone that is shooting at the Worlds in S.C.

Thanks for setting up the match Paul. Congrats to Al and Penny. Those switching winds were a tough challenge.

Thanks Paul for having the match.

Congratulations to Al for once again proving he's the best, especially when the breezes get challenging. But not by much as Penny is still a force to be dealt with, and if her rest hadn't malfunctioned, who knows.

It was nice seeing everyone again and I'll be back at Easthampton in August.


Thanks for the report.
Congrats to Al, he is a shooting Machine.
Al gave me the best advice I ever got when shooting rimfire.
I was at the famous "Hole in the Wall" with the wind blowing in all directions at the same time. Al said" you don't have to be in hurry to start, you can always hurry at the end". That is when I started to learn to slow down and wait to pull the trigger.

Take care Kevin Kunkle
Thanks guys.

As always, thank you Paul for running these matches.

Dave, I think I have Penny's rest problem solved, too much accumulated dirt and crap.

Keven, good to hear from you. Long time no see. As they say, thanks for the kind words.

By-the-way folks, notice how close to taking the second match Ray Hill came. For new shooters Ray and Bob Hill are doing great! Congratulations!

One more "Thanks You"...To my friend Gordon for keeping my ol' gun shooting.

Al :)
On Choices:

I had the choice last monday and tuesday of driving to my Ct "base" and shooting three events, Salem Wedneday, Holebrook Saturday and Salem Sunday. I opted to go to St J, Vt and shoot in a 2 day Metric Centerfire event. I hadn't been there all year and have established a number of friends there I wanted to visit.

We tried a different motel this time and that, to be kind, SUCKED! I did get to see several of my long standing friends there but shot at the bottom of the pack all weekend. My mind was elsewhere. :)

Thanks for putting on another great shoot. Thank you Al for the schooling once again. Glad to see you fixed Penny's rest. I'll be getting some rubber feet for my rest after that meltdown I had on the first target. Thanks for lending me your spare set. They made a Huge difference. That was some challenging conditions which made for a great time. Good seeing you Dave, Mike, Penny. Good shooting to all!

Al, I'm glad to see that you and Penny are doing well. Congratulations.