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  1. D

    A cactus thank you

    Thanks To Art and Max and everyone who made this a great Cactus. Pumpkin
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    Titanium Screws for benchrest stand

    Hole was made with #2 center drill. Just sharpen points to 60 degree included angle. D
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    Cactus tables

    Tables Tents and tables everywhere. Room for 300 shooters. Come on down. Pumpkin
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    30 cal rail gun ?

    Don No noticeable recoil effect hell. Damn thing jumped off the base into my lap first shot. Pumpkin
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    Anyone shoot 222.5 ?

    Coat Coat is worth as much as the gun.
  6. D

    Ogive Length

    Huh .365-.345=.020
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    Trying to learn a new style in benchrest, its not working

    Get a loading block close to the port and open it up and toss in another. The empty is gone. Maybe on the bench. Maybe on the ground. Maybe down your neighbors neck. Pumpkin
  8. D

    Phoenix UNL 2 Gun results

    I don't have the results so what if you added up all the groups?
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    Phoenix UNL 2 Gun results

    Boyd Why do you say Lou prevailed when the score sheet gives both a .1697? According to the current rule book (page 57) Jerry has copied the rules and the winner should be determined by small groups. Add up all four and the smallest total wins. Don
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    Phoenix UNL 2 Gun results

    Wow 50 millionths
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    Hart 3 groove

    Lee If the grooves are causing chatter you have a really really bad set-up. D
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    Adjusting Pumpkin neck turner for length

    Trouble logging in. Took a while to log on. Adamsgt is correct in that once some lube gets between the parts it's hard to move them apart. Maybe try spraying some brake cleaner on them. The Neckturners are still made here in good old Winnetka, Ca. Kelbly's are one of my dealers. Don
  13. D

    WBC12 10 shot

    WC makes a comeback and wins Silver. Bob Scarbough Jr. Bronze. Congratulations to Kobus Visser of South Africa on Gold.
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    Congratulations Sir Charles

    Old huck won the two gun. Good on you buddy. Pumpkin
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    Pine Tree Rifle Club

    Trophy I believe that trophy became the NBRSA Unlimited Grand trophy. If so it is now retired and will be displayed with all the other cups and bowls at the St. Louis range. Don
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    What happens in Vegas.

    Must be staying in Vegas. Any news on VFS Nationals? D
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    Barrel Lapping

    Hey Al Did you notice this thread jumped 5 1/2 years?
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    US World Team

    Good luck to all. Pumpkin