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  1. J

    feinstein bill

    A good, old-fashioned pancake breakfast / fly-in would send a stronger message and be less tiring than a long slow bus ride across the country. A few thousand airplanes converging on a few small airports around the capitol for free cakes at 7:00AM would be a sight to see! Even if they shut...
  2. J

    Define "Crazy"

    I’ve only met one BATF agent in my life, at least that I know about. It was in the late 70s’ in a gun store and he was a very cool person. I’ve probably become a little paranoid since then because over the years I’ve started wondering if the laws of the land, or the presumed desire of the person...
  3. J

    Define "Crazy"

    Mike & Phil, That is good news and sorry about the slow reply, a day of silence seemed in order yesterday.
  4. J

    Define "Crazy"

    ATF agents frequently visit FFL holders. Do they bring coffee and doughnuts, or are they there to check those records that no one but the dealer ever sees?
  5. J


    I wonder how many times since then Bubba has bar-bragged about “Chasing the government UAV’s off his land”? :D
  6. J

    Define "Crazy"

    On a more serious note. Have all the mass murdering animals over the years been thin people, or is it just the majority??
  7. J

    Define "Crazy"

    With most new cars having talk-in-the-air Bluetooth hands free phone links, and my car having voice controlled almost everything. It’s no wonder people like my parents (83 & 89) think anyone that buys a new car must be “crazy”! :D A few months ago a lady was coming down the road in a new car...
  8. J

    Executive Actions list........

  9. J

    Executive Actions list........

    And they’ve tested and refined it for decades now.
  10. J

    Executive Actions list........

    Didn’t he say there were going to be TWO sets of executive orders? I’m guessing he believes second amendment supporters will like parts of this one and start talking about the things they like. Then he’ll dump the second one on us and talk about how gun owners “like it”.
  11. J


    This one makes me laugh. Not at you James, but why this most likely happened. The link says “No drones used to check feedlots” and I believe them. I also have a very good idea what happened to make the aluminum foil hat wearing pig farmers go all paranoid. People have been flying Radio Control...
  12. J


    If the majority feels safe and comfortable they’ll vote to keep it that way every time. And damn the consequences for future generations.
  13. J

    Ruger 2nd Amendment Advocacy. Do it folks!

    I'm extremely good at multi-tasking. LOL love the second line! :D
  14. J

    Ruger 2nd Amendment Advocacy. Do it folks!

    Bill Ruger in an interview with Tom Brokaw. "no honest man needs more than 10 rounds in any gun," I guess times change.
  15. J


    If you don’t trust felons with a gun, why on earth would you release them from prison? Or maybe some people believe ex-cons can’t get a gun because of a law? Did they break a law when they went to prison the first time?
  16. J

    Mandatory Superfeet use

    Glue AR500 plate on the cratered bench tops, then sit back and watch the fun.
  17. J

    San Antonio shooting and media coverage

    Unfortunately Al it’s already here. People need to be very careful about what they discuss with their family doctor. Part 2: ----------------- Part 1: Part 3:
  18. J

    San Antonio shooting and media coverage

    I emailed a link to your post to a shrink that shoots in our gun club. He said you're crazy.
  19. J

    Wayne Lapierre's (sp) speach

    At first I was shocked by the protesting nut cases. But after a few minutes I realized, this is brilliant! I hope the NRA sends them both a nice fruit cake and thank you card for Christmas.:D
  20. J

    Could there possibly BE a worse response???

    Lets start with the US government. Are they more trustworthy now than when the amendments were written? Off shore prison camps run outside of US law. (torture camps) Mercenaries used instead of our troops. Think about it. Biological and chemical plants even though they were banned world wide BY...