Search results

  1. Tim Oltersdorf

    Protests hit benchrest

    Baaaaaaahd to the bone Dave, I am not going to the East-West. I hope to go to the Midland shoots at the earliest. For those who do not know Coots and Smallwood the only thing you do need to know about them is that they have each relentlessly accused the other of having sex with ungulates...
  2. Tim Oltersdorf


    In nomine patris etc. Glen, There is a simple solution (literally) to your primer question; one that guarantees that every primer will be good. I am talking about holy water. Go to the nearest Catholic church with a small bottle and fill it from the holy water basin at the entrance. You might...
  3. Tim Oltersdorf

    I Feel, and Look Like I went One Round With George Foreman

    A toothy problem Jackie, After sinking my teeth into your story and chewing on the facts I figure I could swallow the $42,500 price and stomach the results. Tim
  4. Tim Oltersdorf

    Protests hit benchrest

    Local authorities report large crowds of protesters demonstrating in two states against the continued existence of two well known benchrest shooters: Dave Coots and Scott Smallwood. The protesters are carrying signs saying things such as "Enough is Enough", "Why are They Still Alive?", "Humanity...
  5. Tim Oltersdorf

    Smiley Hensley Passed away

    A constant reminder Every time I shoot over your flags (which is always) I will be reminded of you. We have lost another good one. Tim
  6. Tim Oltersdorf

    newbie question, choice of .223 Rem bullets?

    Blow the bullet down boys. Blow the bullet down. Ed, Before you invest any more money get two to three wind flags. They can be as simple as a couple of stakes with surveyor's tape stapled on top. Using them will improve your groups. Tim
  7. Tim Oltersdorf

    A Blast From The Past.....45 years Ago!

    Its a bird, Its a plane. No. Its Jackie! I remember Jackie telling the story of departing from his drag bike near the end of the 1/4 mile. They clocked his body at 90+ mph going through the finish line. How he did that and still maintained his Adonis-like good looks is a miracle. Tim
  8. Tim Oltersdorf

    Use your creativity

    That dress does make your butt look big But this other one makes it look fabulous Paul, You are obviously a man of intelligence and cunning. In general you are completely correct. The answer is always no. However, a woman of 71 like my spouse has a finely honed BS detector sharpened by years...
  9. Tim Oltersdorf

    Use your creativity

    Benchrest shooters are some of the most creative persons existing today. This sheltering in place instead of being a bother is an extraordinary opportunity for us. It is a time of introversion and thought using our minds to envision a whole new realm of possibilities that stretch the envelope of...
  10. Tim Oltersdorf

    I am mad as h--l and I am not going to take it anymore

    It just might be this I am not sure but I suspect it might have something to do with the billboards Teresa put up outside the Phoenix and Saint Louis ranges. Tim
  11. Tim Oltersdorf

    I am mad as h--l and I am not going to take it anymore

    There is an audio text message going around supposedly from the CDC stating that you have been exposed to COVID 19 and you are at greater risk because you have a small wiener. So far I have received 10 of these and all but one have been from fellow benchrest shooters. OK,ok, I get it already...
  12. Tim Oltersdorf

    Would you go to an out of town match at this time??

    a window licking pet person Okay, okay I promise to hire a real window washer but I will never close down Uncle Timmy's Bat World. Tim
  13. Tim Oltersdorf

    Corona virus

    Government can help
  14. Tim Oltersdorf

    Corona virus

    The real truth Your sources of news are probably biased and, lets be frank here, rather boring. To get to the real nitty gritty there are two sources. For the true state of the world tune into the televangelists on Sunday morning (get a free N-95 mask with every prayer offering) and for...
  15. Tim Oltersdorf

    Corona virus

    Maybe Mine is deceased. How much money are we talking about here? Tim
  16. Tim Oltersdorf

    HB5717 50% tax on ammo plus more

    The camel's nose. I read, actually skimmed, this entire bill. It is a liberal's wish list of gun control. In this bill to own a gun you must possess a federal firearms license. To get this license you must be finger printed, pass a background check, submit to an interview and pass a test of...
  17. Tim Oltersdorf

    The Scarlet Letter

    Out of curiousity did anyone who attended the Cactus get Covid 19? The four of us who traveled together are asymptomatic. Given our age and teetering on the grave general health we are presumably viral free. I know I was coughing constantly but that was due to pulmonary fibrosis and not the...
  18. Tim Oltersdorf

    Would you go to an out of town match at this time??

    Clinging to guns and religion Obama infamously stated that in times of stress people cling to their guns and religion. We are now stressed by the COVID 19 virus. We have the guns. The only thing we lack is an appropriate religion. I suggest one of the following: Sufi Whirling also known as the...
  19. Tim Oltersdorf

    Bore cleaning discoveries?

    An explosive combination Dave, I did not. That stuff is too dangerous...especially combined with an Irishman. Tim
  20. Tim Oltersdorf

    Bore cleaning discoveries?

    Kim Jong-un bore cleaner Plutonium 239 being an alpha emitter would remove the surface copper and carbon from the bore without injuring the underling steel. The contamination with Pu 240 which causes it to fission too soon would be an asset as fission would occur in front of the bullet...