Corona virus

That's the model wildebeests use to manage lions - kill off the less fit.

It doesn't strike me as being a model for a civilized society.
Since you aren’t a US citizen, I don’t care about your opinion. I don’t want my country going under because of an overblown response to this. Other countries are trying the herd immunity way. Time will tell but we aren’t getting accurate numbers to base decisions off of.
Love when pro abortion people scream about going back to work and risking human lives...
John is my neighbor

Since you aren’t a US citizen, I don’t care about your opinion. I don’t want my country going under because of an overblown response to this. Other countries are trying the herd immunity way. Time will tell but we aren’t getting accurate numbers to base decisions off of.
Love when pro abortion people scream about going back to work and risking human lives...
Now, come on! John is a friend of mine. You might say we are neighbors. His opinion matters with me because he thinks. We people who live on Earth are all in this thing together. We will survive and this thing will be beaten. In the mean time, let us be nice.

Concho Bill
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Here's a question for thought; How are we to know that this isn't mother nature giving up on us?
What we might be seeing is the end of the humanoid on this planet. I'm sure the dinosaurs weren't expecting a nuclear winter from an asteroid strike, but it happened anyway, and caused the end of that era.

Just a bit of mental exercise.....Roger
Well, at 75 years of age I have already survived four or five "ends of the world ". We'll see if this one is the Real McCoy.
The common flu has a death rate of more like 0.1% not 1:36 which is nearly 3%. The world death rate at the moment for COVID is 5.2% but far less so far in the US, Italy and Spain are close to 10% but could get watered down the more positive tests are uncovered. I'm 37 and in good physical shape so I'm not super concerned but if I was a senior citizen I'd be concerned, also being intubated is not something most people want to experience even if you don't die.

The "common flue" death rate in the USA runs around 20,000 per year.
Occasionally there is a 'bad' year and it runs as high as 70,000.

You have to average all those years together.
Now, come on! John is a friend of mine. You might say we are neighbors. His opinion matters with me because he thinks. We people who live on Earth are all in this thing together. We will survive and this thing will be beaten. In the mean time, let us be nice.

Concho Bill

If someone supports shutting down our economy to save x amount of people, they don’t understand the consequences. When they aren’t from my country, it makes their opinion less important. I don’t tell people in other countries how to deal with their issues, especially if it could end their way of life.
If someone supports shutting down our economy to save x amount of people, they don’t understand the consequences. When they aren’t from my country, it makes their opinion less important. I don’t tell people in other countries how to deal with their issues, especially if it could end their way of life.

Mrap, you ain't learned to deal with folks have you!
My wife and I were just watching the news, where they were praising this huge crowd of people all lined up, five or six deep, praising first responders and medical people.

Considering they were all shoulder to shoulder, back to front, it did not appear that anyone was paying attention to the “6 foot rule”.
My wife and I were just watching the news, where they were praising this huge crowd of people all lined up, five or six deep, praising first responders and medical people.

Considering they were all shoulder to shoulder, back to front, it did not appear that anyone was paying attention to the “6 foot rule”.

Just keep paying attention Jackie..... look for what you SEE, not what they tell you ;)
Mram - find some other way to talk about this. Taking John Keilly on raised my hackles a bit.
The real truth

Your sources of news are probably biased and, lets be frank here, rather boring. To get to the real nitty gritty there are two sources. For the true state of the world tune into the televangelists on Sunday morning (get a free N-95 mask with every prayer offering) and for political discourse watch TV wrestling. The vision of Donald Trump, in orange spandex, body slamming Joe Biden and seeing his false teeth fly out would glue anyone to the screen. Tim
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sent over from my son-in-law

My son-in-law is a fireman.... he's young but developing a healthy dark side :)

Ohhh jeepers, and now,

this just in!

ANOTHER alarming statistic from the CDC

They've discovered that 51% of people on this planet makes up OVER HALF of the population on Our Mother the Earth!

Something MUST be done to slow this trend!
Mram - find some other way to talk about this. Taking John Keilly on raised my hackles a bit.

Not sure who mr keilly is. Is there a list of people I shouldn’t disagree with? Funny how you come to his defense but where were you when others are far worse to me and others here? I fought for my country and don’t need someone telling me that we should destroy our economy when we don’t have the whole story on how deadly covid really is. He disagreed with me first and I responded. Stating I don’t care about the opinion of foreigners when it comes to US problems is akin to him saying he doesn’t care about my feeling with regard to Australia or NZ. Wouldn’t bother me if he said it because he would be right
this just in!

ANOTHER alarming statistic from the CDC

They've discovered that 51% of people on this planet makes up OVER HALF of the population on Our Mother the Earth!

Something MUST be done to slow this trend!

Going back to school and taking bone head math would help.....maybe.

Government can help

this just in!

.......Something MUST be done to slow this trend!


Ha, that's easy. For those on the right have a picture over your bed of Nancy Pelosi poised with her giant gavel ready to smash a very tender part of your body. For those on the left have a talking picture of Ronald Regan saying "Now there you go again". Tim
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