HB5717 50% tax on ammo plus more

Hank Johnson is the USDA certified idiot of Guam will flip over fame. His IQ would not come close to a wintertime thermostat setting.


Sounds like he is on drugs. This bozo wil receive a nice pension even if he in office only 4 years.thread.

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Sounds like he is on drugs. This bozo wil receive a nice pension even if he in office only 4 years.thread.


For his sake, lets hope he's on drugs because if he's that stupid while straight and sober -------
The camel's nose.

I read, actually skimmed, this entire bill. It is a liberal's wish list of gun control. In this bill to own a gun you must possess a federal firearms license. To get this license you must be finger printed, pass a background check, submit to an interview and pass a test of your firearm familiarity. No mention is made of the cost of this license. You must store your firearms in a locked secure cabinet. It bans most semiautomatic firearms and magazines over 10 rounds. A state may impose restriction over and above the federal law. There is a lot of vague wording such as "or what ever the government entity deems appropriate". If a dealer or individual has a gun stolen or lost the government may inspect your firearms security and if they deem it inadequate they can imprison you and fine you up to 20K. There is a 30% tax on the sale of firearms and a 50% tax on the sale of ammunition. You can pass your firearms on to a close relative but they must possess a federal license. There is much much more in this bill. I have just mentioned some of the blatantly anti second amendment items. I assume most liberal anti gun bills read like this one. Most are not passed or are pared down but the bastards never stop trying. Tim
Does the hot sun down south

affect a noticeable number of people in the same way as this gibrony?
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Lol, an island capsizing, now I've heard it all. If you're that dumb you shouldn't be able to operate a motor vehicle.
Hank Johnson is the USDA certified idiot of Guam will flip over fame. His IQ would not come close to a wintertime thermostat setting.

Lol, an island capsizing, now I've heard it all. If you're that dumb you shouldn't be able to operate a motor vehicle.

I'm not a Hank Johnson fan (in fact, there's probably little that he and I would agree upon), but I watched the video and read about this on Snopes, https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/tipping-point/, and I don't think his Guam comments were a reflection of his IQ; actually, I can see that he may have been talking tongue-in-cheek.
I'm not a Hank Johnson fan (in fact, there's probably little that he and I would agree upon), but I watched the video and read about this on Snopes, https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/tipping-point/, and I don't think his Guam comments were a reflection of his IQ; actually, I can see that he may have been talking tongue-in-cheek.

Snopes is full of Sh-t. That ignorant moron was as serious as his limited mind would allow him to be. To say at a much later date that he was being facetious was nothing more than his realization of his own moronic behavior.

I was amazed how cool the Admiral handled the situation in the face of such lunacy.

This is right up there with Shiela Jackson Lee, on an official trip to NASA to review the Mars Rover, asking the head of NASA if they could run the Rover over to where our Astronauts planted the American Flag.
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