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  1. Tim Oltersdorf

    Cotton, cotton everywhere but not a stitch to wear.

    This weekend the last match of the year for the Gulf Coast will be shot. It is the LV HV world famous cotton bowl match in Lubbock, TX. The match is well named as Lubbock is in the largest cotton growing region of the US. One thing I can state from prior experience is that the nicest people in...
  2. Tim Oltersdorf

    we need a humor forum.....until then

    A husband on his deathbed requested to his wife that he be buried in his favorite brown suit. She visited the morgue to make sure this was the case. There she found out that her husband was wearing a blue suit and the body next to him was wearing the brown suit. She threw a fit and the mortician...
  3. Tim Oltersdorf

    Ungluing a Glue-in

    If your stock is painted you might want to carefully run a razor blade between the paint and the action. This might prevent the action from ripping bits of paint off when it comes off. I have used the iron method and it works great. It is more difficult to get the iron to stay on a round action...
  4. Tim Oltersdorf

    Joe Kubon

    Joe was a person who showed up at every match. He never would accept any physical help despite being limited in mobility. He also would never accept any advice despite not shooting well. He was a nice person and a true Texan: stubborn, persistent, friendly, taciturn and looked old as dirt but...
  5. Tim Oltersdorf

    Me too I know what you mean. My wife also says I have a dirty mind.
  6. Tim Oltersdorf

    30 BR question

    Thank You Once again thanks to all of you for your help. It is much appreciated.
  7. Tim Oltersdorf

    30 BR question

    Great! Thank you for your answers. I will try the 45 cal. carbide die first. I have that one already. I might also purchase a small base .308 die. It may come in handy later on.
  8. Tim Oltersdorf

    we need a humor forum.....until then

    Just Kidding Please view my post as satire. In no way am I trying to critize Mr. Antelopedundee. I truly enjoy his posts and his sense of humor.
  9. Tim Oltersdorf

    30 BR question

    I have a number of 30 BR cases in which the base of the case is too large. These were used cases I purchased. I remember that we used a 41 magnum pistol die to remedy this situation on PPC cases a long time ago. Does anyone know of a similar fix for 30 BR cases?
  10. Tim Oltersdorf

    The Buffalo

    Cinch up your belt. Gird your loins. The Buffalo LV and HV match is coming the 15-16 of April to the scenic wonderland of Midland TX! Play chicken with large trucks carrying massive oil field machinery. Smell the oil patch. Taste the dirt. Dodge the rattlesnakes. Get grass burrs in your...
  11. Tim Oltersdorf

    we need a humor forum.....until then

    Groan! You know after retiring from 45 years in the practice of medicine I thought that there was little in human pathology I have not seen. However this "person" Antelopedundee has proven me wrong. His sense of humor borders on and often steps over the line between the far out and the truly...
  12. Tim Oltersdorf

    Cactus Results?

    thanks Thank you sir!
  13. Tim Oltersdorf

    Cactus Results?

    Despite Kim Jung Un's statement that as a modern deity he automatically won all the stages at the Cactus I am still curious as to which of the rest of mankind's mere mortals did well. Is anyone willing to post the results and risk ending up in a North Korean reeducation camp?
  14. Tim Oltersdorf

    How clean does the bore need to be?

    Cleanliness is next to Godleness
  15. Tim Oltersdorf

    How clean does the bore need to be?

    Carbon based lifeforms I have started to clean my barrels every other match with no observable fall off in accuracy. I usually fire no more than 10 rounds/match. If I go over that number or am firing 10 shot groups in an unlimited match I will clean after every match. I also believe Tony who...
  16. Tim Oltersdorf

    Cleaning Rods?

    Come on Man! Mr. Lucas, I meant TK Nolan bore guides not Lucas bore guides. Like many a politician I was not wrong. I merely misspoke. My press secretary will later clarify that what I wrote was not really what I meant. Now if you will please excuse me I have to fly to Tehran and help free...
  17. Tim Oltersdorf

    A couple load development questions

    Up Down Round and round Here in the Gulf Coast region temperature and humidity vary a lot. It may start in the morning about 55F with 80% humidity. By the afternoon it is 90F and 35%. Most are using Vit. 133. Most also go up in powder charge as the temp. goes up reasoning that the powder loses...
  18. Tim Oltersdorf

    Cleaning Rods?

    not me thank you Several years ago I purchased a couple of Bore Tech cleaning rods. After a short time they started to shed their coating. I called the company to complain. They blamed it on my use of Lucas metal bore guides claiming that the guides shaved the coating off. I checked the bore...
  19. Tim Oltersdorf

    What happened to.........

    Wow! Did you see that verbal R cross? Actually I rather enjoy reading the posting of two or more individuals who get into what is known as a pissing contest. It's great entertainment and sometimes one of the literary combatants has a good point.
  20. Tim Oltersdorf

    Brass Resizing Question

    Try This Try running the tight cases through a tight base dye but do not set the shoulder back from your easily chambered case dimensions. If the cases chamber easier then you have a cartridge base problem probably caused by work hardening of the base. Since annealing the neck area probably...