What happened to.........

No, he did not "get upset and left"..... Alinwa doesn't have the capacity to "get upset with" children.

Alinwa left to respect the beliefs of Fbecigneul, tim and others....Alinwa acquiesced to the will of The Court Of Public Opinion

Giving credence to the opinions of children is the exact and total reason why we as a nation are where we are today. Alinwa wasted well over 30 of his allotment "accepting people" only to learn over time that this acceptance serves only to validate detrimental lifestyle choices and crush open discourse. Most people are incapable of open discourse. Children don't want discourse, they want affirmation, they are validated by their 'friends' agreeing with them. They gain strength by being told "yes, you Da' Man, I agree wit' YOU!!"

They really love it when a bunch of folks pile on in support..

Normal people hate disagreement unless they're on what they perceive to be "the winning side" or they come up with liberal mish-mash like "agree to disagree"

Normal people have neither the capacity nor the willingness to support their opinions, they "win" redneck style, by winning the mob. And when they can't win over the mob things get really weird ;)

NORMAL people will suppress logic in an attempt to find "peace"....

Normal people will take their ball and go home when their team's not winning. (the innernet term is "flouncing")

I am not normal

My children are not normal

I will NEVER BE normal..... because even the daft mob is finally realizing down in their collective lizard hind-brain that something is wrong.... this 'new normal' sure does suck in some ways..... that "something's wrong" and "Wha' Ho'ppened??"

From the page Hunter kindly linked to...." I don’t come to argue but I do enjoy civil discourse on benchrest subjects and people. I generally avoid subjects not benchrest related. Again, I can’t answer why others do or don’t do what they do or don’t do. "


delusional woke-ass rhetoric .... AOC can take lessons from you francis!!! (here francis, a mirror https://twitter.com/i/status/1582921626563137536 )

Frannie, you're just a sore loser..... any discussion wherein you aren't kowtowed to, any discussion where the mob doesn't chant "frannnie!...fran nnie!..frannie!" causes a loss of self-esteem which makes you react like a cornered rat, hissing and snarling. You PROMISED ME several times on this board that you would not comment on my threads and after one of those promises I prefaced this thread "not br related" in respect of your position.....

Wilbur used to call me at home just tore up from the floor up...... about "how come you and francis can't just come to terms" and my reply was, verbatim, "Wilbur, I simply cannot condone liberal illogic"..... "I am driven to fight for the honesty that my Country was founded on, the honest passionate discussion that you built this forum for and that if you feel that's detrimental to your forum as it stands then I will gracefully bow out"

He recognized the problem, but not the reasons for it. And yes Wilbur, Bless Him openly admitted that in his heart he wanted it all, and that his BRAIN recognized the impossibility of achieving agreement between the two sides. I even told him once that "Wilbur, what's REALLY bothering you is disappointment! That upon recognition of how certain folks really are you are dismayed!"

And he agreed, regretfully.

frannie recognizes a "problem" dimly and his response is textbook Marxist...."ban him"...."censor him"..... "cancel him"...... "burn those insidious books and eliminate the thought process engendered by free flow of opinions!!!" ..... "He's INFLUENCING people with his lies!!!"
and because I generally disagree with him I become by fiat the focus of his bile.... and many others (about 56% of the general population) are entranced by this logic

"I generally avoid subjects not benchrest related."

What utter nonsense!

Here's a link yo just one example, relevant because it features a lot of your 'logic'..... and quite a lot of people pile in with you illustrating my point..... http://benchrest.com/showthread.php?104257-another-thought-problem-NOT-gun-related

In our country the normal folks are finally seeing that there are two distinct "sides" in this world...... and some are even coming to grips with the fact that the side I fight against is consistently "winning"...... 'Red Wave' anyone?? .......

I'm not gonna' slither into frannie's terlet bowl because as Honest Abe said some yrs ago "never enter into an argument with a fool because he'll just drag you down and flog you with experience"

nor am I going to contribute to a forum wherein the preponderance of opinion agrees with frannies view that "Alinwa should have been banned years ago!" that "if it was up to me everyone would be like me!! (frannie)

Sorry all.... I'm NOT LIKE MOST OF YOU!

I LOVE discussion and most of all love disagreement for only from disagreement can truth be reached

IF FRANNIE IS RIGHT (which seems to be the popular opinion) then it's best for the whole that I not be here.

I'm not 'mad', I'm disappointed with humanity today..... And I'm disappointed that the last honest forum on the net "was destroyed by alinwa" in the opinion of "the winning side"

nope, I left specifically and clearly in response to frannie and tim and hundreds of others, folks who are hurt by my opinions.

When the mob chants against me I don't assume that the mob is RIGHT, I just state my piece and move on.

I still VOTE, and I still share my views freely

And I've lost a lot of 'friends' in my life when I look into their eyes and say "no, I simply don't AGREE WITH your opinion"

And I generally venerate those icons of history who've taken on the mob for thousands of yrs, "I'm in good company", company that I respect.

I'm still watching but don't expect me to join in where I'm not wanted :)
Al, I don't agree with everything that anybody says. I don't recall having any problems with you, whether we agreed or not. The only time I get upset is when somebody makes it personal, which shouldn't happen. I can only think of one such arsehat and he's famous on various forums and he shouldn't be tolerated, IMO, but that's not my call. There is an ignore button for such people and for those who can't ignore stuff without such a tool. I'm all for standing up for yourself when needed but usually giving some people any attention is just feeding them. No Francis, I'm not referring to you but you can probably guess who it is if you think about it just a bit. Again, he's a problem everywhere he posts. Nevertheless, Al, I enjoy your posts and you have plenty to offer here. I hope you'll post more and that you can ignore posts by those that don't agree or just make it a civil discourse...and that's a two way street. Agree, disagree or debate but these things shouldn't get personal. That's when the problems happen. I'm as hard headed as anyone and that's easing a bit as I get older, so I try to pay less attention to some people than to others. Some don't deserve any attention. They're the ones that can't speak logically and make things personal because it gives them a stage that they wouldn't otherwise have, based on merit. I think they call it feeding the troll.

Keep posting and try to let some disagreements roll off your back before they get personal. Easier said than done but usually best for all.
Al, I don't agree with everything that anybody says. I don't recall having any problems with you, whether we agreed or not. The only time I get upset is when somebody makes it personal, which shouldn't happen. I can only think of one such arsehat and he's famous on various forums and he shouldn't be tolerated, IMO, but that's not my call. There is an ignore button for such people and for those who can't ignore stuff without such a tool. I'm all for standing up for yourself when needed but usually giving some people any attention is just feeding them. No Francis, I'm not referring to you but you can probably guess who it is if you think about it just a bit. Again, he's a problem everywhere he posts. Nevertheless, Al, I enjoy your posts and you have plenty to offer here. I hope you'll post more and that you can ignore posts by those that don't agree or just make it a civil discourse...and that's a two way street. Agree, disagree or debate but these things shouldn't get personal. That's when the problems happen. I'm as hard headed as anyone and that's easing a bit as I get older, so I try to pay less attention to some people than to others. Some don't deserve any attention. They're the ones that can't speak logically and make things personal because it gives them a stage that they wouldn't otherwise have, based on merit. I think they call it feeding the troll.

Keep posting and try to let some disagreements roll off your back before they get personal. Easier said than done but usually best for all.

" The only time I get upset is when somebody makes it personal, which shouldn't happen."

"and try to let some disagreements roll off your back before they get personal. Easier said than done but usually best for all."

You've lost me here Mike :)

What exactly constitutes "making it personal" or "taking it personal" ????? You'll have to point out an instance where I in particular should have "let something roll off my back" instead of "taking it personal"

All of that rhetoric has always confused me..... how do two people "discuss" or "argue" or disagree without "making it personal?" I discuss with PEOPLE, These people have NAMES, and differing opinions and if any discussion is to lead to any sort of TRUTH then the two people in question need to support their opinions with FACTS.

Only when one of them "gets mad" do I see it as "getting personal".... nor do I believe that it follows that the one who's mad is then somehow "right" .....I've never taken affront, gotten mad nor "taken personal ANY debate on BRC, ever..... 60-some yrs of life has taught me one indisputable truth. We humans are not capable of "righteous anger", that this term is the province of God. "Anger" in the case of we silly humans is A L W A Y S insecurity.

And that passion is not anger.

If, in any instance, I've ever felt angry (insecure) my instinctual reaction is to begin smiling inwardly in anticipation of learning something.

As I said in the beginning of my post, I don't have the capacity to get "angry" with people and feel righteous ...... If I'm ever feeling angry then my initial response to myself is that "I must be WRONG! Because anger means only one thing, that my position is being threatened by another, another who presents a better argument, better facts"

Anyone who's been here long knows that I love to be proven wrong because that's how I learn.

I love to eat crow, the benefit far outweighs my "feelings" ;)

When President Biden and President Trump have a debate are they "not supposed to get personal?"

I know the answer to this question ..... I'm asking rhetorically, to support my position.

(((I'll give you a hint....... during this election cycle which we just lost, a LOT of the people involved simply avoided or even refused debate...... in fact there movements afoot to eliminate debate entirely)))

Nope, I'm refusing to participate because life has taught me that Most All God's Chillun HATE TRUTH! (It's Biblical)

Most folks like to gang up and have a few beers together and argue and kick dirt instead of doing the work to make a thing.

I can say this to you because you've made many things that work..... this is indisputable FACT
no, he did not "get upset and left"..... Alinwa doesn't have the capacity to "get upset with" children.

Alinwa left to respect the beliefs of fbecigneul, tim and others....alinwa acquiesced to the will of the court of public opinion

giving credence to the opinions of children is the exact and total reason why we as a nation are where we are today. Alinwa wasted well over 30 of his allotment "accepting people" only to learn over time that this acceptance serves only to validate detrimental lifestyle choices and crush open discourse. Most people are incapable of open discourse. Children don't want discourse, they want affirmation, they are validated by their 'friends' agreeing with them. They gain strength by being told "yes, you da' man, i agree wit' you!!"

they really love it when a bunch of folks pile on in support..

Normal people hate disagreement unless they're on what they perceive to be "the winning side" or they come up with liberal mish-mash like "agree to disagree"

normal people have neither the capacity nor the willingness to support their opinions, they "win" redneck style, by winning the mob. And when they can't win over the mob things get really weird ;)

normal people will suppress logic in an attempt to find "peace"....

Normal people will take their ball and go home when their team's not winning. (the innernet term is "flouncing")

i am not normal

my children are not normal

i will never be normal..... Because even the daft mob is finally realizing down in their collective lizard hind-brain that something is wrong.... This 'new normal' sure does suck in some ways..... That "something's wrong" and "wha' ho'ppened??"

from the page hunter kindly linked to...." i don’t come to argue but i do enjoy civil discourse on benchrest subjects and people. I generally avoid subjects not benchrest related. Again, i can’t answer why others do or don’t do what they do or don’t do. "


delusional woke-ass rhetoric .... Aoc can take lessons from you francis!!! (here francis, a mirror https://twitter.com/i/status/1582921626563137536 )

frannie, you're just a sore loser..... Any discussion wherein you aren't kowtowed to, any discussion where the mob doesn't chant "frannnie!...fran nnie!..frannie!" causes a loss of self-esteem which makes you react like a cornered rat, hissing and snarling. You promised me several times on this board that you would not comment on my threads and after one of those promises i prefaced this thread "not br related" in respect of your position.....

Wilbur used to call me at home just tore up from the floor up...... About "how come you and francis can't just come to terms" and my reply was, verbatim, "wilbur, i simply cannot condone liberal illogic"..... "i am driven to fight for the honesty that my country was founded on, the honest passionate discussion that you built this forum for and that if you feel that's detrimental to your forum as it stands then i will gracefully bow out"

he recognized the problem, but not the reasons for it. And yes wilbur, bless him openly admitted that in his heart he wanted it all, and that his brain recognized the impossibility of achieving agreement between the two sides. I even told him once that "wilbur, what's really bothering you is disappointment! That upon recognition of how certain folks really are you are dismayed!"

and he agreed, regretfully.

Frannie recognizes a "problem" dimly and his response is textbook marxist...."ban him"...."censor him"..... "cancel him"...... "burn those insidious books and eliminate the thought process engendered by free flow of opinions!!!" ..... "he's influencing people with his lies!!!"
and because i generally disagree with him i become by fiat the focus of his bile.... And many others (about 56% of the general population) are entranced by this logic

"i generally avoid subjects not benchrest related."

what utter nonsense!

Here's a link yo just one example, relevant because it features a lot of your 'logic'..... And quite a lot of people pile in with you illustrating my point..... http://benchrest.com/showthread.php?104257-another-thought-problem-not-gun-related

in our country the normal folks are finally seeing that there are two distinct "sides" in this world...... And some are even coming to grips with the fact that the side i fight against is consistently "winning"...... 'red wave' anyone?? .......

I'm not gonna' slither into frannie's terlet bowl because as honest abe said some yrs ago "never enter into an argument with a fool because he'll just drag you down and flog you with experience"

nor am i going to contribute to a forum wherein the preponderance of opinion agrees with frannies view that "alinwa should have been banned years ago!" that "if it was up to me everyone would be like me!! (frannie)

sorry all.... I'm not like most of you!

I love discussion and most of all love disagreement for only from disagreement can truth be reached

if frannie is right (which seems to be the popular opinion) then it's best for the whole that i not be here.

I'm not 'mad', i'm disappointed with humanity today..... And i'm disappointed that the last honest forum on the net "was destroyed by alinwa" in the opinion of "the winning side"

nope, i left specifically and clearly in response to frannie and tim and hundreds of others, folks who are hurt by my opinions.

When the mob chants against me i don't assume that the mob is right, i just state my piece and move on.

I still vote, and i still share my views freely

and i've lost a lot of 'friends' in my life when i look into their eyes and say "no, i simply don't agree with your opinion"

and i generally venerate those icons of history who've taken on the mob for thousands of yrs, "i'm in good company", company that i respect.

I'm still watching but don't expect me to join in where i'm not wanted :)
I hope you'll post more and that you can ignore posts by those that don't agree or just make it a civil discourse...and that's a two way street. Agree, disagree or debate but these things shouldn't get personal. That's when the problems happen. I'm as hard headed as anyone and that's easing a bit as I get older, so I try to pay less attention to some people than to others. Some don't deserve any attention. They're the ones that can't speak logically and make things personal because it gives them a stage that they wouldn't otherwise have, based on merit. I think they call it feeding the troll.

Couldn't agree more.

Good shootin' :) -Al
I should stay out of the General Discussion page here as it gets inhabited with people who never shoot competition and speak of personal affronts in the same time those people will call others liberals or other erroneous monikers. Some people speak of their great accomplishments but never show the proof. The old saying here was, “Let’s see the moving backer” Those who shoot competitively know what that means. If I ruffled someone’s feathers, too bad. Get over it. Guys like Al Nyhus know me for what and who I am, a competition, sometime competitive shooting veterans who has seen the heat of battle. So now back to the competition shooting page. Oh, some people’s best posts would fit better in the “We need a humor page.”
"gets personal"
very simply they have no facts to put forth, so they attack the poster and not the subject,
Wow! Did you see that verbal R cross?

Actually I rather enjoy reading the posting of two or more individuals who get into what is known as a pissing contest. It's great entertainment and sometimes one of the literary combatants has a good point.
I should stay out of the General Discussion page here as it gets inhabited with people who never shoot competition and speak of personal affronts in the same time those people will call others liberals or other erroneous monikers. Some people speak of their great accomplishments but never show the proof. The old saying here was, “Let’s see the moving backer” Those who shoot competitively know what that means. If I ruffled someone’s feathers, too bad. Get over it. Guys like Al Nyhus know me for what and who I am, a competition, sometime competitive shooting veterans who has seen the heat of battle. So now back to the competition shooting page. Oh, some people’s best posts would fit better in the “We need a humor page.”

Francis I'm saving this so's you can't edit it as is your wont. My concern is and always will be for clarity and continuity of the forum board.... it has nothing to do with "you"

A few things, several of which I'll never mention again. Point by point.

-1 "......as it gets inhabited with people who never shoot competition." Francis, "other people" has a name in your mind, please substitute "alinwa" when you're driven to indict wide swathes of "people" in the name of politically correct rhetoric. Or, since you know me on a personal level well above stage names, just use "Al" or "Al Matson" or "dickhead"..... I have zero preference but keep everyone else out of it! These "people who never shoot competition" you refer to is ME, SINGULAR! And you're right, I don't shoot competition much and I turned you down when you invited me into your innernet "matches"..... no, you're right and have always been right in this altho "never" is a perty strong term as I do have over a dozen 1st Place NBRSA 600yd plaques in the corner of my gunroom from my (very few) registered competitions......(and I realize I'm opening the door to you sending me pictures of your vast accomplishments, please don't.... I've already got them, bravo....oora' ruhh.... You Are A Famous Competitve Shooter, congratulations and Good On Ya)

But I've said all this before and it's embarrassing and boring to rehash personal history

-2 .....in the same time those people will call others liberals or other erroneous monikers. "those people?" really? "THOSE PEOPLE???" You have only, ever, consistently and for twenty years tried to ban ONE PEOPLE and "he" has a name. I know WHEN it happened, WHY it happened and in this case absolutely know that yes, on your side this is personal. I'm sorry for this and have been trying to fix it nicely for many many yrs...... but you're not "nice" nor are you receptive to "nice"..... you are "RIGHT!" and that's where you want to be. OK, I get it.

-3 .......Some people speak of their great accomplishments but never show the proof. that's ME again Margaret.... ME, Al, not "some people". Please limit your assertions to "alinwa" because others are reading and I am really distressed to think that folks who don't compete as much as you do, or at all, will be dissuaded from participating due to your rhetoric. I KNOW your position on this, I KNOW that you wish this entire innernet forum to be a collection of your like-minded buddies setting around a table trading yarns but it AIN'T!!

YOUR table of choice is "Benchrest Competition Only", please brag and swagger there to your heart's content and I promise you I'll NEVER be involved! Even when I am shooting competition.....people like you are one of the things that have kept me away from competition although there are very few of you here in The Left..... I have shot with a couple, but they were from other states LOL..... generally competitors out here will bend over backwards and sideways and corkscrew-style to help and accept anyone, make anyone welcome.

This is the "General Forum".....It's open and IMO should welcome folks from all walks..... Not everyone has your vast panorama of grand accomplishments but that doesn't make them "less worthy" than you, sorry. Sure, their opinion may be less valid than yours in some areas, so tell it like it is and make your case, support your argument. in short TEACH, pass on your legacy, bring others in! Meantime, these "Others" of whom you speak....Maybe they've done other relevant and meaningful things? And does it really MATTER so much to you??..... "Proof" in your life means only one thing.... winning. You used to argue with Harold Vaughn and were party to the group who shouted "Harold Vaughn?? WHO'S HAROLD VAUGHN AND WHERE'S HE EVER WON ANYTHING???" I was HERE when Harold opined on this board and got shouted down..... I don't live in your world of indolence where I can travel and shoot to "validate myself" for people like you. My youngest is 14 and still lives at home. It's hard to go "Prove Myself" on your terms but I don't give your method all that much credence anyway......I've got a youtube channel with over 150 episodes not "proving" anything cuz I might well be a innernet scammer but laying out ways that ANYONE can prove the points I rant about for themselves. I end many an episode, whether it be resizing brass, fireforming or popping primers with the words "PuhLEEEZE PEOPLE, go try this yourself! Don't trust me, don't trust anyone, GO OUT AND TEST THIS!!!" As far as opinions and positions of others?? I try keep others out of it, never naming any names although in my episodes on resizing the efficacy of "ring dies" and "small base dies" and "bump dies" doe come up. Please try not to take any of that personally as you certainly aren't responsibe, you didn't "invent" anything so none of it's directed at you although you'll feel it is. Sorry, I just spew the facts, it's not personal.
I should stay out of the General Discussion page here as it gets inhabited with people who never shoot competition and speak of personal affronts in the same time those people will call others liberals or other erroneous monikers. Some people speak of their great accomplishments but never show the proof. The old saying here was, “Let’s see the moving backer” Those who shoot competitively know what that means. If I ruffled someone’s feathers, too bad. Get over it. Guys like Al Nyhus know me for what and who I am, a competition, sometime competitive shooting veterans who has seen the heat of battle. So now back to the competition shooting page. Oh, some people’s best posts would fit better in the “We need a humor page.”

I won't bother addressing the last half of your diatribe but in one part we do agree ;) the humor forum is best left to others than yourself as you don't own a sense of humor. Conservative = Funny

Always has, always will..... we Conservatives find humor in ANYTHING! ..... "Laughter Is Good Med'cine!" and we are a healthy, happy bunch here on The Right

Ohh, and regarding folks leaving..... I've stayed in touch with many of the good folks driven off the board by you'se haders..... you might remember the aforementioned H Vaughn (and his Engineer son 'robotdr' altho you didn't know that) but there are dozens of others. And lest we forget, Bill Calfee.... Even when I was a moderator I never once banned a person, it was partly because of me that Wilbur realized that "banning" is like "fact checking" today. I could spend an hour on this subject alone.... google, twitter, the MSM..... but I don't expect you're much up on current affairs since your mantra has always been "I have no opinion on why others do what they do, nor why they do it... and I SOI'TAINLY can't judge them!"


You don't even know that some of us find even YOU humorous......

I've always and consistently stood up for the Vaughns', the Henry Childs', the Calfees of the world and yes, even the Guffeys but it really is disheartening that the current 'way of the world' in our country is to step back and observe as the haters rend the very fabric of civilization, and innernet discussion forums are run by people who'll quash dissent, cancelling unlikeable people in the name of fairness

For those of us incapable of "disliking" people this is confusing.

rend on fellers, rend on :) I'll step back into my new world of "opinionsby____al" and continue to share my opinions there where anyone and everyone is welcome to opine to their heart's content with no fear of being hated upon. I now understand more deeply why Bill went off and started his own discussion forum as I've occasionally entered the realm of The Dark Side and that group has even more haders than General Discussion.

Altho, sadly, many absolutely brilliant people continue to contact me privately for fear of being dogpiled if they opine in public..... and hey guys, MOST OF THE TIME IT'S BECAUSE THEY DISAGREE!!!

And I love it :)