Youtube is gone

Great bass fishing videos. Some of the machining videos are crap though.

EDIT- I wondered why he kept his muffs on then I read he was shooting in Iceland.

Good Greg Walley video and Stu Elliot's are nice.

BTW, the ads are ALL gone this morning. Yesterday AM?????

I do have my tinfoil hat on today.


I clicked on search for Greg. Then google images. Lots of Greg Walley s out there............
Not finding video of Greg Walley............?????
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Jerry, I hate to be the one to inform you, but there is no guarantee of privacy in the Constitution. Good shooting...James

Read on James. The 1st, 4th, and 9th in the Bill of Rights. For exzmple;

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects,[a] against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

Show me PROBABLE CAUSE in Little Bushy Bushes NSA SEIZURE of whatever. PPotential or possible, but probable....I think not.

How about our precious 2nd Amendment? Can they just seize our guns, our only means of protection from this tyrannical government?? Like Charlton Heston wrote "From my cold dead hands"!!

James, you have hung around that neocon crowd too long. What is the second word in the fourth amendment?

What is the second word in the second amendment?
Mr. Wildcat. I have no idea of what you are implying. I did not say that there were no "rights" listed in the Constitution, but that there was not listed a "right" of privacy. The second word in both of the above is "right" but then it goes on to explain the right. There is not one listing privacy. If you can find it, please list where it is in the Constitution. James
Mr. Wildcat. I have no idea of what you are implying. I did not say that there were no "rights" listed in the Constitution, but that there was not listed a "right" of privacy. The second word in both of the above is "right" but then it goes on to explain the right. There is not one listing privacy. If you can find it, please list where it is in the Constitution. James


Damned if you don't sound like a democrat ??????

The constitution sure don't give the govmint authority to take my stuff, guns, and papers even if the papers are not literal. The crowdwho has ruined our standing in the entire world sure don't need any more help!!!

Nor do we need another Clinton nor another Bush, especially the brain dead ones.
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It's pretty straightforward. There is a right to privacy. Why? Because the government isn’t specifically given the power to violate your privacy.

That’s what the 10th Amendment is all about – government is strictly limited to doing those activities which are specifically authorized to it by the Constitution.

Everything else is left to “the States, respectively, or to the People.“

All good Donkeycrats know that, too bad the Concons don't!!

This isn't a poly argument Dusty. It's About du you feel safe in your house, papers, and such and with your measlie paltry little guns. They are coming to make at least one big grab attempt if for no other reason than to give them to madman McCain and his sidekick Bibi.
Wilbur, I am sorry for my part in this POLITICAL discussion that you asked us NOT to do. I am removing my posts. Thanks for keeping this forum going. James
Darn. I got home too late........Oh, Yea Wilbur. ummmm Sorry.

Hey anybody go shooting today?
The Dominator and I were out there. -16 at the start......Okay. Gotta go find a different site....No politics. Yea got it.
Darn. I got home too late........Oh, Yea Wilbur. ummmm Sorry.

Hey anybody go shooting today?
The Dominator and I were out there. -16 at the start......Okay. Gotta go find a different site....No politics. Yea got it.

Tim you should have come down here. It was +20F so I went to Cherokee and blew out some brass...didn't take long though
Wilbur, I am sorry for my part in this POLITICAL discussion that you asked us NOT to do. I am removing my posts. Thanks for keeping this forum going. James

Jim, wildcatter is on my ignore list along with vicanb. I had to deliberately open his post to see what he said. Make use of the ignore list. Guys like him need to be ignored.
Tim you should have come down here. It was +20F so I went to Cherokee and blew out some brass...didn't take long though


I been thinking about you and the latest weather there. Unusual for TN. Woke up today to minus 5 degrees.
Good time to be in the shop messing around. Got a bunch of 40 rounders goin..
I thought tinfoil hats and spy rockets were mandatory for shooting

I guess I missed all of the political crap. Good, because I hate that stuff. If I wanted arguing, I would have stayed married... ?

I been thinking about you and the latest weather there. Unusual for TN. Woke up today to minus 5 degrees.
Good time to be in the shop messing around. Got a bunch of 40 rounders goin..

Joe, I figured you would be out ice fishing for Walleyes. I've parked my bass boat till it warms up some.

Did you get that powder mixed?
Joe, I figured you would be out ice fishing for Walleyes. I've parked my bass boat till it warms up some.

Did you get that powder mixed?

It's all still in the jug I originally put it in. I'll get around to it. Still can't believe I did that... But there's time yet. Just curious how powder THAT old will do in a match. probably foolish to even consider it.
When we meet again, I have a new bass rod I will give you. Don't know why I ever bought it. Don't fish for them anyway. Ice fishing ? I did that when I was young and foolish. With age comes wisdom ..

When we meet again, I have a new bass rod I will give you. Don't know why I ever bought it. Don't fish for them anyway. Ice fishing ? I did that when I was young and foolish. With age comes wisdom ..

Joe, so a bass rod is what I need to catch bass?
The darn bass boat sure didn't catch any!