Youtube is gone


Senile Member
Youtube is apparently gone. Its all ads now but what did I expect from the most evil people on the planet like Mark Zuckerberger/NSA/NWO!!!!

Communist bastards!!!!!!!!!!
Youtube has nothing to do with Zuckerberg. Zuckerberg == facebook.
Guys, I have 5 different computers I've tried including an iPad and they all come up with a bunch of Procter& Gamble, etc ads. It requires a google gmail login if you search for certain subjects. No, Zukkie Berrgie is google, youtube and facebook now.
Working fine here. Always was a lot of ads.

My youtube never had ads before, not like this. Occasionally there would be an ad on the top rung of the ladder of recommended sites. Now there is an about 3x3 ad block on the right and it has an X in the upper right corner clicking on it brings up an ad preference menu that doesn't effect anything.

Edit- it is partly working this afternoon but it still has a big ad on the upper right.
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What Dick says. You Tube Works fine in My browser(Safari). Always had ads at top of page. Easily removed by clicking X in my browser.

Possible fix in your browser. Download the latest browser upgrades. Turn on ad blocker in preferences. Last resort……You may try calling You Tube Customer service. Not an easy task. .

Someone somewhere is always conspiring something against Jerry.

Seems that way sometimes.

Youtube is working normal tonight. Conspiracy, boy do I love them!! I guess they tried something and got caught.

I do have on my tinfoil hat, that may have been the problem. And there was a chemtrail over Tennessee today!!

EDIT- I went back to what I was watching this morning when it all went to hell:


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I think Cape Canaveral shot

Up one of their spy rockets tonight. Saw the vapor trail just before sunset here on the Gulf Coast. Must have missed it by about 3 or 4 minutes. Too bad too, is a real treat to see one of them take off from over 100 miles away with perfectly clear skies....
Up one of their spy rockets tonight. Saw the vapor trail just before sunset here on the Gulf Coast. Must have missed it by about 3 or 4 minutes. Too bad too, is a real treat to see one of them take off from over 100 miles away with perfectly clear skies....

And the US nor the Russian Federation didn't see the airliner over Ukraine being shot down? BS!!!
Ads or no ads, Youtube has some good stuff....


Great bass fishing videos. Some of the machining videos are crap though.

EDIT- I wondered why he kept his muffs on then I read he was shooting in Iceland.

Good Greg Walley video and Stu Elliot's are nice.

BTW, the ads are ALL gone this morning. Yesterday AM?????

I do have my tinfoil hat on today.

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Ok boys and girls, this morning youtube is offering an app for iPads that says "Youtube Google Inc.". And we know Google/gmail, etc., that crowd is part and parcel of the big brother and constitutionally illegal NSA!

The NSA clearly violates our Constitutionally guaranteed Right to Privacy....

This very closely ties to who has guns and how they use them!