Your first firearm?

First gun was a Ted Williams 20ga. single shot. My grandaddy bought it for me to actually hunt deer. Never did get a deer with that gun cause I soon moved up to a Browning A-5.

This sure brings back memories of that gun. It was a squirrel killing machine. My grandaddy and I always scored big and had plenty of fried squirrel to go along with the turkey at Thanksgiving.

Thanks Pop...........
This is embarrasing to tell, but my first gun was a Stevens single barrel 12 gauge. I worked all summer for it for a crotchity old man that taught me the value of a dollar. 40.00$ is what it cost me and alot of hard work for a pre teen. It had been so used that the brass would split when fired and stick in the chamber. The old man told me to just put a layer of tape around the brass and shoot it! he said it would be just fine. My dad seen the tape and took my gun away. But the cool thing was that I got my first model 870 wingmaster and it was from my dad. Ron Tilley
First weapon I ever shot was a pump action Daisey BB gun I got for Christmas when I was 8 or 9. Rear sight fell off soon after I got it, so I shot it for years like a shotgun (did amazing things for my shotgun skills in later years). I was deadly on birds when I could sneak up close enough. I even burned notches in the plastic stock with a magnifying glass.

First rifle I ever shot was my mom's 22 (which I still have) when I was 10.

First rifle that was mine was a single shot Stevens 22 I got for my 11th birthday. Had to buy my our cartridges (50 cents a box) from allowance or yard work pay. I got to keep the rifle in my room, but my dad kept the bolt.

First rifle I hunted with was an open sight (buckhorn) lever action Winchester 30-30 that had belonged to my dad's dad (my brother has it). After I got old enough to work at a paying job, I started buying my own rifles; first was a Winchester 88 lever action 243 with scope, then another rifle, then another rifle, and so on.

My dad never had a handgun, so the first one of those I ever shot was a Ruger Mark II target pistol I bought.
My first was a single shot 22 rifle from Western Auto in the early 60's marked Revelation. I think it was really produced by Mossberg. Shot Shorts, Longs, and Long Rifle ammo. Now I wish I had it back.:D
At six I started hunting deer with an M1 .30 carbine that belonged to my mom. At age 11 my dad told me I was too old to be hunting with my mama's gun. He said if I didn't have my own by the following year, I wouldn't get to hunt.

Well, I got busy and quick. I started mowing lawns and cleaning out peoples garages and painting and collecting pop bottles for the deposits. I skipped lunches to save the lunch money and the following July I had enough to buy my Savage 99E in .243. I put a scope on it from Gibson discount center and a recoil pad and a sling and was ready to get a deer with it the following November.

My Dad wasn't the easiest to live under and his drinking was a real shame but he taught me to work for what I wanted at a young age and that has served me well in my life. I miss him. I still shoot the Savage.
Springfield Model 53-B, mfg by J. Stevens Arms Company. I think that my Dad got it when he was in his early teens. It was never officially given to be, but I used it with his knowledge from the time I was 10. It went to school with me so I could hunt on the way home, and I carried it through the woods and fields around Decatur, AL until I went into the AF. On a visit home a few years later I asked my Mom if she knew where it was. She said that she thought that it was out in shed. I looked, and there it was, covered in rust. I took it home with me and cleaned it up. The bore was still good, but I had to replace the steel butt plate. I still have it, and with all the guns I own (more than a few) it the one seem to enjoy shooting the most.
My first gun was a Winchester Model 67, 22 LR Single Shot with a bolt action. Since I was a young girl at the time, my Dad shortened the stock.

It was and is an extremely accurate gun. It made it fun to learn to shoot.

My second gun was a very interesting rifle. I still have it and cherish it as part of my family's heritage. It was the FIRST Nylon 66 ever made. It was the Prototype for the first 22 gauge rifle with a lightweight plastic stock. My Dad's company worked on this project in the 1950s with Remington .

This rifle was WHITE nylon. In production, the Nylon 66 was wood colored and was not available in white. We tested this prototype model by leaving it out in the snow, dangling it off a cliff, driving over it with a Jeep and generally slogging it around all over upstate NY and the New Jersey Pine Barrens. It was a fabulous rifle and was destined to become a huge success.

My Dad's company, AL Hyde Company, worked with DuPont Remington on the design & development. It was my Dad's all-time favorite project. He helped Remington bring it the stage of mass production. Unfortunately there was a plant shutdown involving unionization, forcing the project to go to another manufacturer for mass production. We still have the Prototype White Nylon 66 today.

In the time that's passed, the only thing ever replaced was the front sight. The Nylon 66 remains one of the most accurate 22 rifles out there. As a kid, I used to hike for miles in upstate NY and always carried around the white Nylon 66. Why? Because it was so lightweight and I rarely missed the target.

It's a very nostalgic gun for me. We were told by the folks in the Fine Gun Room at Bass Pro in Springfield, MO that the Nylon 66s are becoming very collectible these days.

Thanks for the interesting Thread.

My dad bought me a new winchester 75 sporter for xmas when I was 11 yrs old. I wanted a marlin mountie but he couldnt find one at the time. I still have the win 75 and have since acquired a very nice marlin golden m made in 1972. Next he got me a high standard mod 102 supermatic that I still have.
My dad bought me a new winchester 75 sporter for xmas when I was 11 yrs old. I wanted a marlin mountie but he couldnt find one at the time.
Damn! You've wakened the old ghosts. Didn't we all want a Marlin Mountie takedown?
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Never forgot about one, didnt buy this on until about 10 years ago, a friend traded for it and hid it from me because he knew I wanted one. The guy he traded with bought it new, had been shot very little, I finally talked him out of it. My opinion the mountie is one of the classics.
Speedpro.... "Funny how walking into some place that stunk so bad was so rewarding at the same time, hmm.. remind's me of some ol' girlfriends."

I can't contribute anything after that! :D
It wasn't my first gun by any means but when I was 16 years old I had been working in the summers as an carpenter's helper for my dad on houses for five years. I had made friends with several men who had custom rifles made by George Curry, a local gunsmith.

My parents let me spend my own money for a rifle custom made for me by George. It was what he called a 250 Curry Magnum. That is actually a 25/06 Ackley improved with the shoulder moved out about .10 inches. It had a Douglas barrel, an FN Supreme Mauser action, a Saco trigger, and a Birds-eye Maple stock with a Rose wood forend and pistol grip cap. It was the state of the art in 1956.

George had the floor plate engraved for me. It said to Bill Wynne by George Curry. I remember George telling me that when you carry a rifle like this one, you need to be able to shoot it well. After a few years I had shot the accuracy out of the barrel and George sent it off to P. O Ackley and he bored it out to 7 MM. That rifle has brought home many deer for me.

That rifle cost me $203.00 including the strap and swivels plus a used scope or about 1/2 of my summer's wages. About 4 years ago I had it reblued and I refinished the stock. Today it looks as good as new and I will always cherish that rifle and the man who made it for me and most of all, My wise father who let me buy it.

Concho Bill
My Dad was on the Marine Corps rifle team in the 1920's. He was a distinguished rifleman and shot a Springfield '03 with iron sights at 1000yds.
Needless to say the first rifle I shot at the age of 12 was the '03, after many hours of dry firing, safety and position instruction on the living room floor.

My first,very own, rifle was a .22LR Target Mossberg. The low recoil rifle was such a pleasure after the '03 that I couldn't wait to get to the Range on the weekend. A love affair that has lasted (so far) 65 years
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In 1974, I bought my first firearm - a Remington Mohawk 10-C (the clip version of the Nylon 66 which had a tube magazine). The 10-C accounted for my first partridge and still shoots well. A real fun gun!
Revolution 410 bolt action and still have it today. My dad traded an old wood stove for it. Shortly after that my uncle gave me a winchester model 250 22 lever action. About a year after I got my first bb gun.
My first gun was a .410 gauge. I dont remember what brand but it was single shot. I shot my first ten point buck with that gun near Whitewater Park,MN