
Joe, that was well said. You are right that he has given a lot to this sport and was a top shooter for years (I am thinking that it has been around 40 years) even though he was challenged lately in the light gun. For years I kept coming to matches to try and better him so I could wipe that smirk off his face. It didn't work, he still smirks even if I occasionally beat him. Now I am sure that since he has both guns shooting I will never hear the end of it.
Bill, go get them at the Super Shoot!
Pictures from the Match

Bill Gammon - 2-Gun Winner


Top Three 2-Gun: Ted heindselman - 3rd Place, Bill Gammon - 1st, Bill Symons - 2nd Place


Trophy Winners - HV and LV: Note: Far Right is Mark Johnson (first BR match), 100 HV Winner with .2144

Just to finish off the results

200yd LV
Bill Symons .2390
Bill Gammon .2445
Ted Heindselman .2486
Chuck MacCluer .2532
Greg Reed .2573
SG Jeff Aberagg .242

LV Grand
Jack Neary .2330
Bill Gammon .2433
Jeff Gaidos .2443
Ted Heindselman .2511
Bill Symons .2512

Bill Gammon .2398
Bill Symons .2468
Ted Heindselman .2588
Joe Krupa .2651
Jack Neary .2690

Let this be a lesson to old people, it can be done (that is the cleaned up version) EH!