Wrabf world contacts

Bill Collaros

Shoot to Thrill
The WRABF have had some rapid growth over the past few months, we welcome all new countries on board and will have another 2 new countries added this month.

The WRABF support our respective member associations and encourage that they work with each other to help grow the sport and assist us in getting true rimfire and air rifle benchrest recognition with National and International shooting associations and federations all over the World.

Below is a link to our website, at the bottom of the page are our member countries and their contact person, this will be updated as new members join the WRABF.

http://www.wrabf.com/About WRABF.htm
Bill, I looked at the WRABF site and could not find the list of the countries that currently belong to WRABF. Can you please assist?

Hi Gert, they are on the link i placed in the original posting, click on it and go to the bottom of the page under the committee members, the countries and reps are listed, there is 18 there now with it becoming 20 in the next few weeks, there will be a change in the South African contact soon as i have just revieved the notification and also a new UK contact and association will also be added very soon.