World Rimfire Benchrest Championships 2008

Your right

I did notice some talk of it going around, but it appears that they were just looking for volunteers to go. I also noticed that in 2000 when BR30 in Austraila extended some invitations to their Nationals. I was the only taker. Many of the top RF shooters from Austraila didn't even show up. Those that did, had a great time. I'll pass on any more International travel with my equipment from here on out. Good shooting to whom ever goes and represents the US.

I’m sure there are plenty of others over there like you, who would like to shoot in a World Champs but don’t want to go overseas to do it. Makes it seem even stranger why there is no interest from rimfire BR groups on your side.

Message for Peter

Hya Mate,
which hotel are you staying at? is it the Accademia? who else is staying at this hotel apart from the Bristish Team.


What’s up? Are you worried about being stuck in a hotel with only your team mates to talk to? I would!

Yes we are staying at Accademia I think Team USA are there too, don’t know about the others. Once we workout what room your in, we’ll know where to send the late night party girls.

I see the room rates have dropped and some of my crew have made new booking at the latest rate and canceled their earlier booking.

RE: Peter's Last

Glad we got some company!!! I know the manager i can get you the basement rooms if you want :) we are in the penthouse rooms they have air-conditioning as the rest of the hotel doesnt have that luxury. I think you can buy ice from the market though.


You’ll have company in the penthouse, I thought our team captain had booked that, maybe there is more than one.

I don’t see the problem 35C and no aircon, we’d feel right at home. It’s the cold we’d have an issue with.

Just got back from 10 days Biathalon & Schnapps training in the Snowy Mountains of Australia, looking forward to thawing out in the 40 degree heat of Milan...

Aussie Team Captain....
Just checked the weather for Milan for the next 3-5 days, 28 - 26c and raining - spot on for us Brits, we shoot good in wellies :D

Here is a good link for weather and wind


I’m looking to thaw out in Dubai and Italy, the wind all week here feels like it is blowing off the south pole at 18 to 40ks and here is silly me at the range first thing every day trying to shoot 10s. I’ve had the place to myself, no one else is that dumb.

Peter: Keep up the training, I love your commitment. We are very lucky here in Australia as we get all winds & all temps so i am sure we will be ready for anything Italy will throw at us... I will see you for our final training session Saturday 19th July before we leave for Italy.....:D
Bill & Peter

Build yourself some mounds up the range about 1.5mt high as that is how Milan range is. I think what your used to will put you off when you get there and will be a whole new learnig stage. I think it is going to make the competition interesting as far as what people think they will be able achieve.


We have nothing to fear, it wasn’t us who got their butts kicked big time by this range last year.

What would a shrink make of all this talk of the past defeats??


If i remember clearly we picked 7 medels last year. So not sure who was doing the butt kicking!! Its going to be good fun one way or another, just hope everyone arrives ok.


Does anyone how, where, when the results will be posted???

For those shooting everything, 27 match targets in 6 days plus practice, I hope everyone is ready.
Does anyone how, where, when the results will be posted???

No idea

For those shooting everything, 27 match targets in 6 days plus practice, I hope everyone is ready.

Peter, I'm so ready the wife has stopped feeding me red meat
I Did Not Find Out Anything About The W.r.b.c.of 2008 Until It Was Really To Late. If So I Would Have Tried To Come Up With Sponsorship And Try To Attend. I Had Contacted D.j. About The Championships But By Then It Was Almost To Late. I Would Have Loved To Come Over And Shot With Everyone, And Still Would But Without Any Sponsorship It Is Just Not Feasable.( Min. Of Around $5000.00 To Come From The U.s And Exspenses) The Level Of Competition Is What Drives Me, I Enjoy Going And Shooting Against The Best, It Doesn't Matter Where. If I Could Come Up With Sponsorship I Would Still Try To Make It, Although It Is Probably To Later To Enter.
Peter I Am Not Bitching What So Ever, I Just Wish I Could Have Found Out About The Championships Sooner. I Have Read Some Of Yours And Carlb. And Others Posts And It Sounds Like You Have Worked Very Hard To Put Together A Great Event. I Wish You And All Of The Participents Good Luck, And To Team U.s.a. Go Over And Take Care Of Business. Have A Great Day! Sincerely, Douglas W. Brown
Hi Doug. I will forward you results when I get back to the UK - about the 4/5th August. Within a week the results will be on the ERABSF website as well, with links from the UKBR22 website.
Peter - it might be a good idea to put them on the Aus RBA website as well to provide further exposure. Thoughts, Carl

NB I am guessing that a number of website from the Czech Republic to Germany will also have reference to scores and/ or links.
It’s alright to put the air rifle on your webpage, they’re not Yankees, well maybe a couple are.

No red meat?? Is your wife trying to bring out your feminine side? I went the other way, I stopped feed the wife meat.

You don’t have to tell us, we all know it does cost a bit to go overseas. The only access we had for promoting this in the US was this forum and word of mouth. Don’t worry, Team USA will be looked after? The taxi will pick them up at the airport and take them directly to their hotel in Rome.

I will be updating Australian Benchrest Bulletin with scores if it is conveinient to do so from Hotel Computer. Probably just 1st to 3rd in each tournament as they occur each day. I will also post them on this site. When it is all done I am sure evreyone will see full results on a number of sites...

Customs Clearances have come in yesterday 2 more training sessions & were on the plane, looking forward to meeting many of you in person :p