World Qualifiers?

Andy Shifflett

New member
There is a rumor floating around that the qualifying matches that were posted in the NBRSA news were not approved by the powers that be, and that they are going to be changed.

It would be nice if someone with "authority" could post something on this board so plans could be made in advance. Some shooters or their family members need to schedule vacation time for the entire year shortly after New Years.

Seems to me that it would be much simpler if we just adopted a qualifying format and left it alone. Not all of us are going to be content with whatever format is finally decided, so lets just pick one, make it a standard and leave it alone. The shooters that are really interested in trying to qualify will show up no matter when or where, and those that arent, wont!

In my opinion, regardless of what format is finally decided upon, i dont think we should ever have 2 qualifying matches at the same range in the same year.

Andy, I agree with you completely. Why should all those people from east of the Mississippi have to travel 1500 to 2500 miles twice in the same year. Once is bad enough. Please don't take this as baseless griping. It is intended as constructive observation so that improvements can develop. Larry

Two Qualifyers at the same range, during the same year???.
Is that any worse than having amatch for a qualifyer that is not even a registered NBRSA Match unless a situation like this, (World Team Qualifyer), comes up.
It's an imperfect World.........jackie
NBRSA Registered!


I am not up to speed on this whole NBRSA registered match thing. To me, World qualifying matches are held so that we can send the 12 best shooters we have. In order to do that i personally feel like those shooters should excel in the biggest matches we have. That would be the Nationals and the SS. You could let all 3 matches count or you could adopt a best 2 out of 3 format, that way, if a shooter was unable to attend all 3 matches he would still have a chance of qualifying for the world team.

I came into this sport way to late to know the particulars of the IBS, NBRSA conflict, but in the 4 years i have been here i have seen group matches and ranges disappear. I hear many people talk about shooter attendance being down, membership numbers being down and no young shooters coming into the sport and all the things that we need to do in order to correct these problems.

Seems to me if everyone involved was truly interested in seeing this sport continue, the governing bodies of both the IBS and the NBRSA could put their differencs behind them, and form 1 organization. I feel safe in saying that most shooters could care less about the NBRSA, IBS "BS" that is going on, all we care about is having a place to shoot, and someone to compete against.

I also feel safe in saying, if something isnt done fairly quick, 5 years from now we will all be wondering what went wrong.

It seems in the years I have been shooting that all of you that live east of the Mississippi think that once you past it to the west you are falling off the world. I live in California and last year went 2500 miles to Ohio for the super shoot and 2500 miles to Ohio for the NBRSA and back each way, add it up. so why are the shooter east of the Missippi special? If you don't want to shoot West don't go and if I don't want to go East I can stay home with my toys. I just like to travel and shoot and see some of the people I only see maybe once a year and I do it for FUN, its not like we make a lot of money doing this. Anyway it is just my 3 cents worth.
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Without hyjacking this thread too much, it would not surprise me that in five to eight years, the IBS will be a dedicated Score Sanctioning Body, and the NBRSA will be the dedicated Group Sanctioning Body.
As for the NBRSA and IBS meaning something, I DO care about the Sanctioning Bodies. They are what certifies our accomplishments........jackie
Best 3 of 5?? again??

Have one in the central US, two in the west and two in the east. Then let the shooters standing be their best 3 of 5.

Dont worry about hyjacking this thread, we can all use this one as a good place to "air" some dirty laundry. You said excately what i was thinking about the score shooting and the IBS, i simply didnt say it because i didnt want the score shooting fraternity to think i was in some way bad mouthing them.

Just for the record i wasnt saying i didnt care about the two sanctioning bodies. I do care, but i dont care about the issues between the two. Since i am relatively new to this sport maybe someone can tell us just what the issues are that keep the two from becoming one.

In a few weeks, the IBS will have the annual members meeting, i have never attended this meeting so i cant say with certainty what goes on, but it does seem like a proper way of handling things. On the other hand the NBRSA seems to want to conduct important issues behind closed doors. Why all the secrecy?

In 2006 the world qualifying format was a best 3 of 5. In 2008 it is simply 3 matches? Why the change? Who makes these changes? Why are the members of the NBRSA not informed that changes like that are even being considered? Thats just a few of the many questions that i think we all have a right to have answered.

Whoa There Andy

Seems to me if everyone involved was truly interested in seeing this sport continue, the governing bodies of both the IBS and the NBRSA could put their differencs behind them, and form 1 organization. I feel safe in saying that most shooters could care less about the NBRSA, IBS "BS" that is going on, all we care about is having a place to shoot, and someone to compete against.


My a$$ is still burning from the whuppin i took a few years ago when i mentioned that idea. Lots of people still around with hard feelings from the split, maybe rightfully so, maybe not, depends on what side of the fence they were on.

I live in the East, want to shoot Group, and despise closed door back room meetings. I sure hope Jackie is wrong in a big way on this one.(post#8) Thanks for taking this on Andy. Your observations are 20/20
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is the world association even affiliated with the NBRSA or the IBS? I think they just adopted some standards and rules from them so that's why it doesn't matter if it's a registered match.
I live in the East, want to shoot Group, and despise closed door back room meetings. I sure hope Jackie is wrong in a big way on this one.(post#8) Thanks for taking this on Andy. Your observations are 20/20
Wouldn't count on it unless the group shooters start getting together and get to the annual metting and start voicing their concerns. It just amazes me that you constantly see reports on this website about IBS Score matches but very seldom see IBS Group matches reported. I wonder why that is?:confused:

I was always under the impression that since the World Team Qualifyers were decided only in NBRSA Registered Competition, that it did indeed have an affiliation with the NBRSA.
But who knows??. The NBRSA legalized tuners, but the majority of out Team Shooters were informed that they could not use them at the World Match. Then, it was found out later that they could indeed, AFTER the majority had taken them off of their Rifles and left them at home. It seems there is even confusion among the "powers that be" as to just what is what.
It was all a big miss understanding, but it shows that the old adage of Murphys Laws are always in affect.
I salute the shooters who have the time, and put forth the effort, to make the World Team. It's a tough rode to travel........jackie
Things are the same everywhere

We have the same issues everytime for the WBC down under too.

Rob Carnell
Sydney, Australia
Dana - check the IBS group schedule vs. the one for score. There are simply way more score matches. It is much easier for a range to host a one-day shoot with no moving backers than a 2-day shoot with backers, et. al. Another reason is the VFS discipline is growing and the group one is static. But I am encouraged by the 2008 tentative IBS group schedule you will see group shoots from May to Sept fairly well spaced out. I hope to see you and many others this year. :) The IBS Group Committee is working on some was to boost attendance and also promote the sport in general. We will be discussing it a the IBS Winter Meeting next weekend.

Jackie, in regard to tuners at the WBC9: I don't have an exact count, but the only team member that had been using a tuner on a more than experimental basis was Darryl Loker. I think others had tinkered with them (such as Gene and maybe Ron), but I did not hear one word from anyone lamenting that they could not have a tuner there. I lamented some, but it wasn't about a tuner...

There has been a fair amount of traffic on this forum relative to WBC10 qualifiers. The US member federation to the WBSF is the NBRSA. That is why, heretofore, all qualifiers were NBRSA registered matches. A few of the previous responses to these threads mention IBS as it relates to World Team qualifying. As far as I know, no IBS shoot has ever counted toward the qualifying.

Jeff Stover
IBS Group Committee Chairman
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Who is running the show?

If the NBRSA is facilitating the World Team points, why is the Supershoot one of the qualifing matches when it is not a "registered" match with the NBRSA. Shouldn't a "points" match be registered with the lead association facilitating the process?

It seems to me that the there isn't an "oversight" entity involved with the U.S. World Team. If there is, what procedures are used, are they documented, and why is'nt the process transparent to its members?

Just a Concerned BR shooter,

It is my Understanding that when the Super Shoot is a Qualifyer, (every other year), they do register it.
Lee, most of us personally know many of the members that were on the 2007 team. Many of us have talked to them. I am sure you have as well.
There were a lot of problems, some simply logistics, some more on a personal note. Since it is all "second hand' to us, (wasn't there), I trust that the powers that be will address what ever problems there were, are could crop up, in the future.
My Region Director, Scott Hunter, has told me that the NBRSA is getting ready to address some of these issues. In fact, after what happenned at this years BOD's meeting, the BOD is getting ready to address a lot of things......jackie
Andy, I agree with you completely. Why should all those people from east of the Mississippi have to travel 1500 to 2500 miles twice in the same year. Once is bad enough. Please don't take this as baseless griping. It is intended as constructive observation so that improvements can develop. Larry

What's the difference between that and traveling back east to the Super shoot and Nationals held in the East for us western shooters???

I would have no issues with seeing a best of 5 qualifying series, but it should not penalize a shooter for where he lives. In the end, if a shooter wants to spend the time and effort needed to qualify for the team, he will probably do whatever is necessary to get to these events. The logistics on locations should be a consideration factor though.

-Mike Paul
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