Word of warning

I did the same thing in my first match -no primers in case.
I was mounting a scope for a friend to shoot then loading.
The cases were in the loading block necks up.
I always put them like this in the block when primed so I loaded them with powder and seated the bullets.
I only noticed the lack of primers when sliding the first round into the chamber.
I laughed -what else can you do?


The powder H-4198 stayed in the case.
line at the IBS 200 yd score nationals in Mainville a while ago with 15 loaded rounds with no primers!

Greg, I went to the line with some primed and no powder, and some that had all the ingredients. Try finishing a target with some going bang and others sticking a bullet in the barrel, now that was fun.:eek:

Some things to think about

Dud primers happen.Sometimes it is moisture related(heavy humidity,all day rain,water dripping on your reloading area),or storage related(stored it in my damp basement for ten years) or seating related(squished the crap out of it with my priming tool)or lazy related( "I never clean primer pockets ,it's a waste of time")or ignition related(insuficient firing pin fall or weak firing pin spring or gobs of grease on the pin in cold weather)or reloading related(excessive shoulder bump or incorrect fireform set up{no shoulder contact with chamber or bullet not seated out to jam}or using hard cup primers for fireforming{rem 7-1/2,wolff srm}.Easy to blame the primer manufacturer.
Moving beyond that,let's keep things safe.If you pull the trigger and nothing happens,wait a few seconds,recock the rifle and smack that primer again( aimed at the sighter target)if that fails wait another few seconds and smartly lift and open the bolt and extract the round for inspection.If you stick a bullet and dump powder in the action that's the way it goes( this is a "jam" shooters problem, non jam shooters simply remove the faulty round and carry on).Inserting a cleaning rod down the barrel on an unfired and stuck round with the bolt in the action is a dangerous practice( kind of like a roofer wearing leather soled dress shoes on the job).
Safety tip #2 If you discover after loading your ammo that you forgot primers,I hope you have the common sense to pull the bullet,dump the powder and start over. Don't try to slip a primer into the loaded case.Powder kernals can trickle through the flash hole and get between the anvil and primer pocket and as you compress the primer,Kaboom! I know one person who survived this occurance with little red powder kernal burns all over his face( lucky he's not blind).The case looked like a peeled banana. He said afterward ,"all I remember is a real bright flash".
Be safe,
My fix

After 7,205M primers miss fired in 2 weekends.They arent allowed in my loading gear just swaped to CCI br4's.They all got hit twice and still didnt go bang I dont care what federal say I dont trust their primers so I dont use em.
lot #'s

anyone know if any lot numbers posted anywhere for these 2009 misfires?
Please someone help similar problem!!!!!!!!


Yesterday at the range I shot 50 rounds of 6.5x284 norma cases with nosler 6.5 cc bullets with H4350 and Fed 210M. The first few bullets seemed ok then the fifth bullet/case would not chamber. I tried another and the same problem. I thought it was a bullet in the barrel but looking through the barrel, it was clear. I asked my friend for his flashlight to see if may be it was brass bits or shavings in the shoulder of the chamber, because the bullets/cases can almost get in but the bolt could not even lock. Upon inspection we found what seemed to be gold/greenish substance. We used a rod and patch and VOILA bullets/cases could now get into the chamber and the bolt locked. It also fired.
The next few shots however seemed horrible as if the bullet was traveling sideways. I had to adjust the scope so many times, then shoot 50 yards then 100 then 200. (each case had same amount of powder.) BY that time I only had five bullets/cases left. On the next two shots, misfire. The primers went off then nothing. I shot the last two, then went home disappointed.

As soon as I got home I pulled the bullets off the cases. AS I poured out the powder I noticed that the h4350 had semi-colors. I compared it to the powder in the keg. H4350 is dark green, I had dark green with light green and to top it off the powder in the two cases had many clumps. When I tried to pour one of the cases the powder had clumped into a large ball of little extruded powder that it could not even come out of the case. I assumed that may be it was case lube but searching the web I heard that sometimes very slow powders do not ignite fully and that the bullet is pushed by the primer and some powder. I also found out that sometimes when this happens some unburnt powder gets fired out of the barrel even comes out as a fire ball.

I believe that in the beginning when I could not put the case in the chamber that the greenish gold substance was really unburnt or semiburnt powder/clumps.

I followed the recipes from 6mmbr and their 6.5x284 winning loads/ long range load map: http://www.6mmbr.com/SixFive284.html
I think that my batch of 50 had a lot of bad Federal Large Rifle Match Primers.

I do not think it was the powder however H4350 is slow burning and the 6.5x284 norma cartridge has its bullet very far out of the neck.

I do not want to crimp for bolt action may be a tighter neck bushing in my redding type s bushing full die will solve this problem or changing primers.

I will call Federal and Hogdon on Monday.

The lot number for the primers is 28Z495 (I am from Canada if that matters)

DOES ANYBODY HAVE ANY IDEAS or the same problems

I will post pictures.
one picture shows the large clump
the other is the powder in the case


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I have a friend who was USA team capt at eh World's in SA about 5 years ago..He said he had preloaded his for the 1,000. Got there for practice & had a bunch of duds with Fed 210M. His view is that the only difference with the Gold Match is the seniority of the inspector at the end of the line....and the $$. Go figure/ Chuck
DOES ANYBODY HAVE ANY IDEAS or the same problems
The only two times that I have seen unburnt powder looking like that, the shooters had contaminated the cases with hydrocarbon products.

Do you use any oil or oil based solvents in your loading process?
CLumping problem

Actually I use come to think of it I started using STP treatment oil mixed with hoppes no9 as my case sizing lube because other lubes do not bring the shoulder back as much in the FL die.

I also use automotive brake cleaner to clean my bore of carbon.

How do these things affect the ignition of the powder?

When I called Hodgdon they said that 48 grains of H4350 in 6.5x284 norma case is not enough for 140 gr hpbt. They said I was suffering from low pressure.
And bumping up the amount of powder would solve my problem.

Does any body have ideas is 48 gr of H4350 enough in my 30 inch barrel?:confused:
problem clumping

I am leaning more towards low pressure. I have not seen any manuals using H4350 for 6.5x284 norma I got my load from the internet. There is a load in Nosler that use IMR4350 48gr for 140gr bullet but no H4350.

Also I lube only the outside of case never the outside neck and since I got rid of the button in the FL die and use an expander I do not lube the inside neck.
The lube never touches the inside of the case. So I do not see it affecting ignition.

Anyways now I am using H4831sc 51.5gr for the 6.5x284 norma with 140gr bullet and CCI br2 this is in the Nosler manual as an accurate load. Hope this does better?