Wind tune

Question on tuning seating depth
Say you have tuned your gun to the best seating depth prior to a match and this is .015 or so back from jam
Then on march day there is a significantly bigger push hard wind than on practice
Do a lot of you, right away go deeper into the lands with seating depth ?
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I am not Qualified to really answer but I would proably
check and see how sensitive your load is to the wind conditions
I have saw gun and load shoot through some wind conditions


I am about 80/85 per cent pain free now Hope to see yall soon
Did you have another surgery on back?
Took 3 before mine finally got to where I'm good til on up in the afternoon then it bothers me some

I Went the epidural way. I am good most days but some are like yours
starts late in the day . Hope to not have surgery .
Anyway I try to find out before match what it takes to get 1/4 to 1/2
bullet hole of vertical with lans and or powder. I try to shoot as little vertical
as possible . (Per a Hall of Famer) Got to find out yourself on your gun.
I miss the reading of flags most of the time.
Glad the injections are helping

I'm talking about after you've done all you can with tuning. Then on match day like it so often does goes to H in a hand basket.
In strong wind if your tune is off the lands would your first change to be go into the lands if what you have aint cutting it
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Sorry Tim

In post #2 I meant to say get best tune

In post #4 know how much adjustment for amount of vertical you want ahead of time (still kind of a guest)

Then know sensitivity to wind and amount of vertical you adjust to ,on both of your loads, (tuned and one with vertical )use sighter to find out hold off

Another way is - I have set up light loads 28.2 / 133 tuned great, shot in a green push with 2.5 hrs.
wind on tails bullet move right .500 and down .300

Then I set up and tuned hot load 30.4 / 133 tried to shoot what looked like the same 2.5 hrs. of green push
bullet only moved about 1/2 of bullet hole . meaning less hold off -This is what Bob Scarbrough advised me to do

You are going to have hold off. Finding and using the least amount is best ( I THINK)

Test ,use whats best for you. Just different ways to do it . See and know everything you do .
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The desire for wind to have the least effect is to tune to get the bullet "asleep" immediately upon exit. By asleep, this means the bullet is rotating on its longitudinal axis. This is probably best determined by looking at the holes the bullet is making in the target paper.

Using good target paper and a few holes at close range can give valuable information. I, e, Are the holes round or are they elliptical?

In-bore yaw is the main culprit here caused by an off center chamber, bullet jumping where it was seated with runout, etc. If the bullet is seated perfectly straight (no runout) and the chamber freebore and leade are in alignment with the barrels bore at that point are very important.

Come on Gentlemen, Give us that do not know some
information. Know everything is hard in this sport but
HELP me and TIM to understand better !

Have a Great Holiday

Hey Jerry

I think I read some where the reason for a gain twist barrel was to keep the bullet awake ?

Just Kidding around guys (it keeps bullet biting lans of barrel I think)
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To see if you have a good barrel and load test under two 180 out, switching wind. hold the same point of aim and shoot 3 from each direction. If you get a hole you got a barrel and load, if you get a weather report it is average at best. How you get to this point is up to you and your loading and testing. I had barrels that would shoot a 1/4 min. with 3000 rounds through them and you didn't need wind flags to get it. On a windy day they still out perform an honest barrel...... Jim
Question on tuning seating depth
Say you have tuned your gun to the best seating depth prior to a match and this is .015 or so back from jam
Then on march day there is a significantly bigger push hard wind than on practice
Do a lot of you, right away go deeper into the lands with seating depth ?

Is this 100/200 yard Benchrest or 600/1000 yard?
I should clarify to say if the tune you had working the day before is just gone on the first target and won't hold up to the hard push.
I know something has to change.
I will go up in powder and can get some help but I don't change seating depth.
I'm just wondering if that is something more experienced people than me will do right away
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I should clarify to say if the tune you had working the day before is just gone on the first target and won't hold up to the hard push.
I know something has to change.
I will go up in powder and can get some help but I don't change seating depth.
I'm just wondering if that is something more experienced people than me will do right away

In a 6PPC, I tune it to shoot the best agging capability and rely on condition reading to get it through the wind. If I screw up, that's on me.

The wind will affect even the best tune. If you tuned it the day before, and it won't shoot the next day, then you just have to try something. But the truth is, I can no more tell you what to do than tell you what tomorrow's lotto numbers will be:D

I rarely change my load. The only time I will with 133 is if the humidity goes way down below 30 %, I will add a couple of tenths. Keep in mind, I shoot in the Gulf Coast Region.

With my 30BR, if I am in that "horizontal tune" where the slightest little twitch will send it left or right, I will turn the tuner just a hair to maybe get a little verticle in the Rifle, especially at 200 yards. I trade .5 of verticle at 200 for better side to side.
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Wind Tune?

We got this one range here in the GCR,that will absolutely test your tuning skills. Get there early Friday before the match. Tune your rife for the existing conditions. Usually some switchy wind. Just enough movement to keep the Flags busy. Not a lot of the tree bending stuff we sometimes get out in the Texas Flat lands.

Come match day,Saturday Morning, at the commence fire command. There is an eery calm. Not a flag tail is moving. I mean dead ass still. Kinda creepy. It kinda pisses you off because you know that these are the kinda conditions that the trigger pullers like.

You go to the sighter to verify your Friday Tune when the wind was blowing. SURPRISE! You cant get two bullets to touch. It sometimes takes two groups to get the tune back. Too Late,for that agg. Sometimes,you get lost and you’re screwed for the whole weekend.

Tim, if you find a good wind tune, dont hesitate to share it with some of us who get lost. While you'e at it, find a tune for dead ass calm.:D
