Wind Flags

+1 on Mike Ezell's flags. Super responsive. No issues with momentum in the daily. Will last forever. Mike is super to work with.
I use the rare earth ring magnets.
The size I use is 3/4 diam x 1/4 hole x 1/8 thick.
For some reason this particular size has been unobtainable for several months now.
I am helping a friend make a set of flags like mine with some minor variance but the weight of the flags is the same with large vanes.
I bought 3/4 x 1/4 x 1/16.
I sent a couple to Jerry and he tried them on some flags he was working with and they did fine but his flags are not as heavy but he thinks they will still work for the heavier flags. Will find out later this month.

I got them from Ebay from a company call (I think) zillionsof but there are several vendors there for them. Also you can google and find companies that sell them.
I recommend the Graham wind flags. Rick is making several versions, including ones with a daisy wheel. I personally use his older style. I have 8 flags, all with surveyors tape attached, and one uppey downey, vertical indicator flag. I used folding stands on all my flags.
Several world and range records have been set at our range with these flags.
I recommend the Graham wind flags. Rick is making several versions, including ones with a daisy wheel. I personally use his older style. I have 8 flags, all with surveyors tape attached, and one uppey downey, vertical indicator flag. I used folding stands on all my flags.
Several world and range records have been set at our range with these flags.


No offense intended, but Graham flags are not the only ones with MANY world records and National Championships shot over them.

I use the rare earth ring magnets.
The size I use is 3/4 diam x 1/4 hole x 1/8 thick.
For some reason this particular size has been unobtainable for several months now.
I am helping a friend make a set of flags like mine with some minor variance but the weight of the flags is the same with large vanes.
I bought 3/4 x 1/4 x 1/16.
I sent a couple to Jerry and he tried them on some flags he was working with and they did fine but his flags are not as heavy but he thinks they will still work for the heavier flags. Will find out later this month.

I got them from Ebay from a company call (I think) zillionsof but there are several vendors there for them. Also you can google and find companies that sell them.

Thanks Vern,

I guess with Australia winning the team championships in Africa and Annie Stuart of Australia tieing Wayne Campbell a few years ago for the title of World Champion, the BRT flags must be OK. What about Gene Bukys and the flags that he uses or Tony's flags. I believe there are several good flags out there. Just not enough of us that pay enough attention to crown one brand the best.
There are a lot of good flags and a few not so good.
Prices certainly vary.
However the key thing is find some that do work and learn them really really learn YOUR flags.

On the other side I think because there is somewhat of a follow the leader mentality especially in new shooters looking at what the winners use should give you a clue as to what does work but many think its the golden bullet.

Personal preference if price was not object.... I would get a set of the electronic flags with the computer and soft ware... now that was way way awesome and accurate
There are a lot of good flags and a few not so good.
Prices certainly vary.
However the key thing is find some that do work and learn them really really learn YOUR flags.

On the other side I think because there is somewhat of a follow the leader mentality especially in new shooters looking at what the winners use should give you a clue as to what does work but many think its the golden bullet.

Personal preference if price was not object.... I would get a set of the electronic flags with the computer and soft ware... now that was way way awesome and accurate

Vern....Give us an example of a flag design that don't work so good. I think I might have made myself some of those;). The one's I bought from Rick Graham a good while ago,work far as I know. I'll say that far as I know. It would help if I would spend more time figuring out what they're trying to tell me.

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You and me both Glenn.

Hmm I saw some once that had plastic cups on the front with a finishing nail through a dowel rod and a paper plate on the back......
You and me both Glenn.

Hmm I saw some once that had plastic cups on the front with a finishing nail through a dowel rod and a paper plate on the back......

That's a good call Vern, but ya know, if that guy set a record while shooting over those flags on Sunday, everybody would be looking to buy some on Monday.

T H A T is exactly the point I was/am trying to make.

Its great to look at the equipment list to find and idea of some things that work, but.....
The real key is for them to work as good for the shooters looking at that list as it did for the winners on that list, those shooters must posses the same skills and be able to use them just as well.
Fred don't you know ALL flags lie......otherwise ALL my bullets would go in the same hole.

The reason I started making flags was so I could set everyone of them up on the front lawn and see which flags told the truth and which ones lied then sell the ones that lied............I think I ended up keeping the ones that lied and selling the ones that told the truth, sometimes I just can't get two bullets to touch........Ian
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