Williamsport Pits Rebuild - What's Going On?

RCW I have to agree with Wolfdawg. Give it up! If you have a beef with Williamsport got there and VOTE. Quit trying to bad mouth them on a public forum. This is not the place. Being a self employed LAWYER I would think you of all people would understand taking care of a matter like this behind closed doors and dealing in a much more profesional mannor. Guess thats why everyone thinks so highly of lawyers;).

I don't shoot at Williamsport much but everytime I do I feel more than welcome. oneflyer and all of the other officers work hard and it shows. I have been in the pits and have never once felt I was in any danger. It sounds to me like the NRA conducted a safty inspection and found no issues or the range would have been closed. If someone stands on a bucket and puts there hand above the concrete wall, well I guess one should excpect to pull their hand down and have a hole in it. That is know as process of natural selection.

I'm sure oneflyer would let you know when the next work detail is. Take that time go up help with the detail and voice your opinion there. You would accomplish two things in one trip. Sounds to me like you blew it for all the guys that want to shoot any other format in Williamsport with this type of behavior.
Hmmm, very interesting. I shoot there for 6 years and nothing is ever said about how bad we are, and then, when we report a safety issue to the club (I was standing next to the guy who got hit by a stone from the berm), we are all of a sudden the redheaded stepchild. It is my sincerest hope that people such as the current president and vice-president are replaced with more openminded people who embrace more than one shooting discipline.

I will repeat

The prone targets cannot be made safe!!!!! How much clearer can I be.
I will quote the NRA inspector "If you want to be completely safe at a shooting match, don't shoot live ammo."
i spoke to the father of the man who was in the pits and got struck by the stone from the back bank. It was not serious, not even a bruise and he did not think it was worth the uproar.
i agree with gunnermhr, come to a work party.
The prone targets cannot be made safe!!!!! How much clearer can I be.

Now that's one I have never heard before! If that's the case, the NRA has been overlooking this for years in their Range Source Book publication and range reports. So bench rest shooting is safe for people in the pits but prone and F-Class shooting cannot be safe for people in the pits?

Robert Whitley
Now you've got it!!! As YOU stated in an earlier post hands and arms above the pit wall to score prone targets is an unsafe act.
No- the Bench rest club has no plans to reconstruct the pits to accommodate the prone shooters that I am aware of.
I have seen no effort on the part of the prone shooters to adapt their procedures to the physical constraints of the range.
Again as in the past, the prone shooters have a problem and the bench rest club is expected to fix it. Hands and arms above the wall- a letter is sent to the Board of Directors to to cease shooting at the range. A NRA inspection says that the use of the prone target is inherently unsafe and the bench rest club is expected to rebuild the pit area to the needs of the prone shooters. Am I the only one that sees the irony?
This my final post on this subject.
Wise man say:

"When you argue with a fool, by-standers cannot tell the difference..."

Take it off line fellas...

Wise man say:

"When you argue with a fool, by-standers cannot tell the difference..."

Take it off line fellas...



You win on that point, and I won't argue with you that there is some wisdom in that saying.

At this point I expect this may be my last post on this thread.

1. I have read the entire NRA range report on the pits at Williamsport;
2. I have also read the entire Range Source Book manual put out by the NRA for guiding clubs on the safe construction of pits;
3. I also reviewed in detail the NRA blueprints showing examples of recommended safe pit construction;
4. I have shot and done pit duty at probably 10 different ranges with pits where benchrest, prone and F-Class targets were all used and used safely (i.e. seems like every other range but Williamsport, and none of these other ranges seem to have the safety issues Williamsport claims are associated only with the prone shooters).

There is no question that the club can do the pit re-build so that it is safe for all types of shooting (including F-Class and prone).

Apparently the club is moving forward with a new set of pits designed in a way to make it so it is not safe for all types of shooting (at least if oneflyer's statements are true, and I have no reason to doubt his honesty on this). That is the path the club leadership has apparently chosen and that's the way it is for now.

When I started this thread, all I wanted was a straight answer to a basic question, which after a while finally came to light.

I wish all those who have participated in this thread well and wish them all the enjoyment thay may have shooting whatever practices and matches they enjoy.

Robert Whitley